Future Girls Association

National Network

25 elsahab st El-harm Giza

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
we have a lot of branches all of Egypt specially places cannot reach easily like slums area, villages and upper Egypt. The board is composed of 15 members and about 50 employees.
Mission and Objectives

Future Girls Association for Development (FUGAD) is an Egyptian Non-for Profit Organization working in the field of Social, Economic, Health, and legal Development. FUGAD makes use of its human resources in achieving its developmental goals. Although, it has short history in the community development in comparison to other NGOs, but it could implement successfully many different programs.
Raising awareness activities, legal empowerment and advocating rights, economic and income generating activities, increasing public awareness, literacy classes, preventive and curative health campaigns, and youth development programs are the core areas of need in which FUGAD has been involving since it had been founded.
FUGAD has gained a good reputation in the Egyptian Society as a successful NGO in community development, and as a successful provider for capacity building activities among the NGOs Community. FUGAD built its vision and mission according to the needs of the people
Better Life for the poor of local communities particularly women and the marginalized people.
Future Girls Association for Development (FUGAD) is established to develop, promote and empower the poor in the local communities in Egypt through defending the rights of the poor and spreading the democracy principles such as accountability, citizen participation, transparency, in addition to providing the poor and marginalized with Education, Health, Social and Economic Services, dealing all members of the targeted groups on an equal footing.
FUGAD had awarded many prizes for its endeavors and efforts in field of gender and empowerment of marginalized people. In September 2005, it had been awarded the prize of Ms. Suzanne Mubarak, the Egyptian First Lady, due to its work in illiteracy eradication and women empowerment.
FUGAD has a strong presence in most of the national forums and events regarding poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, and human rights.
Association goals:
1- Setup centers for training of all levels and skills both manual and electronic skills.
2- Organizing training courses in cooperation with public Communication administrative body for computers skills, special training courses for graphics, pictures and voice editing, …. Etc.
3- Setup literacy classes for girls in the country side and classes to teach girls languages and translation.
4- Organizing religious education seminars and setup classes for keeping Quraan in girls minds.
5- Take care of girls with special needs.
6- Organizing special training courses in different fields (house economics, cooking, eating etiquette, first aids).
7- Providing work opportunities for girls through making producing projects and permanent fairs for products with low prices suitable for ordinary citizens.
8- Granting loans for girls to make micro credits.
9- Hold charity parties in favour of charity projects for girls and to build care centers or to help girls with special needs.
10- Participating in medical and media campaigns.
11- Environmental development project, producing recorded films for awareness, and working on building up new generation concern with environmental matters.
12- Issuing special periodical for girls.
13- Political education project and awareness of the importance of issuing electoral card.
14- Providing training courses to generate female cadres considered as a stone corner to have a first generation of trainers in cultural, social, and professional levels.
15- Hold International conferences that discussing important issues contributed to changing concepts for girls, the instructors and lecturers are selected among the special elite in their fields, also participating in the local and international conferences that discussing issues related to the association field.
16- Cooperating with institutions that assist the association through funding or in kind assistance.
17- Designing a website for the association to facilitate the contacting process with other peer associations in the Arab and foreign countries.
18- Designing training course for Arab girls development entitled “Arab girl expresses herself”.
19- Submitting studies and researches and work papers for girls about their ambition, familial and social obstacles that they faced.
20- Discovering and training for arts and scientific talents.
21- Conducting competition in the field of media, arts, and drama.
22- Organizing sight seeing trips.
23- Setup nursery for female employees of the association.
24- Producing movies for awareness and changing citizens’ attitude.
25- Children theater and children drama project.
26- Disseminating awareness towards smoking and addiction phenomena.
Future Girls Association for Development is working in the context of Egyptian girls promotion and development to make strong link between national initiatives and development goals of United Nations to achieve integrated development vision. The Girls Education Initiative affected strongly the association work and plans as it had registered in the Egyptian girl year. The association did obvious efforts in forming and creating integrated system “integrated care” considered as a vision for cooperation among public entities, the National Democratic Party, local councils, executive bodies (ex: cultural centers administrative body – ministry of culture – public library), United Nations center for Media, State Information Service, public halls, a deep-rooted association in Middle East “Huda Sharawi”, and National Council for Childhood and motherhood. We are so proud as members of the association that all our activities and works were self-funded as we do not want money to be the main obstacle faced the voluntary and public work.
