
Leadership Development Association Albania

National Network

Medar Shtylla, Lura3, Tirana, Albania
Komuna Parisit

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
LDA Albania is a freshly started non-profit association but fastly grew up. We now have more than 100 registered members who is willing to participate voluntarily in EU projects. Our board of directors consists of one President and 6 (six) Vice-President specifically: Human Resources vice president, Finance VP, Business Development VP, Marketing VP, Incoming and Outgoing VP. LDA Albania staff operates and have experiences at local, national and European level in the following fields: – European projects: As an organization we are working on different types of projects funded by European Union. We are especially focused on KA1 (Learning mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness. – Project Management: Our association is providing the trainings for youngsters about Project management and How to write a project proposal. Providing a consultancies for other NGO´s such a monitor project work plans and progress, conducts evaluations and assessment of results, providing help with reports on project progress, problems and proposed solutions, contributing to the production of reports, information and communication tools
Mission and Objectives

Vision: To help young individuals to realize their potential, to work with potential of young people and to give every youngsters an opportunity to become leader and change maker in his/her community in order to live in the world where young generation will APPLY the skills of change making to solve complex problems of our societies.

Mission: An International platform of the Foundation helps young individuals to develop their personal and professional skills through working within International environment. Together with success we also prefer to develop in young people ethical and moral principles, like added value. We believe young people potential is a movement for future, for better tomorrow.
In order to fullfil our vision we are providing new opportunities in the field of personal and professional development for young people. We are trying to bring excellence to youth work and personal development to young individuals. We are focus on ACTIVE and innovative non-formal education and informal learning, development of leadership skills of young people, organizing projects beneficial to the public and additionally making bridges of friendship and cooperation between 30 representative countries of LDA.

Main Projects / Activities

– European projects: As an organization we are working on different types of projects funded by European Union. We are especially focused on KA1 (Learning mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness.
– Project Management: Our association is providing the trainings for youngsters about Project management and How to write a project proposal. Providing a consultancies for other NGO´s such a monitor project work plans and progress, conducts evaluations and assessment of results, providing help with reports on project progress, problems and proposed solutions, contributing to the production of reports, information and communication tools
– Personal Development & Leadership: We are providing and creating opportunities for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Trainings for young people at high schools and universities in our local communities. We aim to give an every adolescent an opportunity to become leader and change maker in his/her community in order to live in the world where young generation will apply the skills of change making to solve complex problems of our societies
– Digital solutions for 3rd sector and NGO´s: Consulting and solutions for 3rd Sector in improving their quality of work, PR & Communication, Internet tools & Social websites, help with identify potential projects, initiatives and activities, improving the tasking and work efficiency, developing the idea of voluntary work and achieving a NGO goals
– International cooperation and Networking: Trainings, support and promotion, along with other national or international organizations and associations, mobility projects, internships, European integration and international relations, cooperation in European level and especially in Albania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As sending and hosting organisation we select the participants and also train them about project topic and also cultural risks, language barrier, intercultural communication. We help them to plan their journey to the destination that project will be implemented. We do our best to select participants who would be active during project,responsible and would use the projects as an informal learning source not cheap holiday in abroad. We also help them to get visa if they need and provide legal documents for taking permission from their educational institute or work. We act as bridge between hosting organisation and participants.
We offer our innovative way of thinking in project management, cooperation in youth field, project consulting, personal coaching and various types of youth projects, trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences in national and international level.
We believe in ourselves and we are encouraging every individual: “Believe in yourself. Be miserable or motivate yourself. Don´t believe you have to be better than everybody else. Just believe you can be better than you ever thought you could be. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This letter serves to introduce Leadership Development Association Albania and proposes to outline the ALF Network membership  in the fulfillment of our vision and mission. Leadership Development Association Albania is a non -politcal, independent, non-profit organization.

LDA Albania it is run by young professionals which enhance , evolve and establish activities that include educational programs which help in cultivating personal and professional development through non formal education . Its members are interested in world issues as leadership , entrepreneurship, professional growth and in management areas. Our key philosophy is to help young individuals to realize their potential. For this adequate objective we provide international exchange programs like internships , group projects in order to activate leadership skills and to motivate our members by helping them to live independently by thinking globally . We surely believe that by creating this convenient working enviroment we promote every single one of them in their unique individuality because this expanding process of self- progress is essential for their future.

