Samusocial International

National Network

35 avenue Courteline
75012 Paris

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Samusocial International (SSI) is registered under the French law of associations since 1998. It is governed by a Board of Directors (11 members), has presently 8 staff employed and works with 14 local Samusocial partner organisations (CSO). Its 2014 budget is of 1.814.578 EUR and main sources of funding are: French Agency for Development, European Union, Monaco cooperation, Sanofi Foundation, Total Foundation. Its modalities of action are to provide general support, grants and trainings to Samusocial local organizations of our network that are active to protect people victims of social exclusion. We also conduct in depth research as well as capitalize best practices in order to build appropriate responses to social exclusion. Finally we advocate and communicate our knowledge and know-how to a wide audience through conference talks, paper publications, trainings and university courses.
Mission and Objectives

Its mission, as per its statutes, is to use all possible public information and training programs, in all world cities where problems linked to social exclusion arise (including problems of shelter, food, access to care, psychological suffering and any other consequence of rejection and the breakdown of human, economic and social links), to create, promote and support arrangements similar to those operated by samusocial de Paris and which meet the criteria set out in the objectives and charter of Samusocial International, and to perform directly or indirectly related tasks. Agreements, exchanges of all types and training arrangements shall be established. The Association’s objectives shall also include collecting funds to support Samusocial organisations, in accordance with the spirit of samusocialdeParis and, in the same conditions, creating, supporting and assisting the action, research and special interests of Samusocial organisations overseas. Samusocial International shall also appraise, evaluate and guarantees the minimum quality criteria that all bodies going by the name of "Samusocial " must abide.

Main Projects / Activities

The current strategic phase (2013-2015) is to build upon its 15th anniversary to raise the organisation’s visibility in terms of expertise and know-how, and continue to develop innovative responses to social exclusion.
The main activities are:
Objective 1. To promote and deepen the Samusocial method:
• To ensure a quality offer of technical assistance and trainings to local Samusocials and other stakeholders aiming at setting up Samusocial in their city (trainings on Samusocial method, on keys of comprehension of phenomenon of social exclusion and psychopathology of marginalised people/ inter Samusocial exchange of experiences/ Annual coordination meetings);
• To improve production and publication capacities of training tools, methodological guides and technical resources (register and compile existing documentation to be published on online resources centre of SSI; etc.);
• To draft position papers and to participate to international/regional/national conferences on the issues of social exclusion to share SSI’s experiences and tools;
• To develop a pool of external experts for trainings;
• To ensure and develop academic teachings in order to transfer know-how of SSI and its local partners’ experiences.
Objective 2. To develop and promote local responses of local Samusocials
• To contribute to functioning of local Samusocials by technical assistance provided to ensure good governance of the local NGOs; in some Samusocials, SSI mandates an expatriate director or volunteer to ensure daily management and monitoring of the activities;
• To ensure regular steering and monitoring of local Samusocials by field support missions conducted at least once/year by SSI staff;
• To strengthen information systems on activities and beneficiaries of each local Samusocial by implementing a standardised database that will ensure a better knowledge of socio-demographical trends of targeted populations and thus feed targeted advocacy and awareness raising activities;
• To promote innovative actions developed by local Samusocials by accompanying them in the capitalisation process; for example the Samusocial Casablanca aims to become national training and resources center for newly created Samusocials in each big city of Morocco.
• To support implementation of quality processes within each Samusocial in terms of HR policy, procurement, accounting, and resources mobilisation.
Objective 3. To accompany the development of new Samusocials
• Elaborate feasibility and exploratory mission kits and constitute a pool of experts to conduct these missions and be able to negotiate with local and central authorities the opening of new project ;
• Develop a pool of financial and non financial resources in order to implement these missions and ensure funding for the launch of these new projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Samusocial International can contribute to the network by sharing its expertise and understanding of social exclusion, as well as best practices in terms of responses to this phenomenon affecting all cities throughout the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Samusocial International works with local partners in Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco and Romania, outside of France, countries served by the ALF network, and aims at benefitting from ALF network to contribute to strenghthen CSO’s capacities in these countries to act against social exclusion by organizing exposure visits and capacity building activities and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Chuberre
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Xavier Emmanuello