Centre for Community Development

National Network

Street Llazi Noti, Nr 42, Tirana ,Albania

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organizational structure of the Center for Community Development consists of the board of directors, chief executive, branches in counties, administration, offices abroad and its volunteer members. Administration workers are employed at its organization, based on Labor Code of the Republic of Albania. They are hired as needed to the organization, with competition and employment contract. The members of the Directors Board of are Mrs. Nexhmije Marku, Ms.. Edlira Daci, Mr. Islam Lusha and Mr. Gezim Vata . Executive Director and legal representative of the organization is Mrs.. Nexhmije Marku. Chair of the Board of Directors is Ms.. Edlira Daci. With increase of activities, the organization has increased the number of members of the Directors Board. Some of their names are: Mrs. Mirjeta Xhafa Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Mr Ennio Haxhimihali, Doctor of Law, Mrs. Enkeleda Peter Doctor of Social Sciences, Mr. Gramoz Ramollari Doctor of Agricultural Sciences and others. All board members are experienced, dedicated to the mission of the organization, have the ability to work in group and qualified in their fields. Organizations across the country has 210 voluntary.
Mission and Objectives

Center for Community Development has the mission of democratic and cultural development of community in Albania.It is non-profit organization and has its headquarters in Tirana. In order extent, actitvities it has established branches in the reg ions: Korca, Gjirokaster,

Main Projects / Activities

Field of activity of this organization is the design, preparation and implementation of projects with the problems of community with cultural, economic and democratic developmen object in Republic of Albania and elsewhere in the region around it.1. Community development project in the Bridge Vajgurore Berat District, financed by the Soros Foundation,with office in Tirana. Website: www. Soros. E-mail: info@osfa.soros.alal.
Postal address: Rruga . Qemal Stafa, Pallati 120 / 2, Tirana. Albania. 2007. Amount: 7 000 U.S.D
2. Project to develop environmental and cultural environment, through regulation of sewage canalization in the unit of gypsies in Fushe Kruje, Financed by the REC Office in Tirana. Website : www.albania.rec.org. Postal address: Rruga . Ismail. Nr. 27. Tirana. Albania.
E-mail: rec.albania @ rec.org. Year 2008. Amount: 18 000 Euro .
3. Project for development of environmental culture in order to use solar panels as an effective source of alternative energy in the city of Saranda. Financed by the USA Embassy in Tirana. Website: www.albanian.tirana.usembassy.gov Postal Address: Ambasada Amerikane. Rruga Elbasanit . 103. Tirana. Albania. E-mail: cukoi@state.gov. Year 2009. Amount 17 500 U.S. D.
4. Project to develop intercultural dialogue and democratic development in the Western Balkans Region, financed from Youth in Action Programme. Website: www.eacea.ec.europa.eu / Youth.
E-mail: eac-info@ec.europa.eu. Postal Address Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Youth Unit P6 Avenue du Bourget, 1 (bour 4.29) B-1140 Brussels - Belgium. Year 2010. Amount: 19 500 euros.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gramoz Ramollari
Head of the organisation
Nexhmie Marku