The experiences of The Future Girls Association for Development in organizing meetings and conferences:
Future Girls Association for Development is working, in cooperation with many Local, Regional, and International Institutions, on promoting society, specially poor and unplanned areas. The association has focused on holding several local and international meetings for Society Development issues like gender and how to protect young people because they are the country future generation. The association aims at achieving comprehensive development in all life dimensions like political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions.
The Association has implemented:
1- The First conference for Egyptian Girls Development, under the Youth Minster Supervision who attended the conference, in cooperation with The World Health Organization, United Nations Children's Fund, and The Ministry of Education. Ministry of Youth Theater.
2- First celebration of International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2003, under Youth Minster supervision who attended the celebration, in cooperation with many United Nations offices, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
3- The Second International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2004, under Education Ministry supervision and attended by Youth Minster and High Education Minster, in cooperation with several International Organizations, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
4- Sharing organizing the fifth International Fair for Children’ Song, under the First Lady “Mrs. Suzan Mubarak” supervision, January, 2004, hold at Nasr City conference hall.
5- The Second Conference for Egyptian Girls Development (partners for better tomorrow), April, 2005, sponsored by National Council for Childhood and motherhood, attended by Ambassador Moshira Khatab, hold at Sayd Darweesh Theater at Arts Academy.
6- The First Conference for Protecting Youth from Addiction, under the Minister of Education supervision who attend the conference at International Pyramids park, September, 2004.
7- International popular heritage day under Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Social Affairs, in cooperation with many governorates, Unesco, World Health Organization, Kospi, and many NGOs working in heritage arts.
8- Transparency and Reform for Development Conference, under Ministry of High Education and Administrative Development body supervision, in cooperation with Egyptian Association for young businessmen, hold in Luna Pyanka boat.
9- International Day for Literacy, September, 24- 25, 2005, under the supervision and participation of the First Lady in Egypt “Suzan Mubarak”, at Mubarak Educational City, in the sixth of October city, attended by G8 delegations, some Arab and foreign countries, in cooperation with General Institution for Adults’ Education, Unesco office in Cairo, USAID, Canadian Aid, and some International organizations concerned with Education matters.
10- Humanity Development and Future Management Conference (Different Roles for New Era, under the Ministry of High Education supervision and attended by Administrative Development Ministry, Cairo, September 17-19, 2005, at Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel.
- Organizing Charity Parties, in addition The Annually Charity Party for the Association, June 25, 2005, Al Salam Concord Hotel, the Party income has transferred to Bani Salama Village services.
- Awareness Campaigns:
1- Gender and Smoking Campaign in cooperation with the World Health Organization under “FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON TOBACCO CONTROL”.
2- National Campaign for Protecting young people from Addiction in cooperation with National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
3- National Campaign for Gender and Tuber Closes in cooperation with fighting T.B program at Ministry of Health and The World Health Organization.
- Training Courses:
1- Training course on Political participation supported by Internews Network, in cooperation with United Group- Attorneys At Law – Legal Advisors & Human Rights Advocates
rganization working in the field of Social, Economic, Health, and legal Development. FUGAD makes use of its human resources in achieving its developmental goals. Although, it has short history in the community development in comparison to other NGOs, but it could implement successfully many different programs.
Raising awareness activities, legal empowerment and advocating rights, economic and income generating activities, increasing public awareness, literacy classes, preventive and curative health campaigns, and youth development programs are the core areas of need in which FUGAD has been involving since it had been founded.
FUGAD has gained a good reputation in the Egyptian Society as a successful NGO in community development, and as a successful provider for capacity building activities among the NGOs Community. FUGAD built its vision and mission according to the needs of the people
Better Life for the poor of local communities particularly women and the marginalized people.
Future Girls Association for Development (FUGAD) is established to develop, promote and empower the poor in the local communities in Egypt through defending the rights of the poor and spreading the democracy principles such as accountability, citizen participation, transparency, in addition to providing the poor and marginalized with Education, Health, Social and Economic Services, dealing all members of the targeted groups on an equal footing.FUGAD had awarded many prizes for its endeavors and efforts in field of gender and empowerment of marginalized people. In September 2005, it had been awarded the prize of Ms. Suzanne Mubarak, the Egyptian First Lady, due to its work in illiteracy eradication and women empowerment.
