Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole – Peace School Foundation of Monte Sole

National Network

Via S.Martino 25
40043 Marzabotto, Bologna

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- The Foundation has a president, a director, 2 fulltime employees, 1 halftime employee, 7 partner educators. The foundation is lead by a board of directors formed by 17 people. - The annual incomes mainly come from the contribution of the Emilia Romagna local governments that are founder members of the Peace School Foundation of Monte Sole and members of the Board of Directors. - In the last three years the main backers of the Foundation have been: 1) The Emilia Romagna Region with a contribution of about € 150.000 each year; 2) The Province of Bologna through an agreement with the Foundation allows the free use of the School facilities, finances the extraordinary maintenance of the facilities and of the computer equipment. - The main local partners are schools or other local NGO involved in the same field of education and mediation of conflicts.
Mission and Objectives

The activities that the Peace School develops are aimed to the peace education of youngsters and adults and start from a consideration of the slaughter led by SS troops with the help of Fascist elements (29th of September -5th October 1944) and from the knowledge of the mechanisms of violence that carried it out, through the memory of the witnesses and of the place itself as a dumb witness and a guardian of that past. This memory is used in order to promote peace and nonviolent transformation of conflicts, personal responsibility and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

• the projects of educational experiences, in particular for young people, to encourage and promote the dialogue and the comparison among different human beings, people and cultures, even in the perspective of a possible reconciliation (international “Peace in 4 voices” camps);
• the activities of studying, analysis and collection of documents about the causes of the conflicts, their conditions and the good acts for peace
• the managing of a point of contact and comparison for groups, public and private bodies, associations and people who wants to commit themselves in the defense and promotion of peace and of the values of freedom and justice, fundamental lines for the decentralized cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Baiesi (Director)
Head of the organisation
Vittorio Prodi (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Monicelli (Responsible of International Projects)