COM NUOVI TEMPI (editor of "Confronti" magazine)

National Network

via Firenze 38 - 00184 Rome (Italy)

+39 06 4820503
+39 06 4827901
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
COM NUOVI TEMPI is a cooperative society established in 1972 and since 1989 edits the interreligious-intercultural magazine "Confronti". COM NUOVI TEMPI is composed by 125 partners and there are 5 employees and 3 cooperators that work in the cooperative society itself. The amount of budgetary resources available per year is about 500.000 € and the main sources of founding come from the pay-off for cultural services, for services offered to a third party and from contributions of private corporations. Our modalities of actions include: concrete projects on mutireligious and multicultural issues, refresher courses, exchanges (youth and adults peace operators), seminars (in Italy and abroad), scholarships, disseminations of researches and news through media (“Confronti” magazine, internet, social networks). We work with Italian and international partners, such as: secondary and high schools, universities, local and national institutions, local and national religious institutions, NGOs, cultural associations
Mission and Objectives

The object of COM NUOVI TEMPI cooperative society consists of the following activities: publishing, sale, dissemination of cultural works, books and periodicals, and the promotion of congresses, conferences, seminars (in Italy and abroad). These activities are also done through the magazine Confronti (which means “dialogue”), an interfaith and intercultural magazine, whose mission statement is to promote dialogue among the communities of faith in order to produce common actions for peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Main Projects / Activities

COM NUOVI TEMPI through Confronti magazine developed during the years project such as “Semi di Pace” (Seeds of Peace) and “Fiori di Pace” (Flowers of Peace”) for dialogue in Middle East, involving youth and adults from Israel and Palestinian territories in order to give to Italian public the opportunity to know the situation in Middle East from the voice of people that struggles for reconciliation and a just peace. Confronti organize many cultural events, seminars and congresses in order to offer a space for reflection, testimony and debate, an alternative to the typically offered by mainstream media about interfaith and intercultural issues. One of this congress was “Islam in Italy between fundamentalism and Islamophobia” on October 2011, in cooperation with the Italian press national federation (FNSI). Furthermore, during the last years, Confronti organized several itinerant seminars in Israel and Palestinian territories, Russia, Ethiopia, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, India, Lebanon, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Developing international projects on the subjects suggested by ALF and disseminating through the media (such as “Confronti” magazine) such of ideas and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network is a unique opportunity to meet people and organizations that work in different ways in the field cross-cultural dialogue, democracy building and education to pluralism and coexistence. In a globalised world, affected by an impressive economical crisis is now, more than ever, important to share opinions, case studies, in order to find a new way to build on solid bases the future society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Lipori
Contact (2) Full Name
Gian Mario Gillio