
Eradh for comprehensive development

National Network

12 youssif elgindy st. babellouk, tahrir, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
founded in 2014 with registration No. 5241, at the Egyptian social solidarity Ministry  with 3 Board Members Controlling a Structure of Technical, Adminstrative and Legislative Divisions, with only 5 Current paid Employees. Budgetory Resources includes Self-Finance and Donations from Board Members and Profit Coming from paid Human-Development Courses. The Main Modalities are  worshops , confrences and training programs, , trips inside and outside Egypt, micro projects for young people, single mothers and former female prisoners, family consulting and supporting fleeting kids, Future medical center , educational schools and centers, Greenery and awareness session on environment.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation Mission:
Effictive Human Interaction
Foundation Targets:
1. Training diffrent clusters of society to reach following targets:
a. Create well-educated clusters that can effectively and positively communicate in streets
b. Create empowered clusters that can increase their income and use it in a manner that would maintain sustainable development.
c. Active interaction from elite clusters (individuals or oranizations) culturely and socially
d. Creating a humanly interactive community that chariches its Egytian identity 
2. Helping women to overcome following obsticles:
a. All sort of discrimination at work
b. Lack of education
c. Lack of privacy
d. Discriminating social habits
e. Sexual abuse
f. Lack of wellbing opertunities for single mothers and women in need.

Main Projects / Activities

1. From June 1, 2016 till present: Provide Support for Independent Egyptian Theater groups by providing a location to hold rehearsals with minimal prices in order to decrease production costs. So far, 24 groups on average has received such support
2. From June 1, 2016 till present: hold different art and culture seminars covering different topics in order to exchange opinions between highly educated people and common people. So far average no. of attendees for all seminars is 200 persons.
3. From August 1, 2016 till present: Establish development library covering different fields and is offered for people for free. So far an average of 50 people has received such service.
4. From November 1, 2016 till present: Hold training courses on different specializations with decreased fees to enhance education level of people. So far 15 persons have received such service.
5. From October 1, 2016 till February 1, 2017: Hold “French Coffee” training session on developing self-image using acting training techniques that would benefit all people whether interested on acting or not. So far and average of 30 people has received such training.
6. From March 1, 2017 till present: Hold poetry symposiums on folk poetry and singing under the name of “Madyafet Ibn Arous” in order to develop folk poets and to enlarge their audiences. So far and average of 50 poets has been hosted in such events in addition to holding 10 public symposiums and 6 concerts.
7. From March 1, 2017 till present: cooperate with Studio Khana Art Group to provide free full course on criticism and art philosophies for fine arts university students. So far an average of 20 students has received such training.
8.  From March 1, 2017 till present: cooperate with Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center, Ministry of Culture, to hold and organize a second season of Beit Alommah Theater Contest for Duo-drama acts that will take place on November 1, 2017 to support armature theater groups. Currently, the project is in the phase of organization and preparation.
9. From August 1, 2016 till December 1, 2016: Cooperate with Angelic Authority in training foundation employees on risk management and peace culture in order to develop employees capabilities and enlarge work scope of the foundation. So far 5 employees have received such training.
10- From March 2017 till now, Organizing a Permenant Forum for Enterpreneurship to encourage and educate People in the field of establishment and management of Small & Medium Projects. we've held 6 Sessions uptil now. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can unite our efforts in the fields of Women Empowering, Enterpreneurs Support and  Learning Systems of Civilizations, specially that we have an enlightening Model and a comprehansive System for beauty Awareness enhancement, and we are ready to exchange such Models with your Network to unite our efforts in the mentionedField 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Beacause it's one of the Major Networks in the field of Cultural Projects that enhance the Dialogue between the Euro-Mediterranean nations , which accomodates our mission. Moreover , Several Organizations in your Network work upon the Cultural Values which suites our enlightenment Model and beauty Awareness enhancing 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anwar Ahmed Abdelmogith
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Anwar Ahmed Abdelmogith
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Aboelwafa Fawaz
Job Title (2)
chief executive officer

