
La Ménagerie e.V

National Network

c/o Theaterhaus Mitte - Haus C Wallstraße 32

+49 (0)30 53 79 91 47
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La Ménagerie e.V. est une association à but non-lucratif, comportant environ 60 membres. Nos partenaires sont l'Institut Francais de Berlin, des théâtres, des médias locaux. Nous fonctionnons grâce au travail bénévoles des membres, cherchons encore des financements.
Mission and Objectives

Contribuer à l'entente et au rapprochment des peuples en organisant des échanges entre troupes francophones et germanophones, en soutenant des projets scéniques francophones à Berlin, en organisant un festival de théâtre francophone, en intervenant dans les écoles avec des ateliers de théâtre en francais.

Main Projects / Activities

- Un soutien à des projets et spectacles - Des ateliers pour enfants, jeunes et adultes - Un festival annuel du théâtre francophones - Des échanges pédagogiques franco-allemands - Des lectures de pièces de théâtre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En mettant à disposition notre structure, nos partenariats, notre énergie et notre Know-How en ce qui concerne les domaines de la culture et la pédagogie à Berlin.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour créer des partenariats et en vue de trouver des fonds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aurélie Vincent
Head of the organisation
Hélène Lebonnois

Landesjugendpfarramt Sachsen

National Network

Caspar-David-Friedrich-Str. 5,
01067 Dresden

+49351 4692 410
+49 351 4692 430
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rüdiger Steinke
Head of the organisation
Tobias Bilz

Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Thüringen e.V.

National Network

Marktstr. 6
99084 Erfurt

0361 66 38 22 22
Telephone (other)
0049 361 5623306
0361 66 38 22 20
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0049 176 61275926
Mobile Phone (other)
0049 163 8131261
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Roof organization of 15 member associations with around 600 ensembles, associations and groups involved in cultural youth education. 14 staff members and project coordinators. Budget: about 80.000 Euros/year (mot counting affiliated projects) Funding through the EU, the German government, the State of Thuringia,and various national and international partners

Mission and Objectives

The LKJ is the network-coordinator of associations of cultural youth education in Thuringia. The main objective is to maintain a certain level range of possibilites for young people to educate themselves in music, dance, art, literature, theatre and other artistic disciplins. We are convinced that activities in these areas help to develop social and intellectual competencies, helping young people to be active members of cultural, social and professional life.

Main Projects / Activities

The LKJ organizes various trainings to further cultural youth education and support its mediators, initiating model projects in certain fields, especially to further employment chances of young people and to cultivate open-mindedness and tolerance in the population. The LKJ is, amongst other things, the agency for the cultural voluntary year in Thuringia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Bohne (Chairwoman)
Head of the organisation
Regina Gropper
Contact (2) Full Name
Ulrike Enders (International Exchange)

Launch of the Intercultural Trends Survey

The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation coordinates in the framework of the German Presidency of the European Union the international launc

Learn2Change: Invitation Symposia Germany (22 Nov 2023), Tunisia (25 Nov 2023), Uganda (30 Nov 2023) on the Role of Civil Society for Democracy and Sustainability


Civil society plays an important role for democracy and sustainability - today more than ever! That is why the Learn2change Network is organizing together with the VNB e. V., Somero Uganda and Model African Union Tunisia and many other local cooperation partners a series of events with the aim to explore and document in global dialogue and with global learning how democratic participation supports sustainable processes and vice versa.

The symposia will take place in three countries including Germany, Tunisia and Uganda respectively. All will be both physical (for invited people within the country) and online (for those outside the country and other interested parties). At all symposia, representatives and activists from civil society, education, universities, trade unions, politics and many more will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network. Activists from the international Learn2Change network will also be present online in all symposia.

Symposium in Hannover/Germany, 22 November 2023, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm CET
Symposium in Kampala/Uganda, 30 November 2023, 8:30 am – 1:00 pm EAT
Symposium in Tunis/Tunisia, 25 November 2023, information are coming soon

Registration participation online:

Learning Together: first three online workshops organised by members of the German network in 2020 concluded


In the spirit of further promoting the cooperation, expert knowledge and learning exchange initiatives of ALF members, the German network started a new series of interactive online workshops organised by members of the German ALF network for all members of the ALF. The first part of the series was successfully concluded in 2020 with:

The Tension between Intangible Cultural Heritage and Superdiversity of Urban Spaces

Birgit Ellinghaus (alba KULTUR)
Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET)

In her workshopBrigit Ellinghaus covered four aspects: the importance of intangible cultural heritage for the ALF as an institution of intercultural dialogue; urban spaces as places of migration and cultural diversity; urban traditions as a paradoxical construction; and networking in super-diverse contexts.