Our preliminary plans include a series of programs and the development of a portfolio of educational materials . With these programs we will endeavour to educate our members by displaying their skills.
As we move forward we require the assistance of knowledgeable netqorks like yours that consist on firm development and stabilized educational programs.
So we would be very pleased if an expanding network of connection would be made possible between our respective organisations through partnership .
Together we can nurture a culture of active civic engagement by strengthening partnership programs. Thank you for your consideration .

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilo Meta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marilo Meta
Contact (2) Full Name
Artan Drazhi
Job Title (2)
Marketing Vice President

Leadership Development Association Europe

National Network

Medar Shtylla, Lura3, Tirana, Albania
Komuna e Parisit

+1 202 735 7077
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

LDA Albania is a freshly started non-profit association but fastly grew up. We now have more than 100 registered members who are willing to participate voluntarily in EU projects. Our board of directors consists of one President and 6 (six) Vice-President specifically: Human Resources vice president, Finance VP, Business Development VP, Marketing VP, Incoming and Outgoing VP. LDA Albania staff operates and have experiences at local, national and European level in the following fields: – European projects: As an organization, we are working on different types of projects funded by the European Union. We are especially focused on KA1 (Learning mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness. – Project Management: Our association is providing the trainings for youngsters about Project management and How to write a project proposal. Providing consultancies for other NGO´s such a monitor project work plans and progress, conducts evaluations and assessment of results, providing help with reports on project progress, problems and proposed solutions, contributing to the production of reports, information and communication tools

Mission and Objectives

Vision: To help young individuals to realize their potential, to work with potential of young people and to give every youngster an opportunity to become leader and change maker in his/her community in order to live in the world where young generation will APPLY the skills of change making to solve complex problems of our societies. Mission: An International platform of the Foundation helps young individuals to develop their personal and professional skills through working within the International environment. Together with success we also prefer to develop in young people ethical and moral principles, like added value. We believe young people potential is a movement for future, for better tomorrow. In order to fulfill our vision, we are providing new opportunities in the field of personal and professional development for young people. We are trying to bring excellence to youth work and personal development to young individuals. We are focus on ACTIVE and innovative non-formal education and informal learning, development of leadership skills of young people, organizing projects beneficial to the public and additionally making bridges of friendship and cooperation between 30 representative countries of LDA.

Main Projects / Activities

– European projects: As an organization we are working on different types of projects funded by European Union. We are especially focused on KA1 (Learning mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness. – Project Management: Our association is providing the trainings for youngsters about Project management and How to write a project proposal. Providing a consultancies for other NGO´s such a monitor project work plans and progress, conducts evaluations and assessment of results, providing help with reports on project progress, problems and proposed solutions, contributing to the production of reports, information and communication tools – Personal Development & Leadership: We are providing and creating opportunities for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Trainings for young people at high schools and universities in our local communities. We aim to give an every adolescent an opportunity to become leader and change maker in his/her community in order to live in the world where young generation will apply the skills of change making to solve complex problems of our societies – Digital solutions for 3rd sector and NGO´s: Consulting and solutions for 3rd Sector in improving their quality of work, PR & Communication, Internet tools & Social websites, help with identify potential projects, initiatives and activities, improving the tasking and work efficiency, developing the idea of voluntary work and achieving a NGO goals – International cooperation and Networking: Trainings, support and promotion, along with other national or international organizations and associations, mobility projects, internships, European integration and international relations, cooperation in European level and especially in Albania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As sending and hosting organisation we select the participants and also train them about project topic and also cultural risks, language barrier, intercultural communication. We help them to plan their journey to the destination that project will be implemented. We do our best to select participants who would be active during project,responsible and would use the projects as an informal learning source not cheap holiday in abroad. We also help them to get visa if they need and provide legal documents for taking permission from their educational institute or work. We act as bridge between hosting organisation and participants. We offer our innovative way of thinking in project management, cooperation in youth field, project consulting, personal coaching and various types of youth projects, trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences in national and international level. We believe in ourselves and we are encouraging every individual: “Believe in yourself. Be miserable or motivate yourself. Don´t believe you have to be better than everybody else. Just believe you can be better than you ever thought you could be. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This letter serves to introduce Leadership Development Association Albania and proposes to outline the ALF Network membership in the fulfillment of our vision and mission. Leadership Development Association Albania is a non -political, independent, non-profit organization. LDA Albania it is run by young professionals which enhance, evolve and establish activities that include educational programs which help in cultivating personal and professional development through nonformal education. Its members are interested in world issues as leadership, entrepreneurship, professional growth and in management areas. Our key philosophy is to help young individuals to realize their potential. For this adequate objective we provide international exchange programs like internships, group projects in order to activate leadership skills and to motivate our members by helping them to live independently by thinking globally. We surely believe that by creating this convenient working environment we promote every single one of them in their unique individuality because this expanding process of self- progress is essential for their future. Our preliminary plans include a series of programs and the development of a portfolio of educational materials. With these programs, we will endeavor to educate our members by displaying their skills. As we move forward we require the assistance of knowledgeable netqorks like yours that consist on firm development and stabilized educational programs. So we would be very pleased if an expanding network of connection would be made possible between our respective organisations through partnership . Together we can nurture a culture of active civic engagement by strengthening partnership programs. Thank you for your consideration .

