Disabled People's International (DPI)

National Network

Via Dei Bizantini, 99 - 88046
Lamezia Terme (CZ)

+39 0968 463 499
+39 0968 463 499
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
DPI Italia Onlus is an non-profit organization which is made up of 16 associations. Its structure is constituted by: A Chairperson and 4 Executive members of the Board. The staff is made up of 3 persons. The budgetary resources available in a year is of approximately €50.000. DPI Italia Onlus’s usual sources of funding are: - membership fees, - donations from members, private and public bodies, - contributions by public and private bodies – Universities and the FISH with whom it collaborates regularly. The modalities of actions are projects, seminars, conferences, internships, training and meetings. It belongs, other than to DPI, to national and European organizations such as:FISH (Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell’Handicap) and the CND (Consiglio Nazionale della Disabilità), DPI Europe (a European network with 27 umbrella organizations members in different European countries). Moreover, through DPI Europe and the CND it is part of the EDF (European Disability Forum. It manages on behalf of DPI the Regional Development Office in Europe. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies acknowledged that the activities realized by DPI Italia Onlus are "of evident social function" according to the law 9/11/1998 n.476. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has acknowledged tthat DPI Italia Onlus has the necessary qualifications to be included in the list of associations and bodies legitimated to act for the judicial safeguarding of PwDs, victims of discrimination according to the decree of the 21st June 2007.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives that it pursues are: to guarantee the protection of such human rights in
respect of non discrimination and equal opportunities; promote the elaboration, design and realization of studies and researches, of philosophical, scientific and technological nature, to diffuse a new vision of disability as a contribution to the construction of a world based on reciprocal respect and social inclusion; to promote the direct participation of PwDs, according to the principle of mainstreaming, in all processes and issues of family, social, economic, political and cultural nature; to enhance the competences of the PwDs in all fields that regard social inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and the safeguarding of human and civil rights; offer counselling and realize actions for the safeguarding and promotion of the rights of PwDs.
It collaborates with Universities and public and private training agencies, offering experts and teachers. Moreover, it interlocutes with the institutions and the services appointed to social policies, towards which it carries out a role of critical elaboration, of stimulus and collaboration of specific projects-, to identify and promote policies, strategies and actions to promote the freedom, self-determination and equal opportunities of PwDs; to combat all forms of discrimination and social exclusion that mines the dignity of PwDs. Particular attention is given to gender issues and development cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

DPI Italia Onlus reaches its objectives through: International, European, National and local projects; Research and Studies; Publications; Training and information on peer counselling and empowerment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in our country because we bring the point of view of persons with disability on the issues inherent to Human Rights, Democracy, Participation and Dialogue to guarantee the empowerment of persons with disability and the development that is respectful towards persons with disability.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we share with ALF the ideals and principles

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Barbuto
Head of the organisation
Maria Vincenza Ferrarese