
National Network

via dei Frentani, 81
66100 Chieti

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"Identities" is a non-profit and private organization, established in Chieti (Italy) since the February 2014. The board is composed by the president, a vice and a treasurer.Actually the staff counts 9 units (6 males e 3 females), aged within a range of 23 and 40 years. 4 are graduated.  The association draws on economic resources for the functioning and implementation of activities from: 1. contributions from members and individuals, 2. grants from the State, public bodies and institutions or international organizations, 3. donations and legacies, 4. property revenues, 5. revenues generated by agreements or proceeds from the transfer of goods or services to members or third parties, 6. revenues generated by marginal business and productive activities or by promotional initiatives, 7. movable or immovable property howsoever received by the association. "Identities" is an international oriented structure; eager to promote projects of cooperation and educational mobility, based the priorities fixed by the European programmes Erasmus+, EuroMed, Europe for Citizens and the European Youth Foundation. Within these frameworks we also identify our partners; that are organisations that pursue the same aims.
Mission and Objectives

The projects promoted are aimed at:
- multiply competences and skills, for each individual to enhance the own employability at whatever latitude,
- improve the knowledge of languages, by mean of inclusive and flexible educational paths, based on the cooperative learning,
- promote the culture of voluntary work, 
- weld cooperative ties with organizations chasing the same objectives,
- use cooperative learning, educational mobility, photography and multilingualism as tools of information and social inclusion.
“Identities”, with the sole purpose of fostering social solidarity, is based on the firm belief that each individual must seek social welfare and development, knowing that the discovery, the understanding and the acceptance of educational values embodied by the diversity of others represent fundamental steps to improving moral development and social cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

On the local scale we promote debates, DVD and book showcases, street and theatre performances; on topics such as human rights, environment, information freedom and legality. We also organise language (mainly Chinese, English, Spanish or Italian for foreigners) and photography courses. We also cooperate with the local civil society to support initiativessuch as demostrations, conferences etc. Within this scenario, our purpose is to incresase the use of approaches and methodologies based on the cooperative learning and the informal/non formal education.
The beneficiaries are especially youth aged between 17 and 30 years; as within this range we recognize some crucial choices of life.
Along with this activity, as applicant or partner we attend and organise youth exchanges, outdor excursions, training courses, seminars and partnership building activities; both in Italy and abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide competences about:
- creation of safe didactic environments,
- development of educational materials fitting each kind of approach and attitude,
- interpersonal relationships management and participants attainments,
Moreover, a wide of net of local bodies, media, businesses and associationsin Europe and the MENA countries as well; is ready to devise practical solutions for the unexpected setbacks and for the best dissemination of the project outcomes. Finally, our activity is supervised by the local Voluntary Help Desk, that offers several opportunities and services free of charge, to all the Voluntary organisations operating in our province.
We want work in tight connection with the other members of the network to promote the basic values and policies of the Anna Lindh Foundation, in Italy and beyond its borders. With lots of enthusiasm!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There's a constant ferment inside the Mediterranean area and several challenges shall be undertaken: to reduce the high rates of unemployment, fill the gap between the competences gained at school and those requested by the labour market, resolve the new conflicts emerging in the MENA countries and reduce migration. In order to trigger positive changes within their communities, organisations have to supply knowledges, stimulate the critical thinking, foster active citizenship as well as democracy. For this process to be successful there must be a dialogue and to be part of a network is the first step for a dialogue to be established. We have similar objectives and let's start speaking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca De Stefanis
Job Title
NGO director
Head of the organisation
Luca De Stefanis