
Third Millennium Society for Development and Solidarity and Cooperation

National Network

Mailbox 10275 Main Post.
93000 Tetouan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Administrative and is elected by combining public once every five years, the office, and Assembly partners are: Urban Community of Tetouan, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, on behalf of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the team Maghreb Athletic Tetouan, the Consultative Group for the development, the National Forum for communication and civil society, and the Assembly resources are financial contributions of members and benefactors incomes and activities, to the limits of time we organize some summer camps and evening and a match charitable project and strengthen the capacity and the development of competencies in the field of software development associations target
Mission and Objectives

* Contribute to the achievement of a comprehensive development strategy within the integration with political National Human Development Initiative.
* The fight against social exclusion in urban and rural areas through government programs and in partnership with the commandment institutions and with non-governmental organizations inside and outside Morocco.
* Provide and encourage training in the areas of technologies: Media / Contact / internet and informatics for the benefit of the poor and the young.
* Sense in the private sector of the importance of the role of social development by making him a partner and participant in: social activities and projects undertaken by the Assembly.
* Do charity work that aims to help the needy in the community.
* Programs that enhance the capabilities and competencies of people who are interested in the establishment of associations through the formation of an appropriate and effective management while keeping up or submit a draft of the development of enterprises.
* Programs that enhance the capabilities and competencies of people who want to create a small contracting or cooperatives through the formation of an appropriate and effective management while keeping up or submit a draft of the development of enterprises.
* The establishment of a multi-disciplinary community rehabilitation center
* Contribute to the popularization of schooling and training and cultural integration and activation for the benefit of children and young people from poor families through government programs and in partnership with the commandment institutions.
* Alleviate the suffering of orphans and help achieve progress for women.
* Work to create a space for the child.
* To encourage a spirit of understanding among Moroccan youth and the rest of the world's youth.
* Work on the protection of the environment.
* The adoption of modern concepts and methodology developed for volunteer work in the world.
* Interest in promoting cultural exchange, social and literary within the UK and abroad.
* Work on the contract coordination and cooperation and partnership agreements with: government institutions, semi-governmental institutions, elected bodies, companies, businesses, associations, civil society and non-governmental organizations within and outside of Morocco, which meets with the Assembly in its goals or shared interests.

Main Projects / Activities

* Do, completion of: scientific research and field studies.
* Organize: meetings, exhibitions, symposia and cultural, international forums, awareness workshops, organize cultural days and weeks and art.
* Organize: forums and workshops of local, national and international.
* Organize: training courses and training, spring camps for adolescents and summer camps for children.
* You may post in the activities of the Assembly: magazines, newspapers and on websites with pages promoted in various media inside and outside Morocco.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organization: training sessions, conferences, workshops communicative

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the development of services carried out by the Assembly, and the development of competencies of its staff, and the performance and Ttorir Assembly, and increase experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Search in the sociology of institutions
Head of the organisation

Tiflet Young Leaders Network

National Network

263 Lotissement Dalia
15400 Tiflet

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
structure of the organization: 11 Executive Board members / 20 committee coordinators / 150 members / 40 friends of the association, less than 15 years and different media partners  Budgetary resources available in a year: Membership fees, grants Sources of funding: mempership fees, grants  Modalities of action : social actions, leadership workshops, orientation panels, concrete , seminars,  Main partners involved in the organization: local and national organizations, student clubs, and media partners
Mission and Objectives

Create a platform for exchange and discussion between youth

Consolidating of the socio-cultural development of our city and its regions

Encourage young people to participate in public life and civil society

Animate public life of the city by organizing activities that affect all areas

Develop the culture of volunteering and voluntary work and encouraging the participatory approach

Unite the different talents of the city to ensure their collaboration for the common good

organize an international project of local importance rooted in the region. That is why we have developed a traveling biennial to be held in different cities of the region. 

To tackle and reflect on contemporary social issues through multidisciplinary cultural approach.

