Terre in Valigia Servizi Soc.coop.onlus

National Network

via De Amicis 23, 30171
Venezia Mestre

+39 041 5041573
+39 041 5056659
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Terre in Valigia is a small private cooperative company onlus established in 2003 which works in interculturals services, designing and managing concrets projects, often in partnership with local public organizations and with other private companies. The main projects are about school and training, childhood services, differents abilities, intercultural and linguistic mediation, microcredit and events.
Mission and Objectives

to design projects and work considering all the differents as a value to defend and to learn from and not as a division element

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of the Fondazione di Venezia's Social Microcredit Project
Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of "Consulta provinciale per l'Immigrazione", Province of Venice;
2007: partner of GENERA AZIONI, a project about the 2° generation of young migrants, which LP was the Municipality of Venice Immigration Service: Terre in Valigia designed and managed a intercultural journalism laboratory for italian and migrant teenagers;
Since 2003: designing and organizing intercultural training and laboratories
Since 2003: management of Summer Children Camps of Municipality of Mestre-Carpenedo, Venezia Mestre;

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Spada, cristina@terreinvaligia.it
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Munari, marco@terreinvaligia.it