
The Centre of Art Management and Information

National Network

Kalpaka blv.13, 15

+371 7322196
E-Mail (2)
Contact (1) Full Name
Kristaps Gulbis
Head of the organisation
Aigars Bikse
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilze Akmentina

The National Youth Council of Latvia (LJP)

National Network

R. Blaumana street 38/4 - 11
Riga, LV-1011

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

LJP is a non-gouvermental organisation with 5 employes, 5 board members and 33 member organizations.  Our budget for the year 2015 was aproximetly 100000 EUR, with funding from Erasmus+, European Commision grants.  Our main project is Structured Dialogue in Latvia.  Our partners include Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, as well as our 33 member organizations and other NGO's. 

Mission and Objectives

Latvian youth policy, based on the young people's desires, needs and co-operation. Participation of young people in the decisions affecting the future of young people; Youth organization interest representation in Latvia and abroad; Non-formal education availability to young people and it's recognizion in Latvia; Young people have access to information on youth, its opportunities and youth organizations activities; Youth organizations are nationally recognized as an integral part of civil public existence. Collect, represent and protect the views and interests of young people and youth organizations in matters relating to youth or affecting young people, both directly and indirectly, on national and international levels; Ensuring that Latvian youth policies are linked to the international efforts in youth development.  

Main Projects / Activities

Structured dialogue process implementation in Latvia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LJP has 20 years of experience in the youth field. We have gained a lot of experience on how to work with youth directly, how to write projects and implement them successfully and defend youth's rights on a local, national and international level. LJP has a lot of experience in cooperation with national authorities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To establish new partnerships with organizations that work with youth in Latvia and other countries as well as to strengthen the existing partnerships. To gain support on our activities and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliza Bruklena
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anna Norvele, President

University of Latvia

National Network

Raina Blvd. 19
Riga, LV-1586

+ 371 67034901
Telephone (other)
+ 371 67034826 - Janis Priede
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The University of Latvia is the leading research university in Latvia with outstanding intellectual capacity and profound expertise in different fields. The University of Latvia (UL), a state funded institution with its 13,000 students, 13 faculties and more than 20 research institutes is one of the largest in the Baltic States public comprehensive multidisciplinary university, which concentrates the leading study and research potential in humanities, social and natural sciences, medicine. Through the continuous internationalization the UL seeks to achieve the highest international standards in teaching and research, to increase the international recognition of the UL and to strengthen its reputation in the academic environment abroad. The partners around the world both bilateral and within great number of various projects approves this objective. The UL is the member of international networks, active participant in Erasmus+ exchanges, proposes different scholarships for the students. The implementation of the planned national measures within the Modernization Agenda and UL Strategic Plan ensures that such important principles as: learning outcomes based teaching, accreditation of all study programmes within the fields of science, the proposed new national funding models, the quality improvement in all functions as well as permanent revision of the curricula relevant to the labour market, emphasis on the links between education, research and business, training researchers as the active agents for innovation will support growth and excellence.

Mission and Objectives

According to the UL Strategic Plan 2010-2020 goal to ensure the long term development of the Latvian economy in coopreation with the state, regional institutions, enterprises, NGOs and other relevant actors, the UL aims to continue its development according to the strategic objectives: to raise the quality, widen knowledge alliances, foster the UL involvement in research collaboration, promote intensive international cooperation, increase the numbers of projects, publications, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

