Inteatro - Centro internazionale per la promozione e la ricerca teatrale

National Network

Villa Nappi - Via Marconi,75 - 60020 Polverigi (AN) - ITALY
Polverigi (AN)

0039 071 9090007
0039 071 906326
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure: Board of Directors (President,Vice President with 3 other members) On the organizational side, the association is composed by an Artistic director, a production manager, an organization manager, a communication and press officer, an administration responsible and assistant, a project manager (5 full-time, 2 part-time) Budget available per year: 870.000 Euro Funding Sources: public funding, EU grants, sponsors, private funding, Modalities of action: professional training for young performers, artistic creative residencies, new productions of young companies, Festival, creative residential workshops, exchange of experiences. Main partners: IETM -Informal European Theatre Meeting, the DBM - Danse Bassin Mediterranée, the Roberto Cimetta Fund, the IRIS - South European Association for Contemporary Creation, the Junge Hunde. Projects developed in collaboration with European institutions and partners at present: Moving & Learning (case study in 10 EU countries on the potential of artists for learning through mobility), MERIDIANS (European network for performing arts in non-conventional venues).
Mission and Objectives

MISSION: valorisation of new talents in performing arts, mobility of artists and artistic products, multidisciplinary research, innovation and multimedia tools, cultural and artistic exchanges, sharing of experiences.
- promotion and support of new talents/artists and the circulation of their innovative works;
- research/innovation of artistic languages and promotion of intercultural dialogue through hospitality and creative residences;
- development and enhancement of national and international contacts and networking activities for the circulation of people and artistic productions.
- professional refreshment and training activities for performing arts operators and other training activities related to statutory principles.
- production and distribution of theatre and dance performances
- promote, support, organize events, meetings, festival and any other initiative that is appropriate measure to achieve the aims of the Association;

Main Projects / Activities

Inteatro is committed especially in the field of interdisciplinary research and innovation in performing arts. The main areas of activities are:
Artistic Production:support of new talents and to the circulation of emerging relevant artists and artistic products.
IFA - InteatroFestival Academy: residential project of high education and artistic innovation for young performers from all over the world.
International Inteatro Festival: reaching its 31st edition, it represents a performing arts meeting which gathers some of the most innovative and interesting contemporary arts trends.
Enviromental culture education : as C_E_A (Creativity_Education_Environment) Inteatro organizes workshops and performances in order to stimulate the debate,knowledge and awareness around environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Velia Papa (Director)
Head of the organisation
Marco Bellardi