
Excursion to the small Croatian island for children from foster families


A member organization of the Croatian ALF Network, Association Breza (Birch), organized a five-day trip to the island of Iž for children from foster families. The project provided the children with various activities, including familiarization with the island, a visit to the self-sustaining estate of the "Maslinova Gora" Association, a chess tournament, playing board games, movie nights, and much more.

Through such programs of experiential pedagogy, the children are actively involved in everyday household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, cleaning, working in the garden, etc.

More information can be found at:

Expansion of Gender and Media Culture 'Common Zone' - Prostor rodne i medijske kulture 'K-zona'

National Network

Nova cesta 24
10000 Zagreb

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Organization is expanding a space of gender and media culture and supports and presents the work of female artists, entrepreneurs, civil initiatives and other gender aware groups and individuals through the internet portal, VoxFeminae Festival and Vox Feminae services. An executive body of 5 persons (2 employed full time and 3 on honorary basis) deals with weekly and monthly actions in the organization and projects, while the whole memberhip (25) gathers yearly to decide on the organization’s operational and strategy plan. Expected budget in 2013 is between 50 and 65 thousand €. Croatian Audiovisual Center, Ministry of Culture, Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the City of Zagreb and National Foundation for Civil Society Development are major donors, while organisation’s income from services is between 15 and 35%. Our main partners are national and regional CSOs dealing with gender and culture.

Mission and Objectives

To increase visibility and influence of women who, through their work, contribute to the creation of a society of gender equality and by their example encourage socially responsible functioning. Our vision is a society in which decisions are equally made by women, men and all those who do not acknowledge gender as binary, which respects and implements principles of harmony, self-sustainable development and abundance for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Internet portal - The articles we publish include views, reviews and comments on the cultural and social events and phenomena, relevant and up to date news and commentary on culture, politics and the media, interviews and conversations with female artists, theorists, activists, entrepreneurs and all those whose work is essential to make more visible. Vox Feminae Festival is an international and interdisciplinary festival whose focus is to promote national and international female artists and/or groups of artist and in their work which examine clash of contemporary art, urban and alternative culture and gender issues and gender-sensitive social engagement. Video production and Educations - We are producing video reports that deal with women's position on society and provide better visibility of their actions and organizing workshops about new media, the basics of journalism, CMS systems, Social Networks, video production and other.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organization can increase visibility and influence of Network and it's members by presenting them through established Vox Feminae festival and magazine, and thus attract new members to the Network, as well as making stronger advocacy for gender equality, pluralism and cultural diversity with partners within Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF network to increase our visibility and professional status of the organization, and primarily to make new and enforce existing connections and networks with the organizations in region that have similar mission and vision as ours. We are creating a regional Platform for feminist and gender cultural practices which aims to expand to other European and Mediteranian countries to promote know-how exchange of feminist practices in different areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabrijela Ivanov
Head of the organisation

EXPERT WORKING GROUP was established on the youth strategic documents' implementation in Croatia


The Croatian ALF Network member - Croatian Youth Network, as the umbrella organization of young people in Croatia, works on quality development and monitoring of policies for young people at both the national and regional/local levels. For this reason, on December 18, 2023, an Expert Working Group (SRS) was established to monitor the quality of the implementation of strategic documents in the field of youth in Croatia.

More information on the SRS activities:

Fantastično dobra institucija - FADE IN (Incredibly Good Institution - FADE IN)

National Network

Nova Ves 18

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 3233 001
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 91 3233 002
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Fade In was founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization that produces documentaries, PSA’s and TV content that focuses on civil society issues. Bodies of the Organization are: the Assembly the Management Board the Chairperson Sources of funding: National Foundation for Civil Society Development; C.S.Mott Foundation, Ministries, Local authorities, Embassies in Croatia, Own income -Production of audiovisual projects (reportages, documentaries, promo films for NGO, Internet video)
Mission and Objectives