At UL research is conducted in over 50 research fields within the main areas : humanities, natural sciences and social sciences, medicine. The projects are conducted in all areas. The latest example: BIRTI(Baltic innovative research and technology infrastructure) The University of Latvia pays great attention to the development of international collaboration, and especially supports different schemas of mobility. At present, the University of Latvia participates in Erasmu+ projects, has been a a successful partner in various Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects, i.e. JoinEU-SEE, Triple I, Lot 3b, Centauri, Mover and Aurora, as well as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme (MISOCO). The UL participates at the moment in 7 EEA/Norway grants projects, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In cooperation with the Network members, to organize joint activities, events, exhibits, and projects that would: a. involve large numbers of people which would enhance integration processes in the society as well as reciprocal cultural exchange and mutual understanding; b. stimulate and facilitate the exchange of ideas between the members of ALF network; c. contribute to the management of issues related to the refugee crisis. To involve in these projects and events people familiar with the languages and culture/s of our Mediterranean partners, in particular, students and teachers of Arabic and Turkish language.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1) First of all, to give the Latvian audience an opportunity to learn about the languages and cultures of Mediterranean countries as well as to present own culture, thus supporting a reciprocal cultural exchange process; 2) To involve the youth in multicultural communication with the aim of widening their horizons and promoting further international cooperation; 3) To bridge the cultural gaps, fight xenofobia, find common values, promote mutual understanding and support peaceful communication, which might be especially important during the refugee crisis in Europe. 4) And last, to provide an opportunity to LU Arabic and Turkish Language students to communicate with native speakers of these languages. Thus, the students will be able not only to learn more about the language/s and culture/s of the Mediterranean members of ALF Network, but also to use their knowledge in an authentic communicative situation and gain motivation for further studies and employment according to their major.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Janis Priede
Job Title
Head of the Asian Studies Department, Faculty of
Head of the organisation
Prof. Gundars Berzins, Rector
Contact (2) Full Name
Ingrida Kleinhofa
Job Title (2)
Lead Researcher
Name of Organisation
University of Latvia


National Network

Priezu street 3
Sejas novads, Rigas rajons
LV 2142


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 26490983
Mobile Phone (other)
+371 26003553
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
> Unrepublic currently employs 5 people > Budget approx. 10 000 eur / year > Source of funding: private > Modalities of action: Community building > Currently no partners
Mission and Objectives

Unrepublic is a private company developing web based social communities and virtual worlds. We see our mission in bringing together people from across continents and cultures in a virtual space with no boundaries.

Main Projects / Activities

Unrepublic virtual world project, to be finished january 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uldis Leiterts
Head of the organisation
Uldis Leiterts
Contact (2) Full Name
Mārtiņš Zutis

Vidzeme Culture and Art Association "Haritas"

National Network

Rigas street 10
Valmiera, LV-4201

+371 28395899
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Association "Haritas” has 58 members, both juridical and physical persons: representatives of the professional art, amateur collectives, culture centers in parishes, other NGOs of the culture sphere. In Association on regular basis works 3 staff members, we have 10 volunteers which are involved in organization on project basis. The target group of the association is not only representatives and cooperation partners of the cultural field, but also other NGOs, especially NGOs of social field, government institutions, local municipalities, entrepreneurs. Association has cooperation with Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Finance. “Haritas” is a member of association “Latvijas Pilsoniskā alianse” and Women Cooperation network. As NGO, we don't have a regular funding from state or municipality, main sources for funding are grants for projects. Regional and national grant programms we work with are: Vidzeme Culture programme, State Culture Capital Foundation grants, Society Integration Foundation grant programmes. We also work with international grant programmes like Programme of EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme “Grundtvig”, European Commission's Programme “Youth in Action”, European Culture Foundation, Nordic Culture Point. Organization budget for 2009 was 12 000 EUR, for year 2010: 35 000 EUR.

Mission and Objectives

Vidzeme Culture and Art Association "Haritas" works to promote intercultural dialogue in local and European level and to create cultural events for educating society, especially society groups with low access to culture and its products. The main aims of the association are: - to strengthen culture sector, promoting cultural education, exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience; - to motivate participation in social life with mediation of art and culture; - to facilitate awareness of cultural identity; - to develop cultural heritage policy; - to plan, organize and implement cultural events, activities and processes; - to promote cooperation between local governments, governmental institutions, nongovernmental organizations and entrepreneurs; - to maintain interest advocacy of its members, providing adequate help.

Main Projects / Activities

In year 2008 Association “Haritas” established culture organization cooperation network “European Culture Street”. Aim of the network: to establish an environment for exchanging ideas, resources and experiences for different culture organizations to create cultural events for educating society, especially society groups with low access to culture and its products. In summer 2010 1st International Festival “European Culture street” took place in Valmiera, Latvia. Festivals like this will be organised every second year. Every year in April Children and Youth Amateur theatre festival is organised. Developing through time, it is also witht National Playwrighters contest. Every year in September International Poetry event “Poetry tour” is organised. Poets from Latvia, Estonia and Finland take part in this event, reading their poetry in events organized in every country. Association also organizes and are interested in cooperation in projects in films, literature, exhibitions, traditional arts and youth involvement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madara Aldina
Head of the organisation
Solveiga Boicova

