National Association Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADRF)

National Network

22 Baisam Sharif Street Off Ahmed Kamel - Pyramid Street - First Floor Apartment 3 behind the Giza Governorate

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
The National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) is a non-governmental associations that operates in the promotion and dissemination of human rights culture, specially for the empowerment of women National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) bases itself on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Conventions (CEDAW - the Convention Againsi Torture and other agreements and treaties) as well as national legislation (the Constitution and the laws regulating rights and duties within Egyptian society) as a basic frame of reference for all of their activities and their positions directed  towards humar rights issues. The general budget is of 35,000$ every year. The Forum NED donates 30,000$ every year and the Forum's Board of Trustees donate 1.200$ every year. The rest comes from the member's donations.  The structure of the organization is formed by the Board of Directors, Waleed Farouk represents the Board as the Chair person of the organization, and Safaa Ali Hassan as Project Manager. There is a total of 7 employees which carry out tasks such as accounting, communication, legal assistance for women and international affairs.  The main areas of action are legal assitance, legal awarness sessions and campaigns to raise knowledge on rights and duties of the egyptian citizens.   
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of NADRF are reinforcing a human rights culture among citizens at all levels, promoting women's rights as an integral part of human rights and increasing awareness on the rights and legal protection ofegyptian women.
It is our mission to promote the values of equality between the sexes without discrimination or disrespect for human dignity and rights, whether civil, polltical, economic, social or cultural. Our long-term goal is to work for a reform of Egyptian legislation for it to comply with International Charters of Human Rights. 

Main Projects / Activities

Among the main projects that we have developed from 2005 to now there is the implementation of a project on women's political participation with the goal of raising their capacities in the management of
public affairs. This project lasted for two years, and it has been carried out throughout all of Egypt's regions.
We also implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years to empower Egyptian women and raise their
capacity to assume public office. Furthermore, the organization implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years that consisted in training Egyptian women and enabling them to enter the upcoming local elections. NADRF also carries out research tasks, the Assembly has issued many reports and qualitative data on violence against women and on how administrative decisions always come out unequal for women in oposition to men.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could collaborate with organizations that could take advantage of the activities we carry out, such as legal assitance for women and awaraness campaigns. It is important to share ideas and initiatives with other organizations to improve our projects and help other organizations increase their potential. We are preparing many proposals that we would like to share within the Anna Lindh Network. We are ready to work and eager to see what the Foundation can bring to us. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to project our organization internationally and for this reason becoming part of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network could be helpful to increase our visibility and allow our organization to meet partners from the Egyptian Network to develop future common projects. We are specially interested in meeting other organizations that also work for gender equality and legal assitance for women. We want to learn from what other projects can bring to us, at the end we are all working for the same goals and sharing perspectives can be a mean to accomplish these goals. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa Ali Hassan
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Waleed Farouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Farouk
Job Title (2)