Eskenderella Association for Cultures and Arts

National Network

21 Masged El-Qady street , Souq Rateb , El-Manshya - Alexandria - Egypt

203 4851953
203 4851953
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
010 46 29 161
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Eskenderella Association for Cultures and Arts is a NGO began as a group of Alexandrian artists and those who are interested in culture, arts and development. it was founded in 2005 with the background of previous artistic and cultural cooperation between its members and other artists from Alexandria , Egypt or abroad since the early 1990s.
Mission and Objectives

Eskenderella's aim is to retrieve the cultural mood of Alexandria though minimizing the gap between artists and audience, presenting cultural services to the culturally-deprived sectors ,spreading and promoting cultural rights and freedom , activating the role of art as well as a social factor ; an archive for the collective memory and a guide for reform and illumination , consolidating the creative and tolerant soul of Alexandria as well as regaining the human values on which the city was built and by which it has survived.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdy Zeidan Abd Elsalam Zeidan
Head of the organisation
Hamdy Zeidan Abd Elsalam Zeidan

Eskenderella For Cultures and Arts

National Network

9 Elfalaky Street - Raml Station - Alexandria

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
General Information
 Excutive Team ( 3 ) :   Hamdy Zeidan / General Manager   - Al shaimaa El Saadani Admin officer and PR - Mohamed Moustafa Financial Officer   $Annual budget : 60,000 Sources : grants - sharring from partnrs  - Main Activities - Street festivals - Arts actions in local communities Kom Eldekka - bahary   Board members: Faiza Sakr, Saleh ElShehaby, Khaled Zeidan, Yasmine Ali, Ibrahim Abd Elmeguid, Wafaa Attia and Medhat Elzahed. Target group: Youth, children and women in the most popular neighborhoods in Alexandria Geographical scope:  Popular neighborhoods of Alexandria especially kom El Deka and Bahary Alby Album  -  Zorony kol sana mara annual  street festival  - Hakaweena ( telling stories from people to pepol 
Mission and Objectives