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

National Network

Cesu street 4
Valmiera, LV-4201

+371 64207230
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 26182266
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is a state university offering professional bachelor and master's degrees in four faculties: Business Administration and Economics, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Social Sciences and Engineering. The approximate number of students is 1400, and around 150 academic and administrative staff members are employed in the institution. University plays an active role in the region it is situated and cooperates with both local and international partners in public, business and academic sectors. Great emphasis in the study process is also the international perspective of studies, therefore various international projects and activities like conferences, seminars, exchanges, summer schools, workshops have been organized in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. University receives funding from the state offering free study places for students, and also accepts fee paying students.

Mission and Objectives

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is developing as one of the most innovative regional centres for academic education and research in the Baltic Sea area. It objectives include: offering up-to-date education combining academic knowledge and professional skills and perspectives, developing research and technologies oriented towards regional development, providing possibilities of life-long learning in cooperation with Vidzeme Lifelong Learning Centre, promoting the international cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2000 ViA has been involved in implementation of more than 40 projects funded mainly by EU funds, Republic of Latvia, UN and USA, Nordic funds etc. Main themes of projects: improvement of study and research infrastructure and library premises, development of curricula, research and science, regional development, development cooperation etc. The current running projects include: 2009 – 2011: “Development of Vidzeme Continuing Education Techology Centre”; 2009 – 2011: “Cental Baltic Innovation Tools for Practice” (leading partner Porvoo Commercial School in Finland); 2009 – 2011: “Landscape Along the Gauja River - Revitalization of Historical Center of Valmiera” (leading partner Valmiera City Council) 2009 – 2011: “Utilization of the research potential of local universities in Latvia for the promotion of regional development” (leading partner University of Latvia) 2008 – 2009: "Development Co-operation Studies as a Subject at the Vidzeme University College"

Contact (1) Full Name
Liga Cvetkova
Head of the organisation Agnese Davisone, Rector
Contact (2) Full Name
Iveta Putnina

Women's NGOs Cooperation Network

National Network

Dzirnavu street 3A -22
Riga, LV-1010

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Women's NGOs Cooperaiton Network is an umbrealla organistation. It is a national coordination of European Women's Lobby and member of Women against Violence Europe. Since 2017 the network is coordination ALF Latvia.

Work of NGO is volunteer based. Funds: EEA and Norway grants, ERASMUS+, Nordplus, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Welfare, in-kind contributions by private sector and members of the network.

Mission and Objectives

According to the Statutes the aim of NGO is to unite women’s organisations of Latvia in a common cooperation network to promote women’s rights and equality between men and women and ensure full access for all women to their human rights. Continue operation, activities of the informal original association of organisations of Women’s NGOs Cooperation Network of Latvia (National Coordination of European Women’s Lobby) that was established on 24 September, 2003 under the terms of a Protocol of Co-operation, and its tasks are Promote solidarity and confidence of the women of Latvia; Represent interests of the women in dialogue with national, European and international institutions; Perform effective lobbying for the promotion of the equality of gender, integration of its principles in all the spheres of the action policy, on the level of the adoption of the decision in Parliament (Saeima), government and local governments, quickly respond to the events in Latvia and issues and laws to be reviewed in the Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament (Saeima) and European Union; Develop capacity of NGO and promote institutional and capacity development of its member organisations etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Informal network exists from 2003 Gender equality award since 2006 Women’s NGOs forum organized annually Full member of European Women’s Lobby and only full member from Latvia from 2009 Member of Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation and Civic Alliance Mentoring project for young women in partnership with EU Representation in Latvia (European Successful women academy) Position papers and opinions from gender perspective and lobbying for gender equality at Parliament (Saeima) and municipality level in all sphere – health, economics, environment etc. Members of National Gender Equality Committee, Latvian Representatives at European Gender Equality Institute Expert Forum, EC Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women, Gender Training Task Force at European Gender Equality Institute etc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By networking, sharing information in our network, contributing to monitoring of legal acts. Network is long term partner to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have participated in the work of United Nations session on women's human rights (CEDAW, Women's Status Commitee) etc

