Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Galileo Galilei"

National Network

piazza Risorgimento

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IISS "Galileo Galilei" is a state secondary school. Structure of the organization: Teachers: 45 Administrative staff: 11 Budgetary resources available per year: • € 725.704 (year 2008) Sources of funding: state funds Modalities of action: • Curricular activities for "Liceo Scientifico" and "Istituto Tecnico per Geometri" • National projects • European and national projects • Europe Asia projects • Projects financed with funds of Campania Region Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: • Ordine dei Geometri • Provincia di Benevento Partners of latest Comenius project: • Escuela de Arte in Cuenca, Spain • Adam Smith College, Kyrkcaldy, Scotland • "Agnes-Bernauer-Schule" Realschule für Mädchen in Augsburg, Germany
Mission and Objectives

IISS Galileo Galilei includes three different curricula:
• Istituto Tecnico per Geometri
• Liceo Scientifico
• Corso SIRIO Geometri (for adults)
The purpose of Galilei school is to prepare students for work and university. While “Liceo” aims more at providing academic education the “Geometri “focuses on technical education.
Both courses have include ICT classes.
Being in an area not particularly hit by criminality and racial problems the school can operate directly in the area of prevention of learning problems and school dropping out.
The school is very active also in the area of lifelong learning. It is in fact the seat of several courses for adults:
• a course for land-surveyors
• two courses (English Computer)

Main Projects / Activities

• National projects:
 “Le Olimpiadi di Matematica”
 “Dalle aule parlamentari alle aule scolastiche: Lezioni di Costituzione”
• European projects:
 Leonardo project: Aresleo Project (years 1995-2000)
 LifeLong Learning Program: Comenius projects
 PON projects for Campania region: Computer Science courses, English courses, basic and professional student competences’ courses, adult learners’ courses, work experiences for students in the land-surveying course, etc.
• Juvenes Translatores
• International projects:
 Euro Asia Classroom Network Program:
• “Magic Flight to Asia” (a project coordinated by IS Galilei in partnership with India, China and the State of Israel).
• “Young Diplomats” (with Poland, Indonesia, India, etc.)
• Projects financed with Campania Region funds:
 “Scuole a rischio”
 “Scuola aperta” (2007-08)
 “ScuolAmbiente”: students’ environmental and ecological education
The school is testing center both for Trinity College Examinations and ECDL (European Computer Driving License) for AICA.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Antonietta Sessa
Head of the organisation
Ms Grazia Elmerinda Pedicini
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonella Balena