FUGAD has a strong presence in most of the national forums and events regarding poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, and human rights.
Association goals:
1- Setup centers for training of all levels and skills both manual and electronic skills.
2- Organizing training courses in cooperation with public Communication administrative body for computers skills, special training courses for graphics, pictures and voice editing, …. Etc.
3- Setup literacy classes for girls in the country side and classes to teach girls languages and translation.
4- Organizing religious education seminars and setup classes for keeping Quraan in girls minds.
5- Take care of girls with special needs.
6- Organizing special training courses in different fields (house economics, cooking, eating etiquette, first aids).
7- Providing work opportunities for girls through making producing projects and permanent fairs for products with low prices suitable for ordinary citizens.
8- Granting loans for girls to make micro credits.
9- Hold charity parties in favour of charity projects for girls and to build care centers or to help girls with special needs.
10- Participating in medical and media campaigns.
11- Environmental development project, producing recorded films for awareness, and working on building up new generation concern with environmental matters.
12- Issuing special periodical for girls.
1- Political education project and awareness of the importance of issuing electoral card.
2- Providing training courses to generate female cadres considered as a stone corner to have a first generation of trainers in cultural, social, and professional levels.
3- Hold International conferences that discussing important issues contributed to changing concepts for girls, the instructors and lecturers are selected among the special elite in their fields, also participating in the local and international conferences that discussing issues related to the association field.
4- Cooperating with institutions that assist the association through funding or in kind assistance.
5- Designing a website for the association to facilitate the contacting process with other peer associations in the Arab and foreign countries.
6- Designing training course for Arab girls development entitled “Arab girl expresses herself”.
7- Submitting studies and researches and work papers for girls about their ambition, familial and social obstacles that they faced.
8- Discovering and training for arts and scientific talents.
9- Conducting competition in the field of media, arts, and drama.
10- Organizing sight seeing trips.
11- Setup nursery for female employees of the association.
12- Producing movies for awareness and changing citizens’ attitude.
13- Children theater and children drama project.
14- Disseminating awareness towards smoking and addiction phenomena.
Future Girls Association for Development is working in the context of Egyptian girls promotion and development to make strong link between national initiatives and development goals of United Nations to achieve integrated development vision. The Girls Education Initiative affected strongly the association work and plans as it had registered in the Egyptian girl year. The association did obvious efforts in forming and creating integrated system “integrated care” considered as a vision for cooperation among public entities, the National Democratic Party, local councils, executive bodies (ex: cultural centers administrative body – ministry of culture – public library), United Nations center for Media, State Information Service, public halls, a deep-rooted association in Middle East “Huda Sharawi”, and National Council for Childhood and motherhood. We are so proud as members of the association that all our activities and works were self-funded as we do not want money to be the main obstacle faced the voluntary and public work.
The experiences of The Future Girls Association for Development in organizing meetings and conferences:
Future Girls Association for Development is working, in cooperation with many Local, Regional, and International Institutions, on promoting society, specially poor and unplanned areas. The association has focused on holding several local and international meetings for Society Development issues like gender and how to protect young people because they are the country future generation. The association aims at achieving comprehensive development in all life dimensions like political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions.
The Association has implemented:
1- The First conference for Egyptian Girls Development, under the Youth Minster Supervision who attended the conference, in cooperation with The World Health Organization, United Nations Children's Fund, and The Ministry of Education. Ministry of Youth Theater.
2- First celebration of International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2003, under Youth Minster supervision who attended the celebration, in cooperation with many United Nations offices, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
3- The Second International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2004, under Education Ministry supervision and attended by Youth Minster and High Education Minster, in cooperation with several International Organizations, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
4- Sharing organizing the fifth International Fair for Children’ Song, under the First Lady “Mrs. Suzan Mubarak” supervision, January, 2004, hold at Nasr City conference hall.
5- The Second Conference for Egyptian Girls Development (partners for better tomorrow), April, 2005, sponsored by National Council for Childhood and motherhood, attended by Ambassador Moshira Khatab, hold at Sayd Darweesh Theater at Arts Academy.
