Nuova Atlantide Teatro

National Network

Via Serapide 11
Pozzuoli (NA)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1)Nuova Atlantide Teatro is founded in Pozzuoli (NA. Its mission is the theatral and musical event's production to develope the connession end inter-dialogue between different communities, territorial areas and historical memory. NAT is a young cultural association: its structure is formed by permanent staff of three persons: arthistic direction, administrative direction and organizaticve direction and some collaborations with other artists or professional figures in relation with the realization of single project. 2) Budgetary resources by foundation until today, are progressive incremented: these resources actually avalaible in a year are between 15.000 and 20.000 euro. 3) Sources of funding are principally by public organizzations and public therritorial governments and by cachet. 4) Actions are: concrete theatral projects, stage and seminars. 5) Main partners are other national association or theatral company which have similar scope, or association which have consolidated social work in the specifical therritorial area to which project is destinated.
Mission and Objectives

1) To give value to the different people history, family history or community history by artistic theatral practice, using theorical and practical struments of theatre community.
2) To develope feminine dramaturgy and feminine thatre particularly oriented to realize artistic project which put in attention to social and therritorial contest in relation with his abitants.
3)To promuove the inter-cultural sensibility between young people betwwen theatre and music practice.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of last two years:
1)2007 "Madri": Theatral spectacule about theme women and war, with 14 actresses by different war countries in collaboration with Almamater Asssociation in Turin.
2)2007 "Donne con la folla nel cuore": thetral laboratory with women who live in Forcella's quarter in Napoli, in collaboration with Trianon Theatre.
3) 2007 "Ampliamente Insieme": theatral laboratory with young strange people in the disagiate areas in the Napoli hinterlands, in collaboration with Auser Association.
3)2006 "Le pagelle": theatral laboratory and performance with ancien women, in collaboration with Local Government of Matera.
4)2006 "Il Pontile dei Sogni": theatral work on the history of dismission Italsider industrie, in the prestigiouse "May Monuments" in Napoli".
5) 2006 "Il rione delle Bambine": theatral laboratory and performance with ancient women and their nepotes about bradisism' hostory in Pozzuoli.
6) 2005 Donne di miniera": performance by the life's tales narrated by feminine work in the tufo's cave in Altavilla Irpina (Av)

Contact (1) Full Name
Caterina Pontrandolfo