Eskenderella for Cultures and Arts is an independent culture organization that started working in 2005 to
activate the role of art as a social engine and a catalyst for group's memory supporting rights and freedoms of local and popular society with special character in Alexandria. Registered first as an association- NGO in 2008
under number 2318, it began its works as a group of Alexandrian artists and those who are interested in culture,
arts and development. it was founded in 2005 with the background of previous artistic and cultural cooperation between its members and other artists from Alexandria , Egypt or abroad since the early 1990 s .
Eskenderella`s aim is to be a guide for reform and illumination , consolidating the creative and tolerant soul of Alexandria as well as regaining the human values on which the city was built and by which it has survived . And in 2012 announced also as a LTD company- Non profit Organization.
Toward the city of Alexandria multi- cultured and socially open.
Mission :
1- reducing the gap between the creator and the audience.
2- providing cultural service sectors culturally for deprived sectors.
3 - spread and promote and support cultural rights and freedoms.
4 - Activating the role of art as a stimulant and as an archive of the social collective memory and as a guide for reform and enlightenment.
Our Strategy :
Eskenderella works in all its activities on a very important strategy from it:
- Completely partnership with the local community with all it sectors and the people not just as a Beneficiary but as a partners in planning and implementing also saving their traditional popular or their special whatever in culture heritage and support the initiative spirits and citizenship by positive and productive way .
- Continuing Field events to connect directly with the people and qualify new local spaces to cultural artistic work.
-Caring by the local areas with special characteristics: as Bahary , Koum Eldekka in Alexandria and an open filed work to artistic and creative cultural work due to their Social and cultural needs
Specific Aims:
*revive the artistic heritage to the artist of people Sayed Darwich by annual way in Koum ElDekka
* adopting the local initiatives with save the old cultural heritage
* qualify a public open spaces for cultural diversity in Koum El Dekka .
* raising awareness by the cultural freedoms and rights
*raising awareness to youth by these rights and freedoms.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities and projects:
* Menwarin (welcome):
Cultural Social artistic activity based on the host of the people to numbers of cultural events in their places and to provide concerts from Alexandrian and their memories of the place and present a lot of art,                                          educational workshops to children in these areas like  origami, drawing, theatre plays making books and decoration of the traditional ceremonies  like Ramdan`s decoration , and Menwarin through lights on those popular areas  social specificity  and celebrate their heritage, specificity or those areas or community groups that suffer from problems requiring interaction with and participation in it by displaying it by using arts and social community dialogue, which supports the role of art as a motive and guide for social reform and enlightenment ,and social preservative to the heritage .
* Alby Album ( My Heart is Album ) :
   Documentary artistic activity work includes research   and compilation, documentation and analysis of the                                     images of personal Alexandrian families through their  volunteering participation with their albums and photographs which is helping on documenting  and collect the Alexandrian heritage which represents the city's history and a part of this artistic heritage is a personal photo and the reinstatement of its role in personal, social life, and keeping personal and group memory, and includes the rehabilitation of the  profession of photographer , photo shops old and a confirmation of  role of the people to participate in keeping the city's heritage
and personal memory of its people and the program includes a range of activities (Exhibitions, and dialogue sessions rings,  workshops for children, prints, selling souvenirs, electronic documentation ).
* Baheb Elcima ( I Love Cinema ) :
Cine- cultural activity depends on restoration of the cinema as a component of everyday life , restores the role of cinema as an archive  of collective memory, the mirror of reality and the concerns and dreams of the people, and perform movies from people`s choice in collaboration with a number of artists and those interested in cinema and cinematic memory Alexandria and human heritage and includes several activities, including:” Alley Cinema " where present movies in open public social spaces such as cafes, lanes & allies and houses with the allocation for children and women in their places, and  “Alexandria Plateau” and its object movies about Alexandria, or a place to be photographed, and through that a dialogue go about Alexandria in particular as a artisticdocumentary research about Alexandrian life, its visual social cultural art memory and focusing on Alexandria cultural role by its artists and cinema creators and the development happened on the city and the human relation by the place and the time line links between them.
*Hakawina (our stories) :
Socio-cultural project works on support the role people in preserving their cultural heritage and social memories through personal storytelling  and arts, and sharing it with the community involvement and display
them in the social interaction areas, such as the popular cafes and social clubs and some evenings had been implemented in collaboration with the  director and writer Nora Amin within projects ( Hakaya regional Forum) ongoing work and creative with the elderly in areas of Bahary and Koum ElDekka to tell their personal memories  and stories in open perform evenings in popular cafes areas in  Koum el Dekka & Bahary and give opportunity for people to tell their stories and memories, and as a means of simple and creative express and
amiability place and their memories and its legacy and attempt to document the groupal memory andsave the place heritage and culture of his people.
Ahalina ( our people) project:
