OLIMPIJADA KULTURE OSIJEK (Olympic Games of Culture Osijek)

National Network

Županijska 18/II, 31000 Osijek
31000 Osijek

+385-91-4115512 (President)
Telephone (other)
385-91-4115513 (Exec. Vice-President)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non-profit organization, 27 regular members, more than 100 honorable members. Had office is in Osijek (Croatia), branches in process Pech (Hungary) and Novi Sad (Serbia). Local government budget participacion, and participacions from ministry of Culture, Tourism, Education, plus EU fonds and sponsors. International cultural excanges (2009.-2011.) and Olimpic Of Culture (2012.) will be invited all Europian countries for two weeks competition in all kind of human creativities and art. Main partners - local governments (Panonian region - Croatia, Serbia, Hungary).
Mission and Objectives

Through cultural excange in troublled area open dialogues and cooperation, as well as education for the younger generation.

Main Projects / Activities

2009-2011. international cultural excanges (as a preparation for the main tusk, Olimpic Of Culture)
2012. Olimpic Of Culture - will be invited all Europian countries for two weeks competition. Each Ministry of Cultar will choose a National team. Organization based simmilar as Olimpic games of Sport, because the competition will be in all area of human creativites and art. This is the main different from cultural festivals, exibitions where the competition is in only one discipline.
The main event will be split in this 3 cities of Panonian region - Osijek (CRO), Pech (H), Novi Sad (SER).
We expecte more than 4.000 participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasminka Paunovic (Exec. Vice-President)
Head of the organisation
Peter (Pierre) Weisz (President)