Creative Womem Association

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Creative women association is nongovernmental organization that work in Gaza in the field of women rights and culture, the association has an elected board of directors composed by 7 members and it has 7 employees who work as full time. the main resource of funding is come form catholic relief services and UNRWA. The association is implementing projects that focus on women rights and gender , it conduct many workshops and seminars for youth and women. The association has partnership with the union of cultural centers in Gaza
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is supporting creative women and enable her to partcipate positively in the community.
The objective of the association is promoting women rights and gender and raise the awreness of people in the field of women rights.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conduct awareness workshops for women and men on genders
- Conduct seminars about women rights
- Provide training on IT skills for youth
- Provide training for women house hold in handicrafts
- Conduct researches about the situation of women in Gaza

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can coordinate join activities with other members , we can exchange our experience with others members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network in order to be in connection with others members who work in the field of women rights for exchanging experience and for seeking partnership, we would like also to be updated by the events and oppertuinities related to funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dareen Diab
Head of the organisation
Donia Al Amal Ismaeel