Circolo Festambiente

National Network

Loc. Enaoli, 58100 Rispescia (GR)
RIspescia (GR)

+39 0564 48771
Telephone (other)
+39 0564 487743
+39 0564 487740
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 7882192
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Circolo Festambiente is a branch of Legambiente, the most widespread environmental organization in Italy. It is born in 1992 and counts 27 employed, 168 volunteers and 155 members. In 2007 our profit and loss account was (profit Euros 1.836.510,14 - loss Euros 1.706.960,60). Sources of funding: Eu funding, local, regional and national private donors (sponsoring); local, regional and national funds from public bodies (projects). Modalities of action: projects on sustainable education, cultural exchanges among countries, seminars and public meetings, organization of an annual festival (on culture and environment), Festambiente(XXI edition in 2009). The awareness raising and monitoring national campaigns are among the most important activities of the organization: they combine scientific analysis on environmental quality with public awareness and mobilization for the protection of the environment. Main partners: no profit organizations (national and from Mediterranean and EU countries), schools, public and private bodies.
Mission and Objectives

'Think Globally, Act Locally': we try to make people understand that it is by making local concrete changes that we can create a better environment for everyone on a global scale;
Scientific Environmentalism: our initiatives for the safeguard of the environment are carried out on the basis of accurate scientific data. Every time there is a lack of agreement with some political choice that may be environmentally hazardous, we suggest a feasible and practical alternative;
Priority-attention is given to the problems connected with environment and urban degradation and to the link between economy and environment;
Environmental Education: Attention is constantly paid to raising the awareness of the public on the importance of environmental issues and respect of nature. Moreover we support the right to be informed on issues concerning people’s health (food, air and water pollution, etc.).

Main Projects / Activities

Festambiente: an ecological kermesse with BIO-Restaurants and BIO-Bars with organic products. The ecological festival is composed of various areas where you can find cinema (environmental art movies), theatre, workshops, institutional and commercial stands, an Eko-market with organic and natural products, a new age area (with yoga, rebirthing, shiatsu), ateliers for kids, kids’ garden with recycled plastic furniture, ateliers for adults. Every night relevant political events take place in the debate area. Italian Ministers, politicians, representatives of NGOs, show men and women and the most important communication media (Rai, Mediaset, Ansa…) participate in these political debates after which the festival schedule continues with concerts of well known Italian singers which attract many young people and families - Legambiente Solidarietà: this campaign and branch of Legambiente aims at helping the people facing humanitarian crisis after environmental disasters took place (chemical, nuclear or natural disasters such as downpours, floods, etc.) - Campaign against traffic pollution and to promote sustainables cities: "Cento Strade per Giocare": it is a day - usually a Sunday in springtime - when boys, girls and children can freely play in the streets without worrying about traffic, cars and pollution. - Campaign Clean up the World - Campaign Clean-Up the Med Sea Action: a three-day-cleaning up of our beaches in all the Mediterranean Basin: more than 40 countries involved, more than 850 organizations among which municipalities, ecologically sensitive hotel chains, schools and universities. It is organized and coordinated by Legambiente, Grosseto. - Our international projects: o Chernobyl project (project to support the population and children of Bielorussia); o Habana Ecopolis (project of urban qualification of the town of Habana-Cuba); o project Merp (project of sustainable development in the area of Duzce- Turkey); o Water: a right for all; o Mediterranean Diversity (network of Mediterranean Festival); o European Environmental Network (EEN); o Every Day Ecology (communication’s campaign for the citizen about ecologic behaviors); o The Mediterranean: a sea which connects, a sea which must live (Interreg III A project with Tuscany Sardinia and Corsica for the safeguard and the promotion of the marine and coastal ecosystem); o Green Network Campaign : social citizenship related to ecological issue (European Green Party); o International Festival Network with Earth Festival (Greece), Festiventu (France), Posidonia Festival (Balearic Islands), Earth Festival (Cipro), La mer en fete (France).

Contact (1) Full Name
Romina Bicocchi
Head of the organisation
Angelo Gentili, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Presta