Amici dei Bambini

National Network

via Marignano 18, Mezzano di San Giuliano Milanese - Milano - 20098

+39 02 98822365
+39 0298232611
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 0485066293
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Structure in Italy: Headquarters in Milan and 10 regional offices. Abroad: 33 Operational offices in Albania, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil , Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, DRC, Ecuador, Honduras, Kenya, Republic of Kosovo, Morocco, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolian, Nepal, Perù, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sri Lanka,Ukraine, USA. Staff: 60 workers at the Head Office - 22 Volunteers - 29 Local representatives Total budget: 7,791,947.67 of which public financing: 972,360.2 - from European sources: 491,459.9 - from national sources: 108,316.59 - from local/regional sources: 372,583.71 from other sources: 6,819,587.47 - donations: 4,457,601.16 - contributions from members: 2,203.29 - quote adozioni internazionali : 1,527,500.31 - funds use : 832,282.71 Amici dei Bambini will work where abandonment is present: in orphanages, in institutions, in assistance centres through activities aimed at preventing, suspending, overcoming and accompanyng abbandonment. Main Partners: local authorities, research centre and other Ngos
Mission and Objectives

Amici dei Bambini Association is a movement of families acting since 1986 in Italy and in several world sites to promote the family upbringing of abandoned children.
The association operates in Eastern Europe, in Latin America, in Africa and in Asia, where it pursues its overall goal to give a family to every abandoned child and guarantee his right to be a son/daughter: this is the mission animating Amici dei Bambini’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

To prevent abandonment: activities diversified in favour of families in difficulty and children
in danger of abandonment.
To suspend abandonment: Foster care and Supported housing
To overcome abandonment: reintegration into family of origin, domestic adoption, Intercountry adoption
TO accompany abandonment: social inclusion activities in favour of young care leavers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Marfisi
Head of the organisation
Marco Griffini
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandro Negro