Diversity Management in Times of New Work – Opportunities and Challenges

Fabian Pianka (Deutsche Welle)
Thursday, September 10th, 2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET)

During this two-hour workshop Fabian Pianka introduced initiatives for an efficient Diversity Management strategy and discuss the do’s and don’ts of diversity and inclusion in times of New Work realities in an interactive part of the workshop with the participants.


Presentation of the Network "Integration through Qualification (IQ)" and transnational activities

Anne Gueller-Frey (Tür an Tür Integrationsprojekte gGmbH)
Wednesday, October 14th2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET)

The topic of the workshop focused on the integration of people with a migration background who hold professional qualifications or other valuable credentials that are not recognized in Germany. In this regard, Anne Gueller-Frey presented the Network “Integration through Qualification” (IQ), which works on improving employment opportunities for people with a migration background in Germany. The Network IQ works also on transnational activities together with European and international partners.

Picture: Ahkka /


The series will be continued in 2021. Please follow us on ZAK | Research - Anna Lindh Foundation ( and on facebook.


Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Westasiens

National Network

Lehrstuhl für Westasiatische Geschichte Universität Erfurt Nordhäuserstraße 63

+49 361 737-4441
+49 361 737 4419
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The "Platform World Regions and Interactions: Area Studies, Transregionally" is a research unit at the University of Erfurt.
Mission and Objectives

It is designed to promote joint research on the entangled world histories of West Asia and East Asia, Europe and the Americas together with individual researchers, universities and other institutions in these world regions.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, work-shops, student exchanges, cultural activities (like film weeks) etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Birgit Schaebler
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Birgit Schaebler

LeISA gGmbH Soziokulturelles Zentrum Die VILLA

National Network

Lessingstraße 7
04109 Leipzig

0049-341-35 52 04 30
Telephone (other)
0049-341-35 52 04 0
0049-341-35 52 04 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

"Die VILLA" - a sociocultural youth center - is located not far from the city center. It has its home in an old renovated house in Leipzig´s artists quarter. "Die Villa" was founded by 12 independent associations. Since 1999 youth work has been established. In 2005 three NGOs have fused to one insitution called LeISA GmbH. "Die VILLA" aims to support and promote cultural and leisure activities for young people and kids. There are several fields of activity: Management & Finance (2 employee), House service of "Die VILLA", children and youth work (2 employee), media projects (2 employee), school projects, youth events (1 employee), youth voluntary service (1/2 employee), intercultural projects, youth cafe (1/2 employee). Our sources of funding are the city of Leipzig, Country, EU, Foundations etc. and own recources.

Mission and Objectives

The target groups of "Die VILLA" are from baby to senoir, but mainly children and youth. Every field of activity as its own objectives. E.g. the Medienwerkstatt Leipzig develop youth competence in media relations (video, photography, computer and internet). We are offering projects with schools and other NGOs, regular workshops, semi-professional courses for youth and holiday courses for children. Moreover it is possible to rent rooms and equipment for own projects. So all in all there are over 100 offers and events a week; approx. 80 000 guests a year; approx. cooperations with 30 independent organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

"Die VILLA" offers a wide range of opportunities to discover and develop their own creativity, for example media workshops, dancing and cookery courses. Moreover, "Die VILLA" organizes regular cultural events such as book presentations and conferences on current topics. "Die VILLA" does of course host a wide range of other cultural and leisure events. The main projects of the LeISA GmbH are called Kinder- und Jugendbereich, Veranstaltungskeller, Medienwerkstatt Leipzig, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oliver Reiner
Head of the organisation
Oliver Reiner

Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

National Network

Knaackstr. 97 (Kulturbrauerei)
10435 Berlin

0049 30 485 24 50
0049 30 485 24 530
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
non-profit-making, staff: 8 persons, budget: ca 1.200.000 € a year government funds, allocations of private foundations, sponsoring Readings, Translations-Workshops, Festivals, Poetry Film Awards, Exhibitions, Literary Awards, Culture education, etc Senatskanzlei Berlin, Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Auswärtiges Amt
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Poesiefestival Berlin,, Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Open Mike - internationaler Wettbewerb junger deutschsprachiger Prosa und Lyrik,

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Christiane Lange
Head of the organisation
Dr. Thomas Wohlfahrt

Lobin Karlsruhe e.V.

