ADEFIS Juventud Internacional

National Network

C/Petronio 20
28232 Las Rozas de Madrid

+34 911 704 618
Telephone (other)
+34 655 179 805
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Director-Program Coordinator (local and international voluntaries)-Administration-Informatician-Accountant. Number of partners: more than 50 (Europe, North Africa, Middle east, Asia, South America). Anual budget: around 100.000 €. European voluntary service fund, Erasmus+ fund, donations, European Youth Foundations, Departement for Youth of Municipality of Las Rozas de Madrid. Projects approved : Youth exchanges: “Jóvenes europeos unidos por la igualdad y la amistad”, “SPORT AND HEALTH IN YOUNG EUROPEANS”, “NEED HELP-STOP VIOLENCE”(gender and domestic violence). Trainig courses: “TRAVELLING TO NOWHERE!” (refugee crisis and human rights). “Joven, tienes derechos. ¡Participa con Europa! Promotion of the participative democracy. “Proyecto para favorecer la integración y tolerancia en niños y jóvenes de la Comunidad de Madrid”. Project developed in primary and high schools. “JUVENTUD POR EL DIALOGO INTERCULTURAL Y LA INCLUSION SOCIAL”.   Main partners: City hall of Las Rozas de Madrid, city hall of Brolo, city hall of Malaga, City hall of Guarda.  
Mission and Objectives

 Adefis Juventud Internacional  is a non-profit sharing, non-governmental organization striving to empower the public, promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights, supporting the needs of youngsters and disadvantaged groups in our society. Through non  formal education and information, with the financial and technical support of our funds we are trying to fulfill our objectives such as: 

promoting the universality, indivisibility and inter-dependence of all human rights,

personal and professional development through socio-educational methodologies based on non-formal education at European, national and regional levels,

strengthening the active citizenship among the youth, in general terms, and, particularly, their European citizenship,

stimulating the mutual understanding among the youngsters of different countries,

contributing to improvement the quality of the support systems for the activities for the young people and reinforce the capacity of the civil society organizations  towards the youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects that Adefis Juventud Internacional is making are with the colaboration with the European Voluntary system (EVS), Erasmus + programs (youth exchanges, training courses and seminars), courses in collaboration with the Youth Council of the City of Las Rozas aimed at youth employability.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For many years in our organization we are collaborating with a variety of experts from in the fields of human rights, education, opportunities for youth, employment, culture, religion etc. We have a lot of experience in these fields so we can say that we are an organization whose quality may be helpful for your foundation. A large number of successfully done projects (that have been approved and funded with the help of European funds, the Government of Spain and the Spanish National Agency and other sources) speaks of the quality of our hard work. We are an organization that deals with issues of human rights, reconciliation of differences, promoting tradition and culture, education and youth, peace and co-existence regardless of religious, sexual or any other orientation at the local, state and international level. One of our main goals are improving the mutual respect of different cultures,supporting civil society and equal opportunities for everyone. These are the ways  how we can contribute to you and also the reasons why we want to be one of the members of your respectful foundation. That with joint efforts we work on the above mentioned issues in our country, Spain, but also in other mediterranean countries and thus spread the tolerance and peace.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of a group that values people, helps them, doing useful things for mankind and a positive influence on young people - is an honor! Given the fact that we are an organization that is committed to equality among people and peace in the world, it would be of great value that we are a member of such a recognized and respected foundation like yours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camila Vazquez Conde
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Camila Vazquez Conde