Luna Scarlatta

National Network

Via San Domenico 4 - 09127

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization it’s composed by the main founders, Emilia Fulli and Mattea Lissia, that create and manage the events having an experience of more than 10 years. We have no employed; we collaborate with professionals for what each project needs (secretary, logistic, press contact, graphic, …). In our association there is also a fellow, Maurizio Murino, that is a childhood’s sociologist working from many years about citizenship and participate democracy’ themes. We are think about a project about this themes. Budget: in 2012, 12.000 euro (we also work for projects with fund recived and managed by other associations). Sources: public fund (Sardinia Region, Municipalities) and private (Banca di Sassari). Modalities: forum, festival, meetings, also in disadvantage territory and looking at the involvements of yousg, scholarship and students. Partner: cultural association (Presìdi del Libro, Zahr records, Associazione Librai Sardi Indipendenti), library (Biblioteca di Oristano, MEM – Mediateda del Mediterraneo), publishers (Il Maestrale, Imago Multimedia), festival (Dromos).
Mission and Objectives

Work at dissemination’s culture (literature, poetry, music, visual arts, cinema …) in our territory like instrument that each person should to have and use, also the disadvantage categories like prisoners, people with psychological problems, and who lives in territory without cultural offers. Working with prisoners means, for example, focused on transcultural theams, because of the presence on many people coming from other Mediterranean county in our prisons.
For us “doing” culture means to “use” culture to reflect about and understand our contemporany years, our society and the main urgent thems. In choosing guest we privilege the young people (writers, artists, musicians) and female productions.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Tramonto dell’Occidente. Leggere la crisi nel confronto tra letterature
9-11 novembre 2012, Cagliari, teatro Piccolo Auditorium
For association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna, with patronage of Istituto di Cultura Romena di Venezia.
"Hispanidad libre! Libri eletteratura al Dromos Festival 2012"
29 luglio-16 agosto 2012, Oristano e provincia
In collaboration with cultural association Dromos, with patronage of Instituto Cervantes
"Pazza idea. Visioni di normale follia tra arte e letteratura". Second edition.
1-4 dicembre 2011, ex Liceo Artistico Dettori, Cagliari
With cultural association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna
"In viaggio per Itaca. Percorsi di scrittura migrante per un dialogo tra carcere e letteratura"
With cultural association Presìdi del Libro della Sardegna
"Henri Cartier Bresson, Photographe"
Exibition at MAN_Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro
For Imago Multimedia publisher

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To help in communicate different Mediterranean cultures one each other, expecially with litterature and story telling, for example in the way we have done working about migrant litterature (see the project "In viaggio per Itaca").

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Luna Scarlatta is a young cultural association born in march 2011 in Cagliari, in Sardinia island (Italy), and working with his cultural projects in different part of the Island, thank to partnership and collaboration with other reality of our land.
We want to have cultural relations also with culture out of our island and of our Country, and this is not always easy. To be in a Mediterranean network means for us to have a great possibility: exchange Italian and Sardinian form of culture with other coutries by a common share given by the Mediterranean culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilia Fulli
Head of the organisation
Emilia Fulli
Contact (2) Full Name
Mattea Lissia