Kuamini Srls

National Network

Piazza della Repubblica 19
20124 Milano

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organisation: Kuamini has a President and a board composed by 3 people. There are 3 other people employed. All members are under 40 years old and are mostly women. Budgetary resources available in a year: around 100,000 euros Sources of funding: mainly private, from the not-for-profit sector (Foundations, EU, public funds, etc.) Modalities of action: Kuamini works in partnership with not-for-profit organisations through the implementation of project proposals, which involve young people mainly, or through training courses Main partners: Italian NGOs, Catholic University of Milan, Bocconi University.
Mission and Objectives

Kuamini borns from the union of three non-profit professionals with the desire to put together their own experiences, their creativity and their passion to offer their support: thanks to the diverse background, Kuamini can boast experience in the context of national and international non-profit, corporate internationalization in the sector, in humanitarian emergencies and in development cooperation.
The name Kuamini, which in Swahili means "believe", represents our desire to build not-for-profit partnerships beyond the commitments formally taken, making the promoters and supporters of its ambitions.
MISSION: Kuamini wants to be an interpreter of the needs, ideas and values ​​of non-profit organizations by providing a gradual professionalization of enriching transferring tools and know-how. 
OBJECTIVE: Building a context in which the Non Profit realities are able to choose and adopt the strategies and the most appropriate tools for the promotion of their activities and be able to start an innovative, effective and sustainable design.

Main Projects / Activities

- training courses on project management, development and emergencies;
- exchange international projects with other European and non-European countries;
- development projects in Madagascar, Benin, Perù, Chad, Brazil;
- international conferences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kuamini has a network of around 15 Italian NGOs which it constantly collaborates with. Therefore, within the Italian network, Kuamini could be the liaison to put together different realities in order to collaborate together on important projects within the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Kuamini believes that co-operation and networking are essential values in order to foster mutual understanding, tolerance, solidarity, with the aim of enriching different cultures and experiences.
As a consequence, the ALF Network can be an important instrument in order to reach these goals and promote democratic principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Farris
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Chiara Maria Léveque