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking, information exchange, access to grants and partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Edite Kalnina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inete Ielite, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Inete Ielite
Job Title (2)

Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society Latvia

National Network

Saulkrastu novads, Saulkrastu lauku teritorija, "Jaunciruli" LV-2160

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
The Latvian NGO “Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society” is new one, established in October 2007. Our supported and realized projects are providing space for young people to engage in various activities, such as culture, performing arts, democracy, education, sports etc. All our members are volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

“Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society” has received a special public benefit organization status, issued by Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, which grants reduction of taxes to the companies and bodies, who are transfering support donations to our organization and their projects.
Feel free to contact us for any kind of ideas, questions and suggestions!

Main Projects / Activities

Bigger realized projects: support and organization of local and international music projects and concert tours of Latvian choir "Anima" (Saulkrasti), Russia theatre projects for ethnic minorities (russians) in Latvia, support of publishing of 3 books for school youth and students “Logical schemes. Microeconomics” , “Innovation actions in Latvia” and “The art of Creative thinking”.
In 2010 our organization is joining International training course "IYI Improving the quality of international youth projects" in Croatia. Project supportet under YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAME.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martins Ansonskis
Head of the organisation
Martins Ansonskis

Z Fund

National Network

Veca Bikernieku street 9 - 16
Riga, LV-1079

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Z Fund works on project basis. Employees vary depending on the project. We work with EU projects as well as engage in local arts projects.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organization is to organize and facilitate different projects in arts and media, and through these fields to promote discussion amongst young people about relevant issues such as human rights, gender equality, tolerance and environment. Z Fund aims to become an international platform for arts and media projects and a promoter of informal education amongst young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Website about film, photography, art etc. Youth in Action and other EU projects Local and international arts and media projects For more information visit our website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We allready did involve Latvian youngsters in Euromed project and plan to do it again. Latvian network organizes Baltic-Medatirenean festival in spring 2013, we woul like to help there as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Z Fund also stands for bringing together Europe with Mediterranean countries. The experience with this one project was so amazing, that we would like to continue. we also would like to share with our Local ALF network our experience and we would like to get involved more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ildze Pravorne
Head of the organisation
Ildze Pravorne
Contact (2) Full Name
Liva Paudere


National Network

Valkas 1, Riga, LV-1010

+371 67222208
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
NGO Zinībsaite as a legal organization was founded on February 2, 2009. The name - "Zinibsaite" (knowledge-band) means that our targets has drawn things related to education and professional development. We want to encourage the harmonious development of personality that capture people's creativity, mobility and competitiveness. NGO Zinibsaite members come from a variety of industries, such as social work, sociology, finance, public relations and communications, information technologies, architecture and design, construction and pedagogy. Although despite the fact that the organization as legal formation is new, its members have already accumulated a significant experience in project development and implementation with active participation in other NGOs, government and municipal bodies, as well as with business structures.
Mission and Objectives

The organizations objectives is to promote development of human resources by improving every individual's skills and professional competences. NGO also stands for improving peoples standarts of living, as well as for promoting equal knowledge acqusition oportunities for all social groups via modulation the educational solutions of modern information and communication technologies. Support activities that create a coherent and effective solutions to develop some strong, specific and competitive aspects of region. Also to promote people's sustainable development and economic competitiveness, ensuring a coherent approach to economic, social and environmental development, involving local people and communities so that they in their turn will benefit from it. We will promote various opportunities for all groups in society (children, youth, adults, people with special needs and senior citizens). Not less we will participate in establishing a better environment that ensures sustainable development and attractiveness of regions where people want to live, work and invest. It is important to us to make Latvia more interesting and accessible for both - residents and visitors, but at the same time retain their own characteristics and the natural and cultural heritage attractivity.

Main Projects / Activities

Zinibsaite currently operates on a voluntary basis, including all employees and as an independent organization, which receives no funding from any governments or political parties or religious organizations, it is an essential condition to attract financial resources in form of project tenders in order to reach our objectives.
The current key activities are associated with strengthening capacity and working on several new education-based projects, as well as development of new and maintaining the existing cooperation contacts with international partners for participation in cross-border programs. We are also working on attracting new members to our organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Indra Steinerte
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristine Mihnevica