El-Fayrouz Society For Environmental, Social & Economical Servicies

National Network

North Saina - El-Arish - 2 Elmahd Eldieny St. Beside Cairo Bank

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Society Council composed of more than 30 members representing women by nearly a quarter and Board consists of 9 members and Executive Board consists of the association of 16 people 9 females and 7 males. The Assembly partnerships with several institutions in different sectors of society to help it achieve its objectives and appropriate funding and grants different: 1) the public sector: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology - the Ministry of Culture - North Sinai Governorate - Ministry of Youth - The Ministry of Planning 2) civil society: the Integrated Care Society - Sawiris Foundation for Social Development – Ouon Misr Association - the Future Foundation for Sustainable Development - The Association for charity 3) the private sector: My Way Corp - Microsoft Corp.
Mission and Objectives

advancement of Sinai society in all aspects of life through active participation in various development fields.
Elfayrouz Society for environmental services and social and economic endeavor to provide services for the development of society, especially young people of both sexes and women, and other marginalized groups through awareness programs, training and capacity development and cooperation with all parties in the implementation of activities that serve the community.
• provide job opportunities for young people
• work activities relating to the development of cultural, scientific, religious and educational.
• raise awareness among young people of the importance of their role in the development of the local community
• contribute to the solution of the problem of illiteracy
• increase the income of women by providing job opportunities and give them a small loan.
• provide social assistance in the form of aid through the Orphan Project
• Rehabilitation of Special Needs and reintegrated into society

Main Projects / Activities

First: (Gift Academy), which includes a range of serious youth initiatives, including:
A - program to ensure the child an orphan
B - seasonal subsidy program
C - economic advancement family program
D - relief subsidies, especially for the people of central Sinai and the victims of the floods
And - processing brides orphans
Second: Women's Rehabilitation Project family of the labor market in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and GTZ;
Third: Sinai Outreach Project in collaboration with Microsoft Corp;
Fourth: voice our future project in collaboration with the Foundation for Creative Egypt;
Fifth: House IT project in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology;
Sixth: the rehabilitation and training of project and enable owners of small and medium with information technology tools needed to develop their business in cooperation with the Egyptian Fund for ICT

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Amany Fahmy Gharib
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ragab M. Hefny
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marwan M. Hassan