The Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation of Disputes (AFCR)

National Network

Rruga “Him Kolli”, Pallati P.F.Trade
Kati I, Nr. 2-C


+355 4 2248 681
Telephone (other)
+355 4 2232 739
+355 4 2232 739
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organizational structure: Board (5 members), Headquarters based in Tirana (run by Executive Director and a staff of 6 full time employees, and 4-5 additional temporarily hired staff), 10 Mediation Centers (each run by a coordinator and around 12-15 part-time mediators), and a network of mediators in 10 other cities. The budgetary resources available in a year range from Euro 200,000-250,000. Main donors: Danish and Norwegian Government, UNICEF-Albania, Soros Foundation, US Embassy and other embassies in Tirana, USAID, Vodafone-Albania Foundation, etc. Running projects: - Restorative Justice and Victim-offender mediation for juveniles, 2006-2009 - Court Annexed Mediation, 2008- February 2010 - Setting up and developing mediation and reconciliation networks in two northern districts, Sept 09-April 2010 Main collaborating partners: local: State institutions like: Ministry of Justice, School of Magistrates, the Police, the Judiciary, Probation Service, Education Directories and other civil society organizations; international: Norwegian Mediation Service, Southeastern Europe Mediation Forum, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the democracy development in the Albanian society through the resolution and reconciliation of conflicts and disputes that may arise between individuals or social groups.
• Strengthening the mediation process and increasing the number of conflicts and disputes solved through the mediation alternative.
• Promotion of alternative dispute resolution in conflict resolution in civil and penal area.
• Promotion of restorative justice for juveniles and beyond.
• Public awareness, particularly school age groups with the culture of peace, tolerance and understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

- Advocacy and lobbing for the development and institutionalization of the mediation/ reconciliation approaches in conflict management and resolution.
- Introducing and promoting Restorative Justice (RJ) in Albania. In 2006-2009, AFCR has been part of the Juveniles Justice Reform that is underway in Albania, through implementing a project on Victim-Offender Mediation and RJ, whose main goal is providing diversion to juveniles in conflict with the law.
- Capacity building: In its long run AFCR has conducted numerous training workshops for various target groups in the area of peaceful conflict management and transformation.
- Mediation service provision to individuals and social groups. Yearly the AFCR mediators settle around 2000 conflicts and disputes of various types through mediation and reconciliation.
- Publicity and publications: AFCR counts on a long list of publications in the area of conflict management and resolution through alternative approaches and also training manuals in the respective area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasim Gjoka
Head of the organisation
Rasim Gjoka
Contact (2) Full Name
Merita Bala