Muntada-Arab Forum For Sexuality Education and Health

National Network

P.O.Box 8502,Haifa 31085


+972 4 8538814
Telephone (other)
+972 597177077
00 972 4 8538815
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 543302209
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 597177077
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Muntada - The Arab Forum for Sexuality, Education and Health - is a national organization committed to the social development of Palestinian society, by addressing educational and counseling needs as they relate to sexuality and reproductive health. Regarded locally as a major professional and intellectual nexus in the field of human sexuality, Muntada is also dynamically building connections with Arab and international networks in this field that share the principles of universal human rights and sustainable development. (Muntada structure is attached as a document)
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement
Based on its firm belief that sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights--the realization of which contributes in a vital way to sustained human development--Muntada strives to promote these rights within Palestinian society, by addressing the sexuality and reproductive health needs of diverse age groups. Muntada aspires to substantially raise community awareness to sexual health challenges and to create counseling and educational programs that will effectively contribute to individual and family development. By partnering and engaging with various community sectors, and by employing methods that reflect sensitivity to the socio-cultural context, Muntada hopes to effectively deal with the serious sexual health challenges facing Palestinians on both the individual and community levels. These include high-risk sexual behaviors; sexual abuse, particularly among minors; sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); and the proliferation of harmful, inaccurate, and misleading sexual information, especially among youth.
Our Goals
 To raise in the Palestinian community awareness regarding sexual health and sexuality education, particularly among youth
 To combat all forms of sexual abuse
 To promote effective methods of reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
 To enhance the right of each individual to freely choose a loving partner
 To establish sexuality-related counseling facilities for various age groups
 To create a professional and scientific foundation for the development of knowledge and skills of Palestinian and other Arab professionals working in sexuality and reproductive health
 To challenge erroneous and obsolete popular conceptions that denigrate women and, as a result, encourage psychological and sexual violence against them.

Main Projects / Activities

Muntada’s Main Programs for 2010
• School Education Program: this project focuses on developing appropriate, culturally-sensitive school curricula in sexuality education and training of professionals for working with students and their parents, as well as enriching parents with tools to improve communication with their children in this sensitive domain, and provide students with skills to make their own healthy decisions and protect themselves from potentially harmful sexual practices.
• Sexual Health Promotion through Community Outreach Programs: this project focuses on raising awareness regarding sexual health and rights through community workshops with various groups of all ages and both genders, as well as the creation of a space where the community can access accurate information and services related to sexuality. It is worth mentioning that a large part of the workshops are based on the participatory approach, that is, the active involvement of all the participants through interaction, expressing their views to others and free-open discussions with others in the group. Muntada’s website plays a major role in providing this accurate information, counseling on line, and professional advice to all educators and professionals who access the website and ask for assistance
• Advanced Professional Training on Sexuality Education and Sexual Health: Muntada conducts two advanced training courses (112 hours) every year. Every year, at least 36 professionals graduate from this course.
• Continuous Professional Supervision and Training for Staff members and Volunteers: Continuous professional training and supervision takes place for Muntada’s staff members and volunteers. In this regard, the sessions with Mr. Mustafa Shala’tah, a prominent psychologist, will continue to be held every three weeks to support the trainers and facilitators in their field work

Contact (1) Full Name
Safa Tamish
Head of the organisation
Safa Tamish
Contact (2) Full Name
Natasha Khalidi