To create a flexible and a sustainable model of culture exchange and mobility between cultural workers: artists and theoreticians 

Main Projects / Activities

In only 3 months, we have already organized :

Orientation panel for high school students, in order to help them chose their futur field of studies

Moroccan forum for high education

volunteering action such as: #Men_He9i_Ne9ra (I have the right to study), humanitarian aid to orphans and pupils from poor families, a large collection of school supplies (more than 100 school bags)

redevelopment of public spaces: trying to give them an artistic touch

workshops on human right and leadership skills provided by the World Youth Alliance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we represent an active group of young people and intellectuals, a true human potential that can work without stop to realize its objectives, and we think that we can add a value to the national network because we have different backrouds which makes it easy to work in different field and cooperate nd exchange with different actors, which can be considered as on of the main objectifs of the ALF objectives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF Network gather a huge number of organization with whom we can exchange and cooprate, besides, it encourages cultural mobility between euromed youth which goes with our perspectives to be open to other socities and organizations 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of TYLN and research assistant
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
azelarab Hilmi
Job Title (2)


National Network

85000 Tiznit

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The association aims to: 1. The contribution to the personal and community development of young people: - Make young people aware of community life and develop a sense of citizenship. - To develop in young people the critical spirit and to encourage them to collective work; learning about democracy within groups. - Encourage young people to research, urge them to initiative and creativity by ensuring quality. - Organize conferences, workshops and training seminars for better dissemination of assigned objectives. 2. Promotion and dissemination of culture and art. - Encourage and assist cultural initiatives by promoting cooperation, coordination and animation. - Promote contacts between private initiative and public authorities and collaborate with other associations that share the same objectives. - Participate in civil, patriotic, folkloric and social events. - Promote activities in foreign languages ​​and openness to other cultures. 3. Protection of the natural and cultural environment - Sensitize young people to the natural and archaeological riches of the region. - Organize events and participate in campaigns to protect the natural and cultural environment.

Mission and Objectives

The main missions of Tinas foundation are to encourage cooperation and integration among young people, to provide mobility for youth, to develop democracy, tolerance and human rights, to contribute for an open society withouth prejudices through action days, field studies, summer universities and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

Young Mediterranean Voices

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our experience in non-formal intercultural education as well as with promoting the network and its opportunities among our many international partners and all the other networks we are members of.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our network with other organization and want to receive some funds for our Morrocan youths through them we can develop our missions more effectively.

Contact (1) Full Name
Safouan Oumha
Job Title
Responsible for youth programs
Head of the organisation

Tournoi de solidarité de football

mountada martil.jpg

Après le succès de l’atelier sur la prévention contre l’extrémisme violent, le tournoi de solidarité de football consacre les valeurs de fraternité et de convivialité

Le stade de Martil a accueilli le tournoi de solidarité sous le slogan « le sport nous rassemble » les 11 et 12 avril (20 et 21 Ramadan),  organisée par le Forum des associations Martil dans le cadre du projet « Ensemble nous pouvons vivre en sécurité » en partenariat avec l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les migrations et financé par l’Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international. Cette fête de football a vu la participation de six équipes des quartiers de Martil, dont deux équipes féminines et la participation de l’Association des étudiants et stagiaires étrangers à Tétouan.

La cérémonie d’ouverture a été suivie par le représentant de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations, la directrice du Centre social et culturel du quartier Diza, qui a prononcé un discours à cette occasion dans lequel elle a salué le projet et l’importance du sport dans l’édification de connaissances et d’amitiés, ainsi que la présence de la vice-présidente du Conseil préfectoral. Dans son discours de bienvenue, le Président du Forum, a salué les efforts déployés et l’atmosphère fraternelle qui a marqué la préparation de cet événement et a promis d’instituer ce tournoi pour devenir une tradition permanente dans la ville

Il est à noter que toutes les équipes ont bénéficié à parts égales d’une subvention pour l’acquisition de fournitures sportives et que tous les participants ont été assurés contre les accidents de jeu. Enfin, tous les participants ont exprimé leur grande satisfaction et leur souhait à consolider cette tradition comme outil de prévention contre la violence et la consolidation des valeurs de paix et  convivialité.


National Network

Boulevard Mouhamed 5 Rue Abbass Msaadi Immeuble 13 Appartement 13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
organisation à but non lucratif qui a pour but de regrouper les ètudiants et stagiaires sènègalais rèsidant au Maroc et faciliter leur intègration dans la sociètè marocaine.Le bureau executif compte 22 membres et dispose de 15000Euros provenant de la vente des cartes et des sponsors.Nous organisons des excursions,des sorties, une semaine culturelle afin de faire connaitre la culture sènègalaise.Nos sponsors:l'ambassade du Sènègal au Maroc,la Royal Air Maroc, les ècoles HECF,Sup'Management,ISTH,INFOHOUSE
Mission and Objectives

L'Union Gènèrale des Etudiants et Stagiaires Sènègalais au Maroc a pour mission de regrouper les ètudiants et stagiaires sènègalais rèsidant au Maroc afin de faciliter leur intègration.