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilo Meta
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Marilo Meta
Contact (2) Full Name
Xhuljo Shkoza
Job Title (2)

LIBURNETIK Organisation

National Network

Rr. e Barrikadave 260/1 1001 Tirana, Albania.
Tirana, Albania

Tel: +355 4 222 6497
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 829 7084
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 67 632 8025
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

  The organizational structure of LIBURNETIK: • General Assembly composed of membership is the highest decision making body of the organization; • The Board, with exclusively advisory powers is the chosen body by the assembly, reflecting the organization’s lines; • Executive Director legal representative and director of the organization selected by the general assembly; • The staff is composed of full time and part time paid workers of the organization and volunteers that cover different sectors such as finance, secretary, project writing and communication. • Regarding to the financial system LIBURNETIK organization, organized in the form of an NGO, is based on the annual membership fees, volunteer contributions and on different grants, for which, through foreseen statutory objectives and territory analysis, proposes to interfere in the form of projects and activities for the improvement of the citizen’s life, respect of human rights and youth empowerment. Modalities of action are: concrete actions in community youth exchanges and training courses.  EVS-European vomunteer servise career consulation Main partners: Tirana Municipality, Agency for Promotion of Civil Society, UN women, SAJV and SCI Switzerland etc.      

Mission and Objectives

  Vision LIBURNETIK organization aims to achieve full social integration and creation of an open society without barriers, based on solidarity and peaceful coexistence. Mission The organization contributes to the development and awareness of society in service of each target group, through an informal education strategy, the implementation of various projects and a network of activities carried out by volunteers and social operators. Main objectives  - Integration and social promotion - Youth orientation towards the academic, professional and labor  market - The protection and the tutelage  of Human Rights and  in particular to people in danger - Art and culture in the service of Civil Society                                                                                                           -Migration - Anti-discrimination                                                                                                                                                    -Civil society, the role of communication, synergy and decision-making for an inclusive society.   Among our most important values are: • Professionalism: Efforts to reach concrete results in every aspect of our work, making them known at the professionals of the field, citizens and other interested actors; • Accountability: Being accountable to the public by undertaking the implementation of possible solutions; • Innovation: Desire for innovation, applications and unique and contemporary solutions; • Cooperative approach: Close cooperation with organizations that share the same values and objectives. • Volunteerism: Continuous efforts to influence positively the progress of the integration process. • Respect for the other: Affirmation and respect for the dignity, potential and contribution of staff, institutions and all of those who are interested to contribute to our cause.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization was founded a little over two years here in Albania and we can say that in this period we have made some important steps. In two years we have built an organization that has more than 15 activists and many volunteers, the work is done mainly in Tirana, but we also have a small group of activists and volunteers in Elbasan. In this period we have implemented several projects, such as Diaspora 2.0 and Tirana Art Fest. In addition to these two projects where we are the applicant, we have been partners in other projects and initiatives in the field of gender and equal opportunities as well as the theme to combat violence against women. The results of this period are also clearly visible in the personal development of our staff and our activists, who according to our strategic plan, are inclined to grow, train and specialize in relation to the issues that cover.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LIBURNETIK organisation will give its contribution in the Network by undertaking several actions for the good of the society in the fields it operates. LIBURNETIK staff come from different profiles, professional experts in their work who can give their expertise in any case. There are also lots of volunteers who are part of the organisation and will be active in every activity undertaken by the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network activities are in the same line with LIBURNETIK activities. Some organisations working together make a bigger impact in improving society. Furthermore, sharing experiences with other organisations of the network which work on the same area would be an added value to our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brixhilda Deda
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Kreshnik Lako