A social culture and artistic project which aims at promoting the value &concept of citizenship in youth through acknowledging  heritage, local diverse and marginalized culture in the society and  connecting youth to it and to its positive values which through shedding light on its richness and special character will strengthen  youth affiliation to their country& local communities and increase  their culture and social awareness and emphasize positive values
and the most importantly societal values, concepts of citizenship  and acceptance of others and social and cultural pluralism and  affiliation of the national culture and activate their role in the advancement of society. The project is implemented with the support of the Foundation for the Future and in partnership  with a number of institutionsand human rights organizations, cultural and social development.
Hypathia’s Forum for Culture Rights and freedoms:
Hypathia’s forum started as a series of interactive research and  discussioncircles working on raising awareness with culture rights  and freedoms between activists working in the field of culture and  rights and a number of volunteers and people from local areas in Alexandria.
Later on it was developed to become Hypathia’s  forum for culture rights and freedoms which  works on cultural pluralism and establish the  concept &values of cultural justice and viewing   Culture and arts from rights and freedoms Perspective and configure a defense mechanism to protect and defend the culture and arts as a right for artists and community together.
In this year, the forum had discussed the following topics:
A-The right in culture which will be discussed through the following topics: the concept of culture, human rights framework for the exercise of culture and  protection both in the domestic and international legislation, and an example of the issue: the protection of the cultural heritage of Alexandria which will be viewed through an applied workshop: How to protect the right in culture?
B- Human rights culture which will be discussed through the following topics: the culture of the society and human rights culture and the unity rejection to it because they are foreign or forbidden, art and culture as an entry point for the deployment and support of human rights, for example: Graffiti Revolution, the  Alqorsiah island and Masaken El Sohaleya, which will be viewed through an applied workshop: how to use arts and culture to defend and promote human rights?
C- Cultural Justice deals which will be discussed through the following topics:  the concept of cultural justice, which connects between the community and culture  in the context of rights, the right to cultural pluralism and social defense  protecting social culture and freedoms through society's role in protecting the cultures, field trips, which will be viewed through an applied workshop: How to achieve cultural justice community linking culture and freedoms?
* Participate with your creation Project ( 2007-2008) :
Cultural artistic social environmental project worked on the  development of youth social participation of and support the  role of youth in the community areas Dekhela , Qabbary and  Wardian of Alexandria and Helwan in Cairo, in cooperation with Naseej initiative Community Youth development with  the support of Save the Children U.S. and in collaboration  with the Society of Environment Friends in Alexandria  and the Egyptian Society of Economic Rights and social and youth center of Dekhela,where 120 young men, girls  and children were trained on the skills of drawing,
sculpture and mural painting , photography and works to save the environment and recycling is to produce a number of art works . Decorating and cleaning number of areas , fences and murals in Dekhela,Wardian and Helwan areas from youth work  and beauty and cleaning and forestation those areas and prepare  hall equipped for youth cultural, artistic and social activities.
*Art of Reform Project 2008:
Cultural project technician social supports the role of art in reform and societal change Sayed Darwish model cities of Alexandria, Cairo,  Minya, in collaboration with theAssociation of Jesuit, Frere and  Awttar & Alwan mokattam Cairo,Gudran of Art and Development  in Alexandria and the support ofthe Freedom House program of a new generation, through the project been trained 180 young man and  a girl on the arts photography and on the principles of volunteerism  and initiative and positive participation inspired by the songs of Sayed Darwish as a model for art in support of community issues and reform and liberalization and they have to take to the streets and popular areas to take  pictures and works of art this revelation and set up a number of                                                                     exhibitions and concerts in three cities in the popular areas in Kom Deka,                                                                    Mokattam in Cairo and Alexandria and the city of Minya and cooperation                                                                    with the people and institutions of civil society and art institutions and                                                                    development in those areas.
* IBn El Balad ( the son of country ) 2009 -2010 project:
Cultural art project has been implemented social areas  Koum ElDekka and Dekhela and West Alexandria and
relied on the link between the generations of young people and the elderly and cultural holders heritage  and popular culture.In order to support the role of youth in social development and cultural heritage  preservation and singing, storytelling,tales and popular sayings,positive social values and connect  young people to their regions and their heritage  and culture and the production of a number of technical presentations and speaks of the trouble and the inspiration  of the music of that culture and service the people of the region and the development of the spirit of volunteerism and initiative, and is configured team of folk music from the young to those areas the team( Ibn ElBalad) and was released albums of their  own and songs popular collected as configured team told of
young people with adults from the inspiration of heritage places and has been action film documentary drama about the concept of the country and the role of the son and the  work of young art gallery as well as a ocumentary
photography art gallery with local products and fishing nets,  including Art business Arced and paper arts and painting
with the kids and the project was supported by the save the Children U.S.  initiative Naseej
Our Facebook Page :
YouTube Channel :
Website :