6- The First Conference for Protecting Youth from Addiction, under the Minister of Education supervision who attend the conference at International Pyramids park, September, 2004.
7- International popular heritage day under Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Social Affairs, in cooperation with many governorates, Unesco, World Health Organization, Kospi, and many NGOs working in heritage arts.
8- Transparency and Reform for Development Conference, under Ministry of High Education and Administrative Development body supervision, in cooperation with Egyptian Association for young businessmen, hold in Luna Pyanka boat.
9- International Day for Literacy, September, 24- 25, 2005, under the supervision and participation of the First Lady in Egypt “Suzan Mubarak”, at Mubarak Educational City, in the sixth of October city, attended by G8 delegations, some Arab and foreign countries, in cooperation with General Institution for Adults’ Education, Unesco office in Cairo, USAID, Canadian Aid, and some International organizations concerned with Education matters.
10- Humanity Development and Future Management Conference (Different Roles for New Era, under the Ministry of High Education supervision and attended by Administrative Development Ministry, Cairo, September 17-19, 2005, at Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel.
- Organizing Charity Parties, in addition The Annually Charity Party for the Association, June 25, 2005, Al Salam Concord Hotel, the Party income has transferred to Bani Salama Village services.
- Awareness Campaigns:
1- Gender and Smoking Campaign in cooperation with the World Health Organization under “FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON TOBACCO CONTROL”.
2- National Campaign for Protecting young people from Addiction in cooperation with National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
3- National Campaign for Gender and Tuber Closes in cooperation with fighting T.B program at Ministry of Health and The World Health Organization.
- Training Courses:
1- Training course on Political participation supported by Internews Network, in cooperation with United Group- Attorneys At Law – Legal Advisors & Human Rights Advocates
1- Political education project and awareness of the importance of issuing electoral card.
2- Providing training courses to generate female cadres considered as a stone corner to have a first generation of trainers in cultural, social, and professional levels.
3- Hold International conferences that discussing important issues contributed to changing concepts for girls, the instructors and lecturers are selected among the special elite in their fields, also participating in the local and international conferences that discussing issues related to the association field.
4- Cooperating with institutions that assist the association through funding or in kind assistance.
5- Designing a website for the association to facilitate the contacting process with other peer associations in the Arab and foreign countries.
6- Designing training course for Arab girls development entitled “Arab girl expresses herself”.
7- Submitting studies and researches and work papers for girls about their ambition, familial and social obstacles that they faced.
8- Discovering and training for arts and scientific talents.
9- Conducting competition in the field of media, arts, and drama.
10- Organizing sight seeing trips.
11- Setup nursery for female employees of the association.
12- Producing movies for awareness and changing citizens’ attitude.
13- Children theater and children drama project.
14- Disseminating awareness towards smoking and addiction phenomena.
Future Girls Association for Development is working in the context of Egyptian girls promotion and development to make strong link between national initiatives and development goals of United Nations to achieve integrated development vision. The Girls Education Initiative affected strongly the association work and plans as it had registered in the Egyptian girl year. The association did obvious efforts in forming and creating integrated system “integrated care” considered as a vision for cooperation among public entities, the National Democratic Party, local councils, executive bodies (ex: cultural centers administrative body – ministry of culture – public library), United Nations center for Media, State Information Service, public halls, a deep-rooted association in Middle East “Huda Sharawi”, and National Council for Childhood and motherhood. We are so proud as members of the association that all our activities and works were self-funded as we do not want money to be the main obstacle faced the voluntary and public work.
The experiences of The Future Girls Association for Development in organizing meetings and conferences:
Future Girls Association for Development is working, in cooperation with many Local, Regional, and International Institutions, on promoting society, specially poor and unplanned areas. The association has focused on holding several local and international meetings for Society Development issues like gender and how to protect young people because they are the country future generation. The association aims at achieving comprehensive development in all life dimensions like political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions.
The Association has implemented:
1- The First conference for Egyptian Girls Development, under the Youth Minster Supervision who attended the conference, in cooperation with The World Health Organization, United Nations Children's Fund, and The Ministry of Education. Ministry of Youth Theater.
