National Network

Ilceva ulica 17,
2250 Ptuj

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association ZOJA in non profit and non governmental organization from Slovenia. We were established in 2005. Our first activities were connected to environmental issues. Later we expand our activities also to other aspects of sustainable development. Now days we focus our activities also into a field of personal development. Our main sources of funding comes from public calls. We also provide some commercial services to provide additional financial sources to our association. At the moment we have one person fully employed and our yearly budget vary, depending on how many project we get. But in average for last few years is between 50 and 100 kEUR. Our activities are mainly educational, promotional and awareness rising actions. We work at local, national and international level. In our project we intend to involve many partners from different sectors. E.g.: public sector, NGO, schools, industry ...
Mission and Objectives

Mission of our association is to spread our knowledge. We do that in many different ways and in many different sectors.
For different target groups we prepare trainings, seminars and other educational activities as well as promotional and awareness rising activities. By now our core activities were based on different pillars of sustainable development. At the beginning we had the most knowledge about economical and environmental aspects, but now we focus on social part of sustainable development.
Big emphasis is on personal development, which is a base for development of social part of sustainable development. We believe that through self acceptance we grow and we are able to accept others with all their qualities, characteristics and differences comparing to us.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
- Global Sustainable Youth; international project with six partners from Europe and Asia; financed by EACEA
- Sustainable Energy at Schools; project financed by Norvegian financial mechanism; educational project with more than 100 hours of workshops at primary schools
- EnergyHub; national project involving five partners from diffferend sectors – NGO, reasrch, industry and craft chamber
- Immigration within; YIA project on the topic of immigration
- Buterfly Effect; YIA project related to personal development
- Creation of web portal for sustainable development topics
- Different educational and awareness projects concerning environmental issues
- Cleaning actions of Drava river at Earth day

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main contribution to the network in our country can be through our knowledge that we have in the respect of personal and sustainable development and with our experiences in working at national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We find a purpose, aims and obkjectives of Anna Lindh Fundation very close to ours. Also our organization believe that people should overcome their own barriers and accept differences among each other. We are also interesting to work and to cooperate with participants from countries where we haven't work yet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miran Kojc