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

sharing experiences and resources 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

benefit more knowledge , networking , new partnrs , common projects and action in arts and humanrights especially cultural rights and freedoms and communties devolping

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdy Zeidan Abd elsalam
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Hamdy Zeidan
Contact (2) Full Name
Al Shaimaa Essam El Saadani
Job Title (2)
Administrative officer


National Network

56, Nozha St., Heliopolis

202 24 17 7 375
Telephone (other)
202 24 17 7 395
202 24177409
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization consists of the head of the organization (CEO) ,1 project manager, the financial department ( 3 members), 6 program specialists, 1 training specialist , 1 recruitment specialist , 3 full time instructors ,2 secretaries Modalities of action : Active citizen Program- Pioneers Egypt- Egyptian Youth together Against Aids- Young Arab Voices- Education reform in El-Marg District Sources of funding and Partners : some of our main partners are UNESCO,UNICEF,World Bank,Plan International,British Council, Ashoka ,Anna lindh, synergos, and different local civil society organizations
Mission and Objectives

Etijah's mission is to provide youth with direct access to unconditional participation by providing them with practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives. our objective is to enhance the community development in Egypt through the empowerment of youth by providing them with the skills, know-how and aptitudes, as well as contribute in building the capacity of governmental and non-governmental youth-serving organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Promoting Civic and Political Awareness of Egyptian Youth 2. Active Citizens Programmes 3. Ezbet KhairAllah Community Study Project 4. Enhancing the Well-being of Al-Badraman 5. Education Reform in El-Marg district 6. Madrasty 7. Step Towards Our Future 8. Egyptian Youth Together Against AIDS 9. Reproductive Health Matters Journal 10. Improving Water Quality Management 11. FTN 12. Tobacco Free University Initiative 13. Al Rased 14. A guide to the NGOs Working in the Field of Combating Human Trafficking in Egypt 15. Mapping Youth Organizations 16. Enhancing Youth Leadership Project 17. Activating the Role of Youth in the Egyptian Society 18. The Egyptian Initiators Project- Mobaderoon Masr 19. Youth Initiatives Program 20. Global Change Makers (GCM)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we could provide different materials about our projects since most of our projects encourage tolerance and understanding between cultures,Citizenship, and other social subjects, as well as we could provide consultancy in the scopes we worked and specialized in , and we could act as partners for different organizations ,and assist in executing different international projects locally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Etijah has mutual scope of interest with ALF where we focus on culture and intercultural learning, we tackle citizenship in most of our projects,we always encourage creativity and innovation in the participants of our different projects/programs , add to that, Etijah seeks partnership with different civil society organizations locally and internationally so that it will assist in reaching our main objectives with more successful results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim Mahmoud Shawer
Job Title
Head of Programs
Head of the organisation
Hisham El Ruby
Contact (2) Full Name
Suad Hamed
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Etijah Association for Rehabilitation and Community Integration

National Network

mehwar el mahmodeya - bostan street
Alexandria Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Etijah Association for Rehabilitation and Community Integration is an association registered with No 4106 for the year 2020 under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. It aims to integrate people with disabilities and empower women and youth. The number of members is 10 members and 30 volunteers.
The financial system is established through external and self-donations, gifts, grants, and aid
Our projects are in the areas of developing skills, promoting community and environmental awareness, and achieving equality and social justice, and among our partners are Cancer Care Foundation, Future Youth 2030 Foundation, and Y-peer Egypt

Mission and Objectives

Integrating individuals with disabilities, empowering women, and equipping the youth while enhancing their roles through various initiatives, activities, and diverse projects aimed at enabling them to become capable individuals capable of achieving active participation in society.

Main Projects / Activities

My craft project is to enable people with disabilities to establish their own work in one of the fields of handicrafts
Eco project, which aims to spread environmental awareness among people with disabilities
Elijah Tech project aims to enhance the capabilities of people with disabilities in the technological fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work to spread different cultures inside Egypt and cultures acquired from other countries and how to promote the revival of lost cultures and spread the acceptance of different cultures. In order to enrich knowledge in different ways such as making events and workshops in different cities all over Egypt and all this with people with disabilities also to make society accept them and their culture and different ways of life

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to exchange cultures, spread knowledge, and work to expand the circle of partnerships in order to spread knowledge together, and to complete the path towards spreading knowledge and culture with different countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Elsayed Elflew
Job Title
Chairman of Board
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Asmaa Mohamed Ali
Job Title (2)
Executive Manager

Etijah- Youth and Development Consultancy Institute

National Network

56 Nozha st,1st Floor,Heliopolis

+20 224 17 7 375
Telephone (other)
+20 224 17 7 395
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is structured as follows: Mr. Hisham El Rouby (Founder and CEO), Mr. Karim Shawer (Head of Programmes) and a team of Senior and Junior programme specialists with a total of 15 permanent staff and around 20 national and international partners. Etijah’ssources for funding projects, operations, salaries and other overhead costs include grants from local/international organizations, donations from governmental entities, individual donors, local/international foundations. Etijah’s main specialization is developing, improving and disseminating development methodologies in the field of youth and community development through tailored up-to-date and high-quality development methodologies, research tools, applicable practices of youth development and training delivery models. Various partners are highly involved in the organization’s projects such as; UNFPA; Plan international; CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and the British Council.
Mission and Objectives

