Heliopolies Center For Political Development And Human Rights Researches

National Network

133 St. El-Nozha , Saint Fatima Square , Masr El-Gedida ,
Masr El-Gidida

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Seek to form the nucleus of a generation of global citizens well aware of the concepts of citizenship, tolerance and acceptance of the other and call for tolerance and peace among the members of the community . Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners : Bored ( Adminsitrive Manger , Programs Manger , Excutive Director And Legal unit support Manger ) / part-time accountant / 2 part-time researchers / translator / 5 voulenters . Budgetary resources available in a year : 2014-2015 21000$  Sources of funding : Grants  Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) : Don't Hate Me project - foucsing traning and rise awerness of hate speech and discrimmination to Youth and univiristy studnets (still on process)  Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities :National Endowment for Democracy Aka NED  Esraa Abd El-Fatah egyptian Actvisit  Hussam Bahgat Egyptain Journalist and founder of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights .
Mission and Objectives

1.Preventing & stopping  hate speech and incitement to violence in the Arab community
2.Legal Support  for prisoners of conscience
3.Strengthen support and political education for university students and youth political parties
4.Develop the mechanism of action of punitive institutions and staff development

Main Projects / Activities

1.Hate speech
Despite it is a famous word in all European countries and it was killed by the search, and even there
are many laws are enacted for it in most of the countries of the world, but we are so far in Egypt we
don't have a single law to stand up against this unguided violence.
Hatred is the first enemy of humanity; we are in Egypt so far we cannot differentiate between
freedom of objection and incitement to the other and even confuse them .Therefore, we believe that
we have a great responsibility to change this concept in Egyptian society, and even the government
and the Legislature to reduce this discourse.
That hate speech is one of the harmful viruses that spread quickly in an environment such as the
Egyptian environment,  where the customs and traditions and norms and  religious extremism  are
making it easier to promote.
Let's start with the definition of hate speech from our point of view:
"This term is used commonly to refer to the call for national, racial, religious or other hatred. In
addition, the issue is, in essence, what is the extent appropriate or acceptable limit to limit the right
to freedom of expression, when the views that are expressed in favor of determining the rights of
others or infringed upon.
Types of hate speech:
1. Religious discourses in mosques that urges to murder and preparing what we can to fight . in
addition to  mosque  and churches speeches  that incite others
2.  Incitement and violence against women, given as a weak creature that  does not rise to the
rank of men
3. Moral decadence in dealing with gay and lesbians  and consider patients and  not humans in
addition to   incitement to lethality and a degradation of them
4. Incitement  against children and their exploitation due to their homelessness or inability to
live a dignified life.
Political disadvantages for those types of speech :
1. Politicians take advantage from this kind of speeches  to affect the major groups in the
community and earn their voices
2. spread panic among the people and there is a recent example of this and is incident Abu
Nomros where four people was killed who belong to the Shiite sect in the village of Abu
Nomros Giza Governorate due to the permanent induction of  salafism mosques to  kill these
godless people losing  all the meanings of humanity, freedom acquired by the world during
the previous  periods and crises
3. Incitement by the state by charging any of its demonstrators with psychological charges, led
to the growth of hate speech by the ordinary citizen against any demonstrator against
Conclusion and solution:
We urgently need the solidarity of all state agencies and civil society organizations and the people and
all the honorable men of the country to reduce this crime, we must:
1. Use all media Tartuffe to reduce these hate campaigns & it should be adopted by the state or
political parties or human rights organizations to stop such speeches
2. Speed ​​of the enactment of a law that states that anyone who incites to hurt citizen whether
physical or verbal or undercut or work must get punished with a deterrent punishment  to be
example to stop such behavior
3.  Training for individuals and college students to  Establish the concepts of love and humanity.
In adittion, their rehabilitation toward a future refuses to hate and respect the humanity in
collaboration with civil society organizations in the countries that have preceded us in
establishing these concepts to learn ways to solve the problem, and find ways to fit the
Egyptian society from our side as an organization.
1a.Hate speech against sexual minorities
Main goal:
Limiting the hate speech against sexual minorities in the Egyptian society
Project brief:
Under the slogan of "Dignity – Freedom – Social justice" all the masses of the Egyptian
people participated in the revolution that took place in January 25th including sexual
minorities as they thought that their freedom is coming soon but that actually led the
society to clash with them in a bigger clash than before therefore the hate speech against
them got increased in media & social networks which led minorities to incur verbal ,
psychological & physical violence & that’s what the project aim to stop.
1. Pressure on the Egyptian government and the Egyptian House of Representatives to pass
a law criminalizing hate speech against sexual minorities.
2 - Create a network to monitor hate speech in the media and various social networks
3 - Create workshops for sexual minorities to teach them how to defend themselves if any
kind of hate speech.
4 - Create seminars and awareness campaigns to define minorities and their rights and
duties to the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rising the Awerness of coexistence and citizenship also fighting the intolerance at the egyptian filed by tranning youth about how to live together and accept each other , Also we have made a good experienence at ( Dont Hate Me ) project on stopping hate speech and discrimmination , by formation a new youth group between 17-22 years old fighting and monitoring hate speech and rise the awerness by coexistence and citizenship . 
Publishing a manual on hate speech book by arabic , and 2 researchers about hate speech and discrimmination . 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to increase the number of the youth actvists who are looking to be a part of a campien for peaceful coexistence .
Networking with civil society organizations inside and outside Egypt .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Adel Hamed
Job Title
Programs Manger
Head of the organisation
Tamer El-Shrief
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Fouad Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Executive Director