National Network

Wilhelmstraße 28
76137 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 963 11 487
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0177 8297056
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Lobin Karlsruhe e.V., an independent association, supports committed citizens through professional project management in the realization of their society-changing ideas. Today, 8 full-time employees, 20 casual employees, and 120 volunteers are active in the association. Our interdisciplinary teams work in a self-organized way based on Sociocracy 3.0. They react quickly and with great flexibility to current social issues. Volunteers provide direct and situational support to full-time employees. Professional integration measures ensure diversity in the team. Our budgetary resources are based on private donations (in 2020 in total 188.000) and most of our projects are financed through state and institutional funding of different foundations and organizations. We are mainly active in the Kulturküche, our own socio-cultural center. A place for intercultural dialogue and exchange. Here we offer workshops (ie. sustainability), events, expos, concerts, exchanges and internships, integration support.

Mission and Objectives

In times of increasing global and local challenges, small islands of innovative ideas are developing that counter these developments with other models of attitude and action. Such an island is created by the Kulturküche (our headquarter and the main project), a place that counteracts loneliness by connecting citizens in the neighborhood and enabling encounters on an equal footing. A place where crucial cogs of a desirable society, such as the development of democracy, civic participation, and sustainable use of resources, mesh together. Everyone is welcome to contribute within their own means - even if only as a hungry visitor to the lunch table.

Main Projects / Activities

It activates people, offers spaces for local participation and opinion-forming, and promotes networking and participation in the community. The aim of the community work in the Kulturküche is the sustainable improvement of the social and economic living conditions of the people in the neighborhood. The starting point is the existing resources and needs of the people, on the assumption that they themselves are experts in managing their everyday lives. Through climate-friendly shopping, cooking and eating, it meets the needs for healthy nutrition of more and more people in Karlsruhe and attracts the most diverse citizens with a particularly tasty and healthy lunch table; also people with low budgets. People with and without a refugee and migration background have been involved in shaping the Kulturküche as a citizen-oriented and cross-generational project in a multicultural team from the very beginning. Experienced team members with socio-educational training and several years of experience in participation work support this sensitive process. Numerous internships are made possible, and jobs and apprenticeships are created. A beautiful guest area with indoor and outdoor seating provides space for about 200 people. In addition, the food is also offered for take-away. The Kulturküche, as a multifunctional meeting space for the community, also offers a wide range of possibilities for use - e.g. for artistic events, for project planning, as a meeting place for volunteers and much more, mostly in the evenings and on weekends. In this space we offer a large variety of workshops on subjects like: sustainability, empowerment, values, arts, theater, cultural exchange. Moreover we offer cultural events, arts expos, concerts, theater plays, networking events, exchanges and internships. All our activities are free of charge. We want that everyone who wants to can participate, enjoy a concert etc. regardless of their income. We are cooperating with local artists, schools, the city, other associations, local companies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we already have a large network mainly in Germany but also abroad, we would like to contribute with contacts. Moreover, we would like to exchange visions and realize projects. We are a team of enthusiastic and engaged people who want to make a difference in society. Because of our diverse team, consisting of actors, social workers, engineers, sociologists, various artists, chefs, IT professionals, communications experts, we can contribute with innovative ideas. We would also like to offer the Kulturküche as a space for Anna Lindh network meetings or other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our motto is “people discover people”. We want to contribute to a better future and society. We love to connect and learn about the visions of the people around us. We want to connect people so that they can exchange ideas and visions about society not only in our neighborhood and in Germany but also in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Moreover we want to share and exchange experiences and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janna Zubke
Job Title
Project management
Head of the organisation
Sabine Uhle