The goals of associating into Fade In are to promote and encourage:
• qualification of members of association, members of other organizations or people who are interested in working with media
• an active care for creating the cultural, educational and other interests of the citizens, especially the young
• protection of human rights and the development of freedom, primarily as the right of the individual and only on that basis the rights of a group, including the nation
• pleading for the equality of sexes
• contribution to the rousing of the environmental awareness of the people and protecting the environment, protecting the animals’ rights
• citizens initiatives and their right to self-organization in building the autonomous civil society
• communication, cooperation and solidarity of the people because of protection of freedom, realization of justice and reaching the economic social and environmental prosperity for everyone
• pleading against the militarization and other forms of violence upon the society, developing the nonviolent methods
• rejecting violence, and especially war as a method of solving problems between individuals, groups and states
• linking and cooperation with other civil, media, cultural and art groups, in Croatia and worldwide
• creative use of modern technologies and their communicational application

Main Projects / Activities

-Civil Society in Croatian Media
-The Third Sector
-Documentary films

Contact (1) Full Name
Morana Komljenovic
Head of the organisation
Morana Komljenović
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalena Petrovic

Fotoakademija Split

National Network

Radunica 1
21000 Split

0038521/321 321
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: Supervisory Board, Court of Honour, the Board, the President, the Secretary, one employee. Budgetary resources: state budget,  budget of local self-government, self-financing . Our previous donors: City of Split, Croatian Employment, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Agency for Mobility and EU programs. Projects and activities: four times public works projects "Helping in organizing activities for children, youth, the elderly and people with special needs“; project "Little School of Photography, project "Bridge" - project of Intergenerational Solidarity; project "International Colony of young photographers" . Our partners: primary school Kman, III. High school (MIOC), School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Building, Art High School and Home for Children and Youngs Maestral, Network of Associations of Disabled Persons of Dalmatia, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Split, City Museum of Split, Society of Friends of of Cultural Heritage Split, Croatian Academic Association Split, the Information Center for Youth.

Mission and Objectives

Photo club Fotoakademija Split is focused on working with children and young people. Recognizing the social and economic conditions in the environment, we encourage our members to be active in community involvement. We are extremely proud of the significant volunteer work of our members. The mission of Fotoakademija is to educate the lovers of photography, and encourage them to apply the acquired knowledge in humanitarian work, particularly by helping individuals and organizations who care for children, young people and people with special needs. Objectives: - Development and promotion of photography, video and other artistic disciplines; - Development and promotion of technical and artistic culture, particularly photo and video activities and achievements and the work of its members; - Scientific and technical literacy, technical education, cultural development, education and training, and enabling the general public, in particular people with special needs, with creative expression and affirmation of skills, knowledge and skills; - Improving professional work and the promotion of research and innovation in the field of photo and video activities and artistic expression; - Fostering community spirit and values of non-professional photography, film and video and visual art culture, humanity, tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation and friendship between people regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation, social status and worldview

Main Projects / Activities

Our project "Little School of Photography", was implemented three years in a row in 13 primary schools and 8 secondary schools in Split. The main objective of the project is to educate children in the field of photography and photographic techniques and to develop awareness of verbal and nonverbal communication. Students acquire theoretical knowledge of photographic techniques through 13 thematic units, while in the practical part they apply the acquired knowledge and develop new skills. During the 2012/2013 year, we have conducted the project "Bridge" - project of Intergenerational Solidarity, whose main objectives were the active participation of young people in solving the problems identified in the community, encouraging the humanitarian and voluntary work, the fight against exclusion, social integration of the elderly, the development of inter-generational communication and raising awareness of the public, especially of the younger population to the special needs of the elderly. During 2015, we implemented the project "International Colony of young photographers" with the main goals of educating young people from different countries on intercultural dialogue and European active citizenship and exploring the cultural heritage of the city of Split.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoran Erceg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zoran Erceg
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Erceg
Job Title (2)

Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development

National Network

Riva 8
52100 Pula

+385 52 212 938
+385 52 351 511
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure of the organisation The Foundation has been founded by the Istrian Regional Government. The purpose of the Foundation is the development of the partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. The Foundation is intended for citizens, citizen associations in the Istrian Region, bodies of local authorities in the Istrian Region, as well as units of local authorities in the Istrian Region. The Foundation bodies are the following : a) Foundation Board b) President of the Foundation The Foundation Board has a president and four members who are appointed by the Founder for the period of 4 years. Currently in the foundation , we have 5 employees, of which one is the Director of the Foundation, secretary , person in charge of international cooperation, person in charge of project coordination, and person in charge of financial coordination. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year (2008) In 2008 , we had available the following budget: 2.000.000,00 kuna. This has been assured by the Istrian Regional Government, National Foundation for civil society development, City and county fund, and other supporters (mentioned in the sources of funding). 3. Sources of funding The basic assets of the Foundation at the moment of its founding consist of the founders’ share and the amount 100.000,00 Croatian kuna ( in letters :one hunder thousand kuna). Other than the mentioned assets the means of the Foundation are raised by the donations of the Founders, supporter members, foundation activites , donations of Croatian and foreign private and legal persons , as well as economic expoitation of the assets in accordance with Article 16 of the Law on Foundations. 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities a)The Istrian Regional Government b) The National Foundation for civil society development in Croatia (seating in Zagreb) c) The European Commission through the Europe for Citizens Programme d) The city and county Fund (which consists of cities and counties in the Istrian Region) e) Bussiness sector supporters (Pula Airport, BM Euromont, Banks) f) ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies, seating Strassbourg g) Local NGOs: Suncokret, Informo, Zum , Smart, Gong, h) Istrian Development Agency i) BPW- association of business professional women j) The Governmental NGO office seated in Zagreb

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has been founded with the basic purpose of developing partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. For the purpose of achieving its main goals the Foundation offers informational, professional, and financial support for various programmes which promote sustainability of non-profit sector, cooperation,citizen initiative, philantropy , volunteering, improving the institution of society, as well as other programs which realize the basic purpose of the foundation. The Foundation has three main functions: 1. Financial - it entails publishing Tenders and support for various organizations 2. Informative - offers basic information about civil society and its function 3. Educational - organization of various workshops, lectures and seminars.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year we evaluate the implementation of projects that we finance. Our employees go to site visits to see the implementation processes of the projects, and later on they deliver detailed reports of projects activites. Project I.C.E. is sufinanced by the European Union thorought the programme “ Europe for citizens”.Promotion of Active European Citizenship “ Projects under measure 3 “ Support for projects initiated by civil society organization” of Action 2 “ Active civil society in Europe”. Partners in the project: Istrian Regional government, ALDA , Suncokret,Zum, Informo. The project has the overall objective to broaden the knowledge and the understanding of the European Union and the process of European Integration in general among Croatian citizens. Specific objectives to wide the knowledge and information of the target groups about the EU and the understanding of European integration process., promote European priority themes, European citizenship , intercultural dialogue and volunteering.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helga Može
Head of the organisation
Helga Može

Foundation “Kajo Dadić”

National Network

Šibenska 27

+385 21 329130
Mobile Phone
+385 98 187 83 06
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

1. Foundation manager, nominated by the founders and appointed by the Central State Administrative Office resolution, and 5 committee members appointed by Central State Administrative Office. 2 employees, 1 partner 2. Approximately 330.000 HRK / 45.000 EUR 3. National Foundation for Civil Society Development, term deposit interest, private donations 4. The Foundation's purpose is to provide financial assistance to talented students in a difficult financial situation, as well as to promote the development of civil society by providing financial support to programs that encourage nonprofit sector sustainability, civil initiatives, philanthropy, and volunteerism. The Foundation award 3 scholarships amounting to 1.000,00 HRK/140 EUR per month per scholarship for university students for the academic year. According to Agreement assigned with National Foundation for Civil Society Development on 2007 Foundation “Kajo Dadić” conduct decentralized program for financial support to civil initiatives in 4 counties. 5. National Foundation for Civil Society Development.