Etijah has a mission to create and tailor up-to-date and high-quality development methodologies, research tools, applicable practices of youth development and training delivery models, to be able to qualify youth by providing them with the skills, know-how and aptitudes, as well as contribute in building the capacity of governmental and non-governmental youth-serving organizations. Our role is to provide youth with direct access to unconditional participation by providing them with practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives.
Etijah’smain objective is building the capacity of the governmental and nongovernmental youth-serving organizations so that it could provide a professional and safe context for the youth development in Egypt, Etijah considers the positive means for youth development by providing complete youth participation through providing them with the tools and practical models to improve the local community initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Etijah has consistently developed and led projects that promote youth empowerment and leadership. These projects require developing special educational curriculum, a wide variety of training workshops and skills enhancement of youth coordinators, seminars and conferences, onsite trainings of participants and/or beneficiaries of the services, promoting national and international accredited standards for development, capacity building for youth clubs and organizations and finally, widely accessible mentorship programs. Some of these projects are:
1. Pioneers of Egypt/ Mobaderoon Masr- A current project
The project serves as a vehicle for the disbursement of financial and capacity building grants to high-impact grassroots initiatives where the overall objective is to contribute to a successful transition to democracy and economic prosperity in Egypt by expanding employment and self-employment opportunities, particularly for youth, and supporting the new generation of civil society and business leaders.
2.  Ezbet Khair Allah Community Study Project
With main objective to conduct a community study in EzbetKhairAllah area where the institute selected 35 young people from both genders and trained them on how to conduct a community study of the available resources and skills on all different levels within the community. Moreover it provided them with the necessary tool to finish the study under the supervision of Etijah’s team.
3. Activating the Role of Youth in the Egyptian Society
The goal of this project was to involve Egyptian youth in public life to spread, support and improve the sense of social responsibility among youth from eight Egyptian governorates: Cairo, Assiut, South Sinai, Qaliobeya, Gharbeya, Monofeya, Alexandria and Menya. The project was designed to help 4,500 young males and females whose age ranges between 18 and 24 years old directly and 20,000 young males and females indirectly, to become the leaders and the driving force of the process of social change to provide them with a bright future.

4. Strategic planning for 40 schools in El-Marg District in Cairo

The strategic planning workshops aim at raising the planning skills of the participants from fourty schools. The participants from each school are as follows: the school principle, the training unit director, and representatives of the Board of Trustees of the school. The design of the workshop is based on an initial "needs assessment" study conducted with the participants from all schools. This unique strategic planning program is considered the first of its kind to be implemented in the educational institutions in Egypt.

5. Enhancing the well-being of the Al-Badraman community through implementing a comprehensive asset-based development project

The project aimed to tackle the problems of unemployment, education and health in the Al-Badrman village, one of the villages located in Menia Governorate. The main activities included designing a comprehensive program with different components. The program concentrated on the aforementioned developmental concerns.  The direct beneficiaries included young people and children, and all families and populations in Al–Badraman. The project was based upon utilizing the community assets and resources in Al-Badraman and building on them to realize full participation and development of the village. Expected results included: reducing rates of school drop outs and illiteracy among community members and conducting health awareness campaigns on a specific health topic in the community.  Cadres of young people also have received a comprehensive training on studying community assets and needs, mapping local assets, and utilizing assets to fulfill the community needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

tijah will add to ALF network as an experienced leading NGO by two means; On one hand, Etijah will make use of its past experience with international partners on strategic issues for the community especially the empowerment of youth and active citizenship for marginalized groups through developing, improving and disseminating development methodologies in the field of youth and community development. on the other hand, Etijah will form an active partner within ALF network and try to seek future partnership with other peers at the network in order to exchange knowledge and best practices from the peer review.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation runs the largest Network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean; for this it would be a great opportunity for Etijah as a civil society leader to be joining this network as it will have a wider impact on the community.
Etijah is seeking a fruitful partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation specially that it is considered a strategic potential partner

