IREX Europe

National Network

11 rue Aimé Collomb
69003 Lyon

0033 (0)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information
9 staff members work in IREX Europe's headquarters in Lyon, France. In addition, we work in cooperation with our project partners as well as with independent experts and consultants who contribute to our activities. The work of IREX Europe is supervised by the IREX Europe Board that meets at least once every six months. IREX Europe’s turn-over during the last three years has been approximately 3 million Euros with funding support from multiple donors, including the AFD, the EU, the UN, DRL, National Governments, etc. The IREX Europe approach emphasizes partnerships with local development organisations to expand capacity, build sustainable institutions, and affect change through training, partnerships, education, research and grant programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: IREX Europe works to develop and maintain peaceful, democratic, fair, and sustainable societies where individuals enjoy equal rights, have access to independent information and are empowered to build the society in which they want to live.
Mission: IREX Europe promotes human rights, strengthens independent media and civil society and empowers individuals through developing critical thinking skills, enabling them to take informed decisions and to claim their rights.
IREX Europe’s actions focus on 2 main areas :
1.         Media and media education
To strengthen local and independent media, by improving the sustainability, quality and accuracy of reporting and to develop Media and Information Literacy (MIL) by empowering citizens so they can critically engage with the media and information they consume and by increasing their ability to access accurate and objective information
2.         Human rights
To promote fundamental human rights with a particular focus on women’s rights, LGBTI rights and freedom of opinion and expression. We work with civil society organisations, human rights defenders, media, journalists and media lawyers, providing capacity building training; emergency and legal support to victims of repression; and national and international networking opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Media and media education:
Training and mentoring for journalists and journalism students to better produce quality content.
Media Management, financial sustainability; strategic development training and support.
Training and support for media lawyers including legal analysis of editorial content, as well as legal defence before local courts
Training for media lawyers for European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) case law and support to bring cases before the ECHR.
Core support to independent media and small grants for media projects and strategy implementation
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) training of trainers (ToT) workshops in libraries, universities, schools and community centres.
Developing MIL courses and curricula.
Creating online platforms for MIL resources
Creating MIL centres and media corners in libraries.
Public discussions on reports focused on social issues and media manipulation and propaganda.
MIL summer fairs/events aimed at sharing good practice among stakeholders
Media Tours for MIL practitioners to raise awareness on how the media works.
Review and analysis of key media legislation and the production of white papers.
Support to advocacy and monitoring activities by journalists, bloggers and CSOs.
Support for media coverage of human rights and social issues by journalists and bloggers.
Support for joint initiatives between media and CSOs.
Legal support - providing legal analysis pre-publication, as well as legal defense before the courts for media and media professionals.
Training for journalists and media organisations in media law.
Peer-to-peer exchange, regional and international to promote exchange of best practice.
Emergency assistance to media workers, activists and their families during and after persecution to cover medical, material, financial costs and legal advice.
Human rights
Strategic development for local CSOs
Leadership and financial management training
Fundraising and outreach support and capacity building
Core support for key services such as LGBTI and women’s shelters support and development
Small grants support for regional advocacy and outreach
Training for media professionals in how to better report on minority issues
Positive image campaigns promoting more tolerant societies
Targeted trainings in advocacy and public outreach, leadership, financial management, fund-raising
Leadership Academy trainings for women’s rights activists
Media campaigns and public event organization
Legal, medical and psycho-social support for human rights activists and organisations
Current projects:
Strengthening Media Literacy and Independent Media in Moldova
FEAAM: promoting Freedom of Expression and Association in Morocco
EYCA: promoting youth engagement with media, and MIL for youth in Moldova Jeunesse Active, Médias Inclusifs et Littératie Numérique in Tunisia promoting MIL for youth in Tunisia’s regions, including establishing a network of MIL centres
TOKE : promoting community radio and MIL for youth in Tozeur and Kebili in Tunisia
Promoting media plurality, balance and media literacy in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly in Morocco
IN-EDU – Inclusive communities through Media literacy & Critical Thinking Education in Europe
Promoting Rights, Inclusiveness, Dignity and Equality for LGBT in Albania.
Promoting new women leaders and ‘invisible women’ human rights activists in Eurasia
D-jil Youthroom in Algeria, Marocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can increase liaison and outreach between our partner French NGOs and those in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are keen to increase our outreach for our partners in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, and provide them with increased networking and outreach

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael de Villiers
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michael de Villiers
Contact (2) Full Name
Flora Graioni
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director