L'OBSERVATOIRE - Centre d'Art et de Recherche

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Staff: 3 Budget : 50 000 euros / year Modalities of action : - Residencies, laboratories and research seminars - Production of books, magazines, films, documentaries, performances, art works - Programming and designing of cycles, workshops and exhibitions in public spaces
Mission and Objectives

L’OBSERVATOIRE strives to create the necessary conditions for artistic projects that are not adapted to the academic, cultural and artistic production systems of the MENA region. It also wants to spread them through the public by experimenting with alternative approaches, through mainly:
- Residencies, laboratories and research seminars
- Production of books, magazines, films, documentaries, performances, art works
- Programming and designing of cycles, workshops and exhibitions in public spaces
- Creation of a resource centre / “Musée Collectif sur l’Oubli” (Museum of Collective oblivion)
In addition, L’OBSERVATOIRE proposes the monitoring and ongoing reflection on the challenges of research and experimentation in Humanities, Art and Film within society.

Main Projects / Activities

LUNJA is a bilingual (French-Arabic) and bimonthly literature review that explores current events, history, culture, humanities and the arts by making it accessible to all, including children from 6 years on.
A journal to grow, that it is aware of culture, art and current issues, but also of history and philosophy. To better understand the world and live it having the necessary weapons for critical thinking.
A journal that proposes a broad cultural agenda and speaks about films, books, exhibitions, concerts, raising curiosity and bringing children and adults into the world of culture.
A magazine to get to know everything about Morocco and its cultural heritage: its cities, its history, its traditions and its great citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lea Morin
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Fariji