Mission and Objectives

To encourage community development through the philanthrophy and civil initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

Awarding scholarships to talented students in a difficult financial situation. Program of decentralization of finacial support to civil intitiatives in 4 Croatian counties through the Agreement assigned with National foundation for Civil Society development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rada Mužinić
Head of the organisation
Rada Mužinić
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Vrdoljak Svilokos

Franjevacki institut za kulturu mira (Franciscan Institute for the Culture of Peace)

National Network

Poljudsko šetalište 4
21000 Split

+385 21 381 011
+385 21 381 257
Mobile Phone
+385 91 900 50 42
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Franciscan Institute for the Culture of Peace is founded in 1995 by the Council of the Franciscans Communities in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and works as NGO.
Mission and Objectives

Peace building: forgiveness, reconciliation, inter-human relations; inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue
-social justice
-integrity of creation (environmental issues)
-women issues (in the church and society)

Main Projects / Activities

conferences: Forgiveness,Integrity of Creation,Culture of Solidarity,
Christian Memory and Dealing with Bad Memories, etc
crop-ax projects: Reconciliation (In Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina), From Dialogue to Peace, Talks on Forgiveness,etc
education: course books- On Path of Peace, In the Service of Peace,
research: Woman in Church and Society, Domestic Violence Against Woman
round tables, seminars(communication, animation), workshops, lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirjana Maras- Žuro


National Network

Obrtnicka 5
Obrtnicka 5 10430 Samobor Croatia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Values Creative Collaboration: We will seek connections across disciplines and will continually work together to seek out new and creative ways to solve the issues and challenges that face the sports and arts industry. Responsibility: We will never forget our responsibility to care for athletes and artists and improve their physical and emotional well-being. Open Dialogue: We will be a forum the free exchange of ideas so that all have the voice to propose solutions to problems facing the sports industry and society at large. Empowerment: We will work with artists and athletes and give them the tools and skills necessary to improve the lives of others. Passion: We will approach our work with the same passion that athletes have for achieving their goals and fans have for supporting their teams. “Sport and art has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport and art can create hope where once there was only despair.

Mission and Objectives

Passionate Empathy Planning, work and mutual cooperation between Egyptian artists and sports all and foreign artists working in the fields, whether cultural or artistic, at the level of healthy people and people of determination.

Main Projects / Activities

Article 7. The association's activities are: 1. Work planning and mutual cooperation between male and female artists. 2. Planning, working and cooperating to develop the sport of young athletes from all experts and internationals, as well as organizing courses for young athletes. 3. Organizing cultural events: theatrical performances, film screenings, art exhibitions, contemporary and classical music and other events, lectures on the cultural heritage of Kuwait, and performing arts for the able-bodied. 4. Planning and preparing sports and technical programs for people with disabilities. 5. Encouraging artistic production for people with disabilities and artists, especially for people with disabilities. The sixth issue of books and magazines related to the association’s implementation to achieve the association’s objectives more easily and easily. 7. Develop and strengthen cooperation with relevant organizations in Iran and abroad. 8. Activating joint international relations in art, culture and culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Transforming cultural industries into sustainable industries by discovering, developing, and establishing talents. Developmental and cultural projects and providing job opportunities for all sectors of civil society in all fields. o Establishing the name of His Highness as an extremely important legitimate outlet for the pent-up scopes and creativity of the people of the Arab homeland In confronting any ideas or phenomena that might attract them (to intellectual extremism, terrorism, addiction), and that is faith in the role Civil society institutions by networking with institutions of participating countries and using sublime art in formation Awareness, social responsibility, and raising conscience, as well as spreading positive values, intellectual communication, and promoting Values of equal citizenship, achieving interdependence and strengthening ties with all the people of the Arab world and the world. Combining traditional and contemporary heritage in the fields of arts and culture from inside and outside Egypt to create artistic forms New with an urge to preserve heritage history and stability of identity, as well as activating the process of cultural exchange between Arab and international countries and spreading Arts (performing, visual, and literary) with special importance given to highlighting Sinai, Egyptian, and Arab culture. It is mainly included in the exchange process between countries. Integrating people of determination and able-bodied people and working to ensure that this world belongs to everyone and that they are an integral part of this world and that we are one family and there is no difference between us and that they have what healthy people do not have and they have all the support and love.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Everyone talks about the good behavior and lofty goals that the association presents to the world and society

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)