Main Projects / Activities

journèe d'intègration en dèbut d'annèe pour souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux.Excursions, cours de soutien ,thè dèbats ,soirèes dansantes ,semaine culturelle ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ndeye Astou Mbaye
Head of the organisation
Roger Rolland Boissy
Publication Illustration

Un autre regard sur les migrations Expériences du Maroc

Cet ouvrage met l'accent sur l'émergence au Maroc d'une nouvelle façon de considérer, voir et penser la migration. Même si le rêve d'une vie meilleure ailleurs perdure, l'émigration ne bénéficie plus de l'aura qu'elle a eue pendant longtemps. Au travers...

Union Des Associations de Fès Médina

National Network

35, Derb sidi Kjih Talaa sghira Fès Médina

002126 6 20 30 37 91
Telephone (other)
00 212 5 35 63 46 67
00 212 5 35 63 46 67
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002126 6 20 30 37 95
Mobile Phone (other)
00 212 6 67 43 97 97
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
L’UNION naît en 2002 par la volonté des plusieurs présidents des associations et des amicales de proximité de la Médina de Fès avec la conviction de mettre en place un réseau qui permet de renforcer les capacités d’intervention de la vie associative dans le domaine du développement social et démocratique. A travers la coordination de ses 30 adhérents qui recouvrent le 75% du territoire, l’UNION se propose comme acteur principal pour l’application des principes de la bonne gouvernance, pour la défense des droits des citoyens et pour la mise en place de projets socio-économiques visant à améliorer le cadre de vie des habitants. -l’union fonctionne par projets financé par les bailleurs de fond étrangers et locaux et les ONGS - nos partenaires étrangers: - UE - Fond canadiens des Initiatives Local - La coopération Suisse - L'ambassade de France - Art Gold Maroc (PNUD) - Commune de florence nos partenaires locaux - La wilaya de fès Médina - L'arrondissement Fès Médina - l'agence de développent - Le conseil régional de tourisme - ODECO -l'Entraide nationale
Mission and Objectives

L’UNION a pour mission le con-solidement des politiques et des stratégies communes pour atteindre un véritable développement socio économique de la Médina de Fès ainsi que la vulgarisation des valeurs de citoyenneté et de Droits de l’Homme entre la population et les Établissements Publiques de la ville. - Affirmer les traditions de solidarité et de coopération.
nos objectifs:
- Défendre l’environnement et sauvegarder le patrimoine
- Développer les projets socio-économiques
- Améliorer les conditions de vie et lutter contre l’exclusion sociale
- Défendre les droits des femmes et lutter contre le travail des enfants
- Encourager la participation à la gestion de la chose locale et à la création des
- zones d’ententes entre les citoyens, les élus et les services étatiques

Main Projects / Activities

nos projets réalisé
- La porte bleue
- les portails de Fès Médina
- Ziyarates Fès
- Médina citoyenne
- Médina Transparente
- AGR au service de l'autonomisation de la Femme de la médina
- action inter acteur pour la lutte contre la corruption
- secouriste volontaire de proximité
- soutien a l’amélioration des standards socio-économique féminins dans les région Fès-Boulemane

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

durant le parcours l'union se présente comme acteur principal pour l’application des principes de la bonne gouvernance, pour la défense des droits des citoyens et pour la mise en place des projets socio-économiques visant à améliorer le cadre de vie des habitants de la ville de Fès.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour bénéficier de financement des projets ,de l'appui de la fondation et de la formation

Contact (1) Full Name
BERNI abdelhak
Head of the organisation
BERNI abdelhak
Contact (2) Full Name
LAAROUSSI Fatima zohra

union national de secteur de presse et média indépendant

National Network

sidi abdelah
11080 salé

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

fondée en 2001, est le point d'ancrage les journalistes aux srvice Les constantes et les saintetés de la patrie. ses membres préconisent les valeurs suivantes : - La créativité et l'innovation - La coopération et le partage - L'efficacité - Le leadership engagé

Mission and Objectives

a pour mission de rassembler, appuyer et représenter sesmembres afin d’assurer leur vitalité et leur pérennité,

Main Projects / Activities

Tables rondes pour les journalistes Configurations dans la culture du journalisme numérique Articles Histoires culturellement diverses

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribuer à la formation d'une véritable image médiatique sur le Maroc et la diversité culturelle qui l'a caractérisé à travers des formations et des rencontres

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour Contribuer à la formation d'une véritable image médiatique sur le Maroc et la diversité culturelle qui l'a caractérisé à travers des formations et des rencontres

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
vice president
Head of the organisation