IMIC - International Multireligious Intercultural Center

National Network
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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Organization has four members in board of directors coming from different religions (Catholic - Franciscan, Orthodox, Jew and Muslim. There are more than 2000 members who are involved in implementations of projects from time to time. They are professionals from different fields working on research projects, lectures, organizing exhibitions, meetings on cultural and religious diversity. Funding depends on donors who support our projects. IMIC prepares research projects, organize seminars, symposiums, conferences, trainings, internships. Partners are: Embassies of USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt. Ministry of Education, City of Sarajevo, European Commission, various Jewish, Christians and Islamic Organizations, many non-governmental organizations from region, Alexandrina Library, National and University Library in B&H.
Mission and Objectives

IMIC provides a platform for the promotion of inter-religious dialogue and development of discourse on justice and peace in B&H and in the South East Europe. The organization supports the goal of a multireligious, multiethnic and multicultural society in B&H, and promotes a complete democratization and reintegration of the country and its people, securing of human rights and culture of tolerance, reconciliation and mutual understanding. Foremost, among the goals of the IMIC is the facilitation of understanding the central role played by the spiritual dimension in the peace process. The IMIC is active locally as well as globally in its support of peaceful encounter and understanding through theoretical dialogue, often together with the international organizations, and bringing communities together in prayer, action, and day-to-day shared life. Our Center is convinced that tolerance in multireligious Bosnia-Herzegovina must be safeguarded. This is more essential here than anything else. Multireligious tolerance through dialogue is the guarantee for lasting and sustainable peace in the country.

Main Projects / Activities

Multireligiosity an Reintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004) and since 2005 pilot project »Woman, religion, politic«.
Project »Religious Studies at University in SE Europe in 21st century« together with Arizona State University, Oslo and Sarajevo University« in 2007
Projects that IMIC implements at the moment and the most recent projects are:
▪ Inter-religious Dialogue through education and communication of the youth in multicultural society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and publication of results of this project/research- (with support of Soros education department and local communities)-2007/2009;
▪ Cooperation with Embassies - we look for possibilities of organizing events/lectures/performances etc with embassies in B&H) in order to promote cultural heritage from different countries.
▪ Improving the services of IMIC Library -2008/2009; (Modernization of library consisted of few thousands library materials on religions, ecumenism, dialogue between religions, history, philosophy, cultural heritage, human rights and gender;
Singing Memorandum of Understanding with Library of Alexandria (and providing internships for librarians in BA)
▪ Section of Literature on Women’s rights and Religion- 2008/2009;
▪ Faith and Community: Dialogue (with support of Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of the US Government and IREX)-2007-2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Arijana Aganovic, project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Marko Orsolic, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Pstrocki, project coordinator