Reconstruction and Development Union

National Network

3 Odrin Str.
9 Pirin Str
6300 Haskovo

00359 888 653 146
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889 462 665
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The RDU  was registered on 3 Oct 1997 and involves three companies: BIT LTD,  STAMBOLOVO ESTEJT  LTD  and  INIMEX LTD. NGO managed by a Board consisting of three members: the Chairman and two Vice Presidents who managed together or separately. It employs about 10 people on average labor and civil relations. In 2014 RDU had budgetary resources available 141 900  levs. Sources of funding by projects, economic activity and membership fees. Since its establishment has successfully implemented more than 20 projects, quite diversified and ranging from entrepreneurship and innovation, to sustainable local development, environment and protection of animal species, to biological agriculture and urban planning.  RDU provides the following services: organization of seminars, conferences, courses, round tables, workshops, debates and discussions. Prepares and publishes training materials, manuals, brochures, CDs, informational materials, video materials and more.  Key partners of the RDU project are: municipalities, schools, universities and other NGOs.

Mission and Objectives

The RDU’s mission is to work towards a functioning market economy and democratic civil society in the district of Haskovo. RDU has identified as its target groups and beneficiaries to be the young people, the small business and the municipal administrations in the district of Haskovo OBJECTIVES  Improving the economic and the social environment in the region.  Uniting the efforts of the businesses, NGOs and the authorities for local economic renovation.  Preparation of the young people for successful social and professional realization.  Raising the capacity of local businesses and its competitiveness.  Creating public-private partnerships and democratization of social and economic processes.  Raising the awareness, knowledge and skills of the people and of the representatives of the business.  Raising the level of qualification and professional preparation. Strategic planning and coordination on local and regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

1.  Upgrade and modernization of telecommunications on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality - The project encompassed a series of trainings for the local community on economic re-structuring, development of various project ideas, selection of the best project idea for local economic development and it’s financing. The project was funded by the Pledge Program of the Department of Labor of USA. 2. Entrepreneurship and market economy - The implementation of the project was focused on the territory of Haskovo Municipality, the project aimed to support the local entrepreneurs in the period of transition to market economy. A number of trainings and publications were the core activities of the project. The following were published: Marketing Profile of Haskovo in Bulgarian and English, Lending and Lending Schemes, Marketing and Marketing Research. 12 training seminars and 18 working meeting brought together more than 420 participants. The project was funded by the Democratic Commission of the US Embassy in Sofia. 3. Together for Economic Renewal - Implemented on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality, the project was focused on creating a network of local partners, including representatives of the municipality, the businesses, tour-operators, and the young people. Within the project a Strategy for Development of Local Tourism was elaborated, as well as a Tour Guide and a film presenting the tourist sites on the territory of the Municipality. The project was funded by the British Embassy. 4. To protect our right to work - The target group of the project was the young graduates from the high schools. The project was focused on training the young people on their rights to labor as well as to present the opportunities for their professional and social realization. The project activities spread over four municipalities from the district of Haskovo, namely Dimitrovgrad, Mineralni Bani, Krumovgrad and Haskovo. The project was funded by the European Youth Foundation. 5. Youth Centre for Business and Innovation - The project was funded by the US Agency for International Development, and was focused on capacity building among the young people on the territory of Haskovo Municipality in the area of business planning, e-commerce, IT and team work. 6. Local community for strategic planning and coordination of planning instruments - The project was focused on the Municipality of Stambolovo, the district of Haskovo, and the Municipality of Yablanitsa, the district of Lovech. The project activities encompassed training on strategic planning, project management, organization of public consultancy workshops, development of Strategy of Tourism, Programme for Environment Protection and Municipal Development Plan. The project was funded by DIFID. 7. Flight over the Borders - The project was supported by Phare CBC Bulgaria – Greece Program. It was focused on the protection and management of natural resources, aiming to ensure sustainable development through increasing the capacity of local and regional institutions for cross-border cooperation. The project was implemented on the territory of Stambolovo Municipality. 8. The attraction of the Stone Monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes -  Under this Phare CBC project a cross border network for development of joint tourist activities was established and the historic monuments in Stambolovo municipality were researched and socialized, thus making the region more attractive to tourists. 9. Teleaccess - Under this project, supported by Interreg IIIB Program, two telecenters were established in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Mineralni Bani. The project was completed in 2008, and was supported by partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland and Croatia. 10. Cooperation for training and management of protected areas among NGOs on the Balkans - The overall objective of the project was to develop the potential of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish NGOs for taking active part in the formulation and implementation of eco-policy. The project was supported by DG Environment of the European Commission, and was completed in January 2009. 11. The magnetism of the rock monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes - To improve the local economic development of municipality Stambolovo by using the local potential in the field of cultural heritage through the development of cross-border cooperation network in the field of tourism. 12. Cibera - To train managers and employees in telecentres to create conditions for the conversion of telecenters in centers through the services offered opportunities for lifelong learning in local communities.; 13. Strandja-Sakar - kingdom of Eagles - To contribute to the sustainable development of the border region Strandja - Sakar through conservation and sustainable use of its natural resources; 14. Balkan civil partnership for training and management of protected areas - To develop the potential of Bulgarian, Turkish and Macedonian NGOs involved in the implementation of environmental policy; 15. Sorurall - To explore the potential for enhanced lifelong learning offered by the tools and platforms for social networks and how they can help those who live in geographically and socially isolated communities, paying particular attention to innovation and the changing educational process. 16. Resolving conflicts in a non-violent way - To teach young people to resolve their conflicts in a non-violent manner 17. EcoGlobe - To build local capacity for the conservation and recovery of priority species and habitats in the municipality Municipality. To improve public awareness and public measures to protect the species. 18. Green spots - The main objective of the project is to achieve cooperation between the partners to act together to provide a common tourism products of the region, placing sustainability at the heart of their policies, as well as all sectors of the local economy and the entire region, and the application of offensive and based on destination marketing. Objectives: The Making of a local joint tourist product, II) Adaptation of local enterprises to the requirements of the product, III) Create a marketing strategy, IV) development of promotional materials and tools, V) Developing a common structure and a destination management (web platform, information kiosks, green spots). 19. Beyond Borders - To contribute to the protection of the natural resources and ensure sustainable development through building capacity and awareness among local stakeholders for conservation and management of the biological diversity, protected areas and ecological network as a whole. 20. Ombudsman of Nature - To increase the participation of citizens in decisions making that affects the environment in Haskovo and build awareness of conservation.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With experience, good practices and shared resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work in network and to have the support of other NGOs in achieving our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanka Najdenova Dushkova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamelia Andreeva Dimitrova
Job Title (2)
Deputy chairperson