Individual member: Anders Dahlgren (Mediterranean Poetry)

National Network

Syster Estrids gata 6, SE-413 25

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The web site is administered by one person in Sweden/Goteborg but consists of a steadily growing society where well-known (and new) poets/authors from all over the world contribute with their impressions of the Mediterranean world. The budget of this project is minimal – its efforts consists mainly of voluntarily work – but many poets/authors contribute and many visitors of the site are given a place to ponder about where human race have “travelled” from ancient times to this very day!
Mission and Objectives

Anyone who has been travelling to the Mediterranean and the countries bordering the famous Sea has most certainly been in “danger” of falling in love with the people, culture, art, film, food, music, atmosphere and not the least – the literature who tries to describe the feelings the wind and sea evokes!
The idea with this web site is to be able to share the fascination of this world with others and let it be a forum where poets/authors that live (have lived/travelled) around these waters may present their impression of the Mediterranean world.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main goal is to let the web site be a forum where poets/authors that live (have lived/travelled) around these waters may present their impression of the Mediterranean world.
Some poets have though suggested the idea that one should publish an annual book where some of the texts/poems that depict the Mediterranean world should be printed. I have suggested that if I could get the means – from some foundation – to go ahead with such a project – it should be a book sold/given by that foundation where all involved (including the owner of this site) would do this without any compensation!

Contact (1) Full Name
Anders Dahlgren