Teatro Potlach

National Network

Via S. Maria in Castello n.10
Fara in Sabina ( Rieti)

+39 0765277080
Mobile Phone
+39 3296319231
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro Potlach operates as an international school of theatrical arts and crafts since 1976 in Fara Sabina (Lazio, Italy). It produced several street performances both for children and grown-ups and many successful performances, as the recent “Twenty thousand leagues under the seas”, winner of the Best Actress award at the International Festival of Teheran. It already took part to 4 interreg programmes. Since its birth, Teatro Potlach hosted actors and companies from all over the world, and regularly participates to international festivals in Europe, India, Middle East and South America. It has connection with 12 Italian and 6 foreign theatre companies, and with 4 European universities. Teatro Potlach is a member of the International association of theatre companies with premises in monumental European centres. The company counts 10 permanent actors and 2 executives with administrative jobs. Teatro Potlach is receive a grant from the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Mission and Objectives

Teatro Potlach was founded in 1976 by Pino Di Buduo and Daniela Regnoli and takes its name from the anthropological studies of the founders. In the language of the indigenous peoples of North-Western America it refers to the free gift which gives honour and prestige to those who give it and those who receive it as well, in this way going beyond the laws of the market and of profit.
The history of Teatro Potlach begins in the years of the Roman theatre avantgarde, with a choice of rejection of mainstream theatre and the search for a new creative and geographical dimension. This eventually led its founding members to single out Fara Sabina, a small village within the Rieti province, as the base of the theatre. This choice has meant for Potlach a way of making theatre outside both traditional and avantgarde circuits, thereby inventing a dimension of coexistence and communal life as a premise and condition for the theatrical work proper.
In order to work on the technical essence of the theatre, and on the search for the total actor and of a kind of dramatic composition based on physical movement, it is meaningful for the actor to commit him- or herself to ongoing self-training. This takes the performer beyond the institutional idea of the theatre and into a constant exchange with the circus and with dance and musical performance through the constant experience of travelling and the ensuing contact on the field with performing cultures from Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Main Projects / Activities

Teatro Potlach has been expressing its artistic identity through the production of indoor as well as outdoor performances, and through pedagogical activities involving a range of expressive and performing techniques, with an ongoing exchange of ideas and techniques with national and international groups as part of the search for a professional approach capable of addressing every audience.
To this day the activity of theatre pedagogy is central in the work of the director and of the actors. Over the years the original core has acquired numerous regular or occasional collaborators met during the many tours and whilst travelling to explore other realities of the theatre.
A development of the ongoing research into the pedagogy, the composition and the space of action has been the production, over the past seventeen years (1991-2011), of many and varied performances of the Città invisibili project. For this Teatro Potlach was able to involve artists and communities from urban centres in Europe and in America. This project continues to reflect and regenerate the foundations of theatrical work outside theatres by transforming the spaces of everyday life through the discovery of the cultural identity of each place and the use of the creative energy of its inhabitants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Teatro Potlach may share his baggage of experience and contacts accumulated in more of 37 years of activities in all over the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Teatro Potlach is a center of artistic and cultural research, multiculturale.Jjoin the ALF Network could be a good opportunity to get in touch with other realities to share experiences and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pino Di Buduo