Teresa Leonhardmair

National Network

R. Marian, Strada Sf. Vineri 5
Zalau, jud. Salaj

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- individual person, no staff/partners - no budget ressources yet - sources of funding (being asked): Otto Mauer Fonds, Stiftung Kirche und Kunst, Österr. Kulturforum Bukarest, Romanian Embassy in Austria, KulturKontakt Austria - individual performance projects in schools, churches, at festivals, in public spaces, videos; with children and youngsters; with project partners and artistic fellows - projects were supported by different sponsors like the Otto Mauer Fonds, Federal State of Lower Austria or Salzburg, Austrian Red Cross etc.
Mission and Objectives

- integration and recognition of diversity (of nationalities, of ethnic groups like Roma, disabled people)
- the alien as someone/soemthing I can learn from
- participation on art and culture for socially disadvanteged people
- art as a place of experiment and dialog
- evocation of the "creative soul" of everyone

Main Projects / Activities

last project, january 2015: performance "lasse sie sehen: befreiung" in the occasion of a vernissage of a photo exhibition about haunted christians based on a biblical psalm
actual project, beginning planned for october 2015, duration of 1 year: dance performance project with disabled people and non-disabled youngsters in Sibiu/Romania based on theologian topic, located in the Johannis Church in Sibiu, disabled people are a neglected group in the eastern states, art projects with the focus of integration are rare

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- networking
- to offer cooperation
- artistic approach
- integration of disabled people
- social work experience in Romania and Austria (street children, Roma, disabled people, migrants)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am looking for partners/grants for my dance project with disabled and non-disabled people/youngsters in Romania

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Leonhardmair
Job Title
Performance Artist, Scientist, Teacher
Head of the organisation
Teresa Leonhardmair