Partners Bulgaria Foundation

National Network

2A Yakubitsa Str, fl.3, ap.13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
PBF everyday decisions are taken through its executive management team: executive director, vice-director, financial director and project managers. Each project usually has a consultative body consisting of experts in the area and representatives from respective ministries, local municipalities and donor’s organizations. This consultative body aim at gaining authorities and public support for PBF projects. PBF has a policy to keep projects transparent, monitored and politically recognised and supported. PBF team consists of 12 professionals - psychologists, social policy experts, social workers and experts in child development. PBF team is trained in implementing children rights agenda in child programming. PBF has a solid professional, operational and administrative capacity. Most of the PBF activities have been developed in collaboration with the State Agency for Child Protection; the Agency for Social Assistance, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, Central Commission for Combating Juvenile Delinquency, and the Ministry of Justice. During the period 2000 – 2008 PBF has worked in 13 municipalities where successful cooperation with local authorities has been achieved, e.g. PBF has contributed to development of child protection strategy of municipality of Lom. PBF has been granted government licenses to work with children and provide social services. PBF has extensive experience in establishing partnership networks and in consolidating the efforts of civil and professional organizations for joint initiatives aimed at protecting children’s rights. Currently our main donors are OAK Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, and Swedish International Development Agency.
Mission and Objectives

PBF works to encourage participation of various underrepresented groups including children and women, disabled people, and different ethnic communities in public life and decision making process. PBF develops strategies for effective management of social processes where participation of civil society is crucial. PBF works to improve communication between civil society, government and business, to promote a culture of peaceful conflict resolution and protection of human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Partners Bulgaria Foundation (PBF) workes to promote children rights and to facilitate development of adequate child protection policies in Bulgaria. PBF aims at improvement of social policy for children through various child protection programs such as providing access of minority children to education and social services; introducing a juvenile justice program; preventing internet initiated forms of abuse; providing child rights response to child trafficking; increasing the resilience of care leavers; prevention of abuse among high risk groups of children and promotion of children rights in all levels of social system. PBF has implemented more than 30 child protection projects and supported many other NGOs working in the area of child protection. In 2000 PBF established a Child Rights Information Center in Sofia in collaboration with Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children UK and King’s Baudouin Foundation. PBF works internationally as well locally. Main projects during last four years: European network against child trafficking (ENACT); Child Trafficking Response Program - Phase II and III (Save the Children, Albania); Training in Human Rights and Trafficking, Skopje, 2005; Regional program for identifying children victims of trafficking 2006-2007, EC AGIS program; Prevention of Child Abuse: Development of program for prevention of child abuse 2005-2008, collaboration with Nobody’s Children Foundation (Poland); Towards community competence to support children leaving institutions 2005-2008; Child in the web, protecting children from internet related sources of abuse, in partnership with British Embassy, Sofia 2005-2008; Introducing a child rights approach to children witnesses in the court, in partnership with Nobody’s children foundation (Poland); Preventive program against abandonment of new born children in Rodopi region, Sofia 2006-2007; Development of policy, methodology, training program and community support system for children with challenging behavior (3-11 years old), 2007-2010; Program for integration of ethnic minorities through improving their access to education, social services and labor market 2000- 2007;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tanya Ilinska
Head of the organisation
Daniela Kolarova