2- First celebration of International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2003, under Youth Minster supervision who attended the celebration, in cooperation with many United Nations offices, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
3- The Second International Youth Day, Cairo - August-2004, under Education Ministry supervision and attended by Youth Minster and High Education Minster, in cooperation with several International Organizations, It was hold at ministry of Youth Theater.
4- Sharing organizing the fifth International Fair for Children’ Song, under the First Lady “Mrs. Suzan Mubarak” supervision, January, 2004, hold at Nasr City conference hall.
5- The Second Conference for Egyptian Girls Development (partners for better tomorrow), April, 2005, sponsored by National Council for Childhood and motherhood, attended by Ambassador Moshira Khatab, hold at Sayd Darweesh Theater at Arts Academy.
6- The First Conference for Protecting Youth from Addiction, under the Minister of Education supervision who attend the conference at International Pyramids park, September, 2004.
7- International popular heritage day under Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Social Affairs, in cooperation with many governorates, Unesco, World Health Organization, Kospi, and many NGOs working in heritage arts.
8- Transparency and Reform for Development Conference, under Ministry of High Education and Administrative Development body supervision, in cooperation with Egyptian Association for young businessmen, hold in Luna Pyanka boat.
9- International Day for Literacy, September, 24- 25, 2005, under the supervision and participation of the First Lady in Egypt “Suzan Mubarak”, at Mubarak Educational City, in the sixth of October city, attended by G8 delegations, some Arab and foreign countries, in cooperation with General Institution for Adults’ Education, Unesco office in Cairo, USAID, Canadian Aid, and some International organizations concerned with Education matters.
10- Humanity Development and Future Management Conference (Different Roles for New Era, under the Ministry of High Education supervision and attended by Administrative Development Ministry, Cairo, September 17-19, 2005, at Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel.
- Organizing Charity Parties, in addition The Annually Charity Party for the Association, June 25, 2005, Al Salam Concord Hotel, the Party income has transferred to Bani Salama Village services.
- Awareness Campaigns:
1- Gender and Smoking Campaign in cooperation with the World Health Organization under “FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON TOBACCO CONTROL”.
2- National Campaign for Protecting young people from Addiction in cooperation with National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
3- National Campaign for Gender and Tuber Closes in cooperation with fighting T.B program at Ministry of Health and The World Health Organization.
- Training Courses:
1- Training course on Political participation supported by Internews Network, in cooperation with United Group- Attorneys At Law – Legal Advisors & Human Rights Advocates

Main Projects / Activities

1- To revive traditional crafts to enable the Nubian community in cooperation with the Social Fund for Development and Target 25000 Nubian family.
2- Family Justice Project in collaboration with the aid and the U.S. (MSD) and under the umbrella of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood
3- Project partners of the media and civic education in support of citizenship and democracy in schools and in cooperation with Internews Arabic Network
4- National Program for tuberculosis in collaboration with WHO and the Ministry of Health
5- The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) with the World Health Organization
6- Health of adolescents and raise awareness about AIDS and drugs and sexually transmitted diseases in collaboration with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
7- Youth Protection Project of addiction in collaboration with the UN Office for the fight against crime and drugs UNDCO)) and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood
8- Project to support reproductive health services in villages north of Giza in collaboration with the Social Fund for Development and the Ministry of Health and Population
9- The advocacy and lobbying for the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in collaboration with the World Health Organization WHO
10- Project against female circumcision and early marriage in the village of Bani Salamah Giza, in collaboration with the John Stowe
11- Literacy project slum areas of Giza in collaboration with the Literacy and the Social Fund for Development
12- The advocacy and lobbying towards the dissemination and mainstreaming of Fair Trade Movement
13- Egypt's youth development project in cooperation with the Academy of Fujitsu
14- Project meet the basic needs of area construction serpent in collaboration with WHO, WHO
Children's media project in Giza, and the lake in cooperation with the Organization of Plan
15- Draft local initiatives to develop the Center for Maternal and Child Health in collaboration with GTZ and the Association of Future Forums
16- Draft of Egyptian women and the role of political cooperation with the participatory development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Zinb Meeky
Head of the organisation
Dr Randa Rizk
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Doaa Mahmoud