Land Center for Human Rights

National Network

76 El-Gomhuria St. 8th floor, flat no 67, beside El-Fath Mousque, El-Azbkia, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Land Center for Human Rights is non-governmental organization established as non-profit civil company in 1996. The LCHR aims to promote and strengthen the rural groups to depend on themselves to defend their rights. Therefore, the centre promotes the law dominion and the legal and social equality, documents the conditions of the Egyptian countryside and increase the awareness the rural inhabitants. The organizational structure is consisted of: - Board of trustee (consultative committee). - Executive committee (execute the activity plan) The LCHR consists of the following units The legal unit Research and documentation unit Translation and international relations unit Administrative affairs unit Financial affairs unit Budgetary resources available in a year EP I million Sources of funding Donations from international and local organizations and individuals Modalities of action Projects, seminars, workshops, reports, lawsuits, newsletters
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the LCHR
The Land Center was established to defend the farmers and the Egyptian rural causes from the view of human rights, as none of the human rights NGOs working in Egypt tackled such cross cutting issues.
LCHR Objectives:
• Contributing to the improvement of the farmers economic and social conditions in the Egyptian countryside;
• Monitoring the violations of the human rights taking place in the Egyptian villages;
• Increasing the citizens awareness by spreading the human rights culture and encouraging the joint work and coordination between the civil society foundations, supporting their independence and reinforcing the democracy and human rights values;
• Participating in the economic agrarian reform program in Egypt, to guarantee the farmers rights to their lands safely; and
• Revealing the views and needs of the poor in Egypt and enabling them to participate in the decision and program making processes.

Main Projects / Activities

LCHR managed programmes over the past five years:
Over the past five years, LCHR undertook several projects relevant to the following:
• Study and enhancement of farmers rights in the Egyptian countryside.
• Study and enhancement of female farmers.
• Study and enhancement of the rights of the children working in the agricultural sector.
• Study and enhancement of the fishermen rights
• Studying the implications of structural adaptation on the vulnerable sectors in Egypt, particularly the inhabitants of the countryside.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Manar Ismael
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karam Saber
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Saleh Mohamed El-bakry