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim El Shawer
Job Title
Head of Programmes
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hisham El Rouby
Contact (2) Full Name
Alia Mokbel
Job Title (2)
Proposal writing specialist

Etisal Association

National Network

23 July st., Assiut

002 012-7798806
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Egyptian Information Telecommunications, Electronics & Software Alliance (Eitesal) in upper Egypt has been established and authorized on 4/1/2012 under license no.1134.
Mission and Objectives

Eitesal will help in developing and implementing a strategy for the evolution of Egypt’s ICTE industry. The aim of the alliance is to improve the business environment for Eitesal’s members by promoting their local and international interests and by creating a strong and positive synergy among Egyptian industry stakeholders.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Improving the economic & technical competence of the ICTE industry. 2- Issuance of a specialized scientific magazine after the approval of concerned administration. 3- Improving skills by Establishing training centers and courses. 4-Establish employer`s database in the ICTE industry. For connectivity & job opportunities 5- gathering information and useful studies in ICTE industry and publishing them through the available periodicals and handouts after the approval of concerned administration

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

presenting projects proposals and ideas which corresponds to my goals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To help achieve the association goal in developing our society and become the main tool for my country progress

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Nasser Abo Eloyoun

Euro-Med Young Artists Network

National Network

15, Masjed Al-Farouk St., Miami

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Euro-Med Young Artists Network (EMYAN) is a youth initiative established in January 2007 to provide its members operating in the Euro-Mediterranean cultural field with a vehicle for communication, and a clear and distinct voice with the purpose to support the young artists' creativity. The idea behind EMYAN is to facilitate/promote/encourage communications between young artists/culture institutes of Europe and the Mediterranean countries in order to have a great impact on the communities of these countries, so it's all about the relation between art and community and the link being the young artists. An action plan, has been derived from a number of aims and objectives, was developed in order to maintain a good structure for the network. With a specific time line, EMYAN in December 2007 launched an initiative to establishs of young artists in each one of the 43 countries members of the Union For The Mediterranean (if not already exist) in order to promote the artistic/cultural cooperation on national, regional and international levels. EMYAN is mainly based on the cooperation (ties) between its members (nodes). It is not centralized but rather harmonic. EMYAN has now over 60 member organizations/groups from allover the Euro-Med region. EMYAN currently has five regional vocal points; in Egypt, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia.
Mission and Objectives

The general objective of the network is to provide valuable networking opportunities within the field of young artists' empowerment, promote the value of artist-driven initiatives, and serve as a voice for the young artists in forums that debate issues of cultural policy. However, its objective is also oriented to:
* Promote Art as a tool for social and economic development.
* Enhance the Capacity of Young Artists to feature the issue of dialogue between cultures and mutual respect and the importance of art as a message of peace.
* Raise public awareness of Adopt thematic-subject campaigns through art like Peace, Gender Equality, Youth Empowerment, Fighting Poverty etc.
* Become the voice of the young artists in the Euro-Med area.
* Promote and support youth exchanges related to ART: Euro-Med Youth Programme projects.
* Promote academic cooperation between art institutes and schools to exchange art students on local, national and international levels.
* Organize an international exhibition periodically for the young artists to show their creations.
* Create a cyber space for young artists to show their talents and gain recognition.
* Promote the mobility of young artists.
* Support young artists' team initiatives which aim to encourage increased communication, exchange of expertise, and joint creation among Euro-Mediterranean artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Mare Nostrum: Euro-Med Youth Exchange in Ghar El-Melh, Tunisia 2008: Youth from 11 countries on both sides of the Mediterranean came together in a Mediterranean fishing village between 3 – 12 November 2008. The youth met in Ghar El-Melh, Tunisia, to share the different cultures and heritages of the people of the Mediterranean. Participants learned about the similarities and shared influences between Mediterranean cultures, in order to achieve intercultural dialogue between the people of the Euro-Med region. They discussed ways to make local communities more aware of their environments and able to protect it.
Muliticultural Cities: Youth in Action Youth Exchange in Limassol, Cyprus in 2009: A groups of young painters from Cyprus, Syria, Tunisia, Italy and France, about 30 of them in total, will meet for one week on the beginning of July 2009 in Limassol. They will work together creating art works (painting only), participating in inter-cultural workshops and outdoor activities together. Their joint work will be facilitated by artistic leaders from each participating country. An exhibition will be created from the total of works, in Limassol and other towns that participate in the projects. The topic/theme of this youth exchange is the “Multicultural cities” (PolyPolitismikes Poleis - PPP).
Small Scale Cultural Mapping of Germany
Online Arts Festival: Every year
New Media Repository for Arts & Culture in the Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Islam Muhammad

