The Arab Awareness Center for Rights and Law (WAIE)

National Network

43 G, Ramses st, Eight floor ,apartment no.102, Cairo, Egypt

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Arab awareness Center for rights and law has three units.Advocacy and lobbying unit,Programs unit and the International relations unit.The center has 7 full time employees and 10 volunteers.The center did not get funding but submitted many prposals to funding organizations.The center is the founder of the coalition of "SAFE COUNTRY".Safe Country Coalition ,is a coalition of civil institutions and various modern institutions from different governorates geographic regions in Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Raising the legal and human rights awareness and motivate citizens to actively participate in the achievement of democracy, social justice, and stimulate positive initiative.
1 - support and respect for human rights and democracy principles, and analyzing the difficulties and constraints of applying the international human rights relating to our region, and spread the culture of human rights in the Arab world. As well, promote intercultural dialogue within the framework of international treaties and conventions of human rights.
2 – Shedding light on the major problems and pressing human rights issues in the Arab countries and coordinate with the various parties concerned and non-governmental organizations in the region. As well, works together in order to raise public awareness of these issues and try to find solutions and alternatives to comply with human rights international law.
3 – preparing studies on the legislations, and work on proposing and advocating for policies , legislation and constitutional amendments that strengthen the international standards of human rights. Also, running research and advocacy activities by using various national and regional mechanisms, and international human rights education with a particular focus on young people, and capacity building for professional human rights defenders.
4 – Promoting and protecting the values of human rights among the public at all levels of society.
5 - Strengthening women's rights as an integral and complementary part to human rights and raising awareness about the difficulties that women face to get their rights.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Holding seminars, conferences, round table discussions, workshops and trainings in the center's field of activity.
2-Preparing studies, theories and field research
3-reporting and periodic bulletins
4-Scientific cooperation with counterpart centers to achieve the philosophy and objectives of the center
5-Produce human art works (films , theater and radio works) that will serve the objectives and issues of the center.
6-providing Legal and judicial assistance.
7-Monitoring human rights violations and react to them.
8- A monthly report to monitor the protests in Egypt
9- Trainings entitled "your guide to choose your president"
10-the Centre participated with the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists (APHRA) and the Association of Article 57 in the establishment of a legal unit to monitor police abuses.
11-the Center is a founding member and one of the members of the Executive members of the campaign of "madanya emtyaz"(Excellent civilian).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through implementing the network strategies and plans and help creating new initiatives .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network will help us improve our skills and knowledge as there are many member organizations in the network where experience can be shared.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omima Al-Sherif
Head of the organisation
Omima Al-Sherif