WWF Mediterranean Programme Office

National Network

via Po, 25/c – 00198 Roma (Italia)

+39 06 84497227
Telephone (other)
+34 933056252
+39 06 8413866
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3355954838
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 630104114
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The work in South and East Mediterranean countries is developed and implemented through an extensive network of partnerships with NGOs and institutions. The WWF Mediterranean Programme includes ongoing or recently completed projects in ten Mediterranean countries (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Turkey). Over the last five years, WWF MedPO managed a project portfolio of over 2 million Euros per year.
Mission and Objectives

The WWF Mediterranean Program’s goal is to conserve and restore the natural wealth of the Mediterranean and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. The Programme focuses primarily on the conservation of forest, freshwater and marine ecosystems, promoting the establishment of protected areas and resource use practices to maintain biodiversity and ecological functions that support human needs and livelihoods. Geographic focus is on the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean ecoregions.

Main Projects / Activities

WWF Mediterranean Programme focuses on the following thematic areas:
• Forests – Landscape level planning, establishment and management of protected areas; forest sustainable management and certification; landscape forest restoration.
• Marine and Coastal – Seascape level planning, establishment and management of multipurpose management areas, including protected areas and no-take-zones; ecosystem based fisheries.
• Freshwater – Integrated river basin management; water resource policies; freshwater conservation capacity building.
• Climate Change – Climate adaptation strategies at land/seascape level.
• Capacity building – for civil society organizations working on sustainable development issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Paolo Lombardi
Contact (2) Full Name
Christoph Stein