PCAint - Pica Ciamarra Associati

National Network

Posillipo 176
80123 Napoli

+39 0815752223
+39 0815755952
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 335461177
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3356160866
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Pica Ciamarra Associati is a reticular partnership ( SRL) including 18  partners   3  employed staff and a variable number of collaborator staff 1.000.000 € is the budget resource in a year source of funding is design work in the fields of architecture and planning actions: projects, plans, competitions, cultural exchanges, seminars specialized teams in various fields, engineering, arts, special topics for special projects, like hospitals, research centres, museums and so on            
Mission and Objectives

architectural, planning and cultural production:
real work in the field of architecture, design and planning
dissemination, specially for young people working in the same fields as ours, of the results of our work as architects for concrete projects, national and international competitions, ideas' and papers' production for seminars, congres, meetings in Italy and abroad

Main Projects / Activities

Polifunzionale di Arcavacata, the first building of the University of Calabria
CNR Technological Centre, Napoli and the Piazza at Fuorigrotta, among the first soustainable buildings built in Italy
Sangiorgio Library, Pistoia, refurbishment of an indutrial building with an important natural ventilation system
The City of Science, Coroglio, Napoli
dissamination cultural activity, with seminars, congres, meetings, conferences and so on
a special activity is the organization and production of the revue "le Carré bleu, feuille internationale d'architecture" born in Helsinki in 1958 and moved to Paris some years later; it has been one of the most important communication means of ideas and projects of the Team X

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

about one year ago the International Scientific Board of the Foundation gave the respponsability of the Section "Architecture and Cities' Liveability" to Massimo Pica Ciamarra, but the Section hasn't been activated;
we could work to activate this important Section and to understant how is it possible to understand and propose instrumente, plans and projects to get a better life in the cities, the villages, the countryside of our country; to get a better urban and rural landscape, a better relation system between people of all ages and so on.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we have yet joined the ALF Network and we want to renew our position within the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana de Rosa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Massimo Pica Ciamarra, architect, legal representative