Codici - Agenzia di Ricerca Sociale

National Network
Address IV Novembre, 1 20124

+39 02 89053913
+39 02 36560403
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Indipendente social research agency, 2 person employed and 8 member of the organization. Budget available in a year: 270.000 Sources of funding: mainly public funding Modalities of action: concrete project
Mission and Objectives

Codici is an independent social research agency born to offer support and technical consulting to entities of the welfare system.

Main Projects / Activities

Codici is an independent social research agency. It assists public institutions, third sector organizations or private companies, helping them to understand and cope with social and cultural change. Codici’s researchers and social workers employ the tools of applied social research to analyze emerging social and cultural phenomena, and it offers consultancies, training courses and technical assistance on specific social and cultural topics and policies by supporting project development and evaluation for innovative social and cultural services. In the last few years, Codici has developped more and more projects with a strong integration between cultural and social elements or objectives, using often media and communication tools as means of change-making. Interculture and Migration are two of the main issues faced by Codici’s activities. Codici | Social Research Agency’s work experience has also given birth to its non profit, more markedly social work-oriented twin, Codici Onlus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Zamboni
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Breveglieri