Eyewitness Human Rights and International Law

National Network

Villa 77 , 90th Street
5th Settlement

+20 1092611956
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
My name is David Lee Morgan , I am lawyer working with refugees and Immigration Cases
Mission and Objectives

My name is David Lee Morgan , I am lawyer working with refugees and Immigration Cases

Main Projects / Activities

My name is David Lee Morgan , I am lawyer working with refugees and Immigration Cases

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My name is David Lee Morgan , I am lawyer working with refugees and Immigration Cases

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

My name is David Lee Morgan , I am lawyer working with refugees and Immigration Cases

Contact (1) Full Name
David Lee Morgan
Job Title
Lawyer and Ceo
Head of the organisation
David Lee Morgan

Ezzat Ezzat Contemporary Dance Studio

National Network

6 Obida Ben El-Garah street. Faisal
Giza Governorate

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

EECDS is an individual registered company, led by Artistic Director Ezzat Ismail Ezzat, consists of two dance studios and a residency space. Our revenue streams encompass various sources, such as income from dance classes, photo shoots, studio rentals, and commissioned projects. We actively participate in collaborative projects with associated artists, skillfully adapting to diverse project requirements while upholding a unified artistic vision.

In recent times, we have delved into exploring corporate partnerships with the goal of integrating business support while preserving the distinctive contemporary essence of EECDS. We aspire to achieve a seamless fusion of artistic expression and corporate collaboration.

Mission and Objectives

Ezzat Ezzat Contemporary Dance Studio (EECDS) is an independent artistic organization concerned with the performing arts, particularly contemporary dance; established by Ezzat Ismail Ezzat in early 2012, EECDS aims to enrich and develop the independent contemporary dance scene in Egypt, by holding and co-producing artistic projects and events, as well as organizing workshops to support young artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Preparatory Training Program (PTP) (2014 - 2023)
Contemporary Dance Night Series (2011 - 2023)
Yalla Dance Studio (A multipurpose room for any artistic digital work)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EECDS, with its vibrant blend of artistic innovation and cultural expression, stands poised to make meaningful contributions to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network of countries. Our diverse collaborative projects, ranging from dance performances to educational programs, serve as bridges connecting cultures. Through the universal language of dance, EECDS fosters cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. The studio's commitment to pushing artistic boundaries aligns seamlessly with the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission, offering a unique perspective and enriching the cultural tapestry within the foundation's network. As we dance towards shared goals of creativity and cultural exchange, EECDS envisions becoming an integral thread in the vibrant fabric of the Anna Lindh Foundation's global community.

The technical prowess and administrative finesse embedded in EECDS, particularly under the guidance of the Artistic Director, pave the way for extensive possibilities in forging collaborations with cultural organizations both nationally and internationally. EECDS, spearheaded by its Artistic Director, has successfully taken the reins of large-scale projects, demonstrating a remarkable impact on the art scene.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Annalyn Foundation Network holds immense appeal for EECDS as it unlocks a vast realm of possibilities. The foundation's involvement in diverse artistic propositions and fields provides a broader canvas for our contemporary dance studio. By becoming part of a network where collaboration and innovative approaches to art thrive, EECDS aims to weave its unique threads into the fabric of multidisciplinary artistic forms. The synergy with like-minded individuals within the Annalyn Foundation Network creates a powerful platform for building robust connections. EECDS envisions drawing strength and inspiration from this dynamic network, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that propels both our studio and the foundation to new heights

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ezzat Ismail
Head of the organisation
Ezzat Ismail
Contact (2) Full Name
Ezzat Ismail
Job Title (2)
Artistic director and Founder