Meeting with the selected applicants from the Call for Joint Proposals, following the Online Networking Session between members of ALF from Albania, Luxembourg, Denmark and Morocco!

People on an online meeting

On Tuesday, January 23, a meeting was held with the winning applicants of the Call for expression of interest on joint ventures, who were also participants to the online networking sessions held during the month of December. The call aimed to strengthen and promote cooperation between the organizations of the South and the North of the Mediterranean, with an increased focus on the involvement and activation of the organizations of the Albanian Network, as an initiative undertaken by the Albanian Head of the Network.

A total of 15 applications were reviewed, of which 7 were selected. The selected applications, which will  receive  500 euros after the completion of the activities, consist of  a total of 15 member organizations of the Foundation: respectively 5 organizations from the Lebanese Network, 2 organizations from the Luxembourg Network, 1 organization from the Moroccan Network and 7 from the Albanian Network.

The proposed activities, in accordance with the scope of the collaborating organizations, fall into the following thematic areas: diversity, gender, education and media, Euro-Med youth engagement and cultural/intercultural dialogue. In terms of the type of activities, there is a diversity, starting from the production of materials such as videos, to training, webinars and competitions.

The online meeting brought together 17 participants, who had the opportunity to receive more detailed information on the obligations of each party involved in the proposal and later in the implementation of the activities, on the implementation deadlines and issues of visibility of the activities.

These seemingly promising initiatives, we will have the opportunity to see come to life starting from January, until March. For more information and updates about the activities, follow us on our social medias:

Instagram link:

Facebook link:

LinkedIn link:


#weareALF #AlbanianALFNetwork #CallForProposals #EuroMed #YouthEngagement #Education #Media #Diversity #InterculturalDialogue #OnlineMeeting


Mind the Language - Project Handbook

Mind the language project

Introducing the handbook of the Project "Mind the language" that brought together youth from Albania, Spain and Tunisia with the aim to raise awareness on the usage of sexist and misogynistic language in media, exchange insights on their realities and to foster counter and alternative narratives.

The project was led by the Albanian Media Institute / Instituti Shqiptar i Medias in partnership with WeYouth Organization and AIFED.

This project was supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and co-funded by the European Union within the frame of Intercultural Cities and Learning Programme. 

Moda ne fokus (fashion in focus)

National Network

1-xhaferr zelka/ nd.48/H.1/Nr.4
2-myslym shyri/P.12


0035542 363053
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cultural Centre "Fashion in Focus" is formed by a group of Albanian designer, develops various activities to benefit youth and Albanian children, students studying in the field of art and fashion we allow you different activities that promote in the media who can find employment opportunities or expand their talents. 2010 budget year was 15,000 euro for some activities under efemijeve and teenage kids as fashion india Teenager, TV formats in the field of culture and education and teenage children as "junior Steps" and "The next footbridge," celebrating together "Roma culture for Roma children and children abandoned by families. We are looking for partners with strong and experienced for several projects of cooperation in our center.
Mission and Objectives

The exhibition of works of children and adolescent age 05 -17 years, including paintings and works of art of the hand like tailoring of clothes, clay works, engraving on copper, traditional costumes, embroidery, knitting works, etc.
participation of children in public schools, not public, children orphaned child of houses, gardens of children nationally and internationally.
involved in this project about 25 stylist for the training of groups of children, including about 500 children participating in their work.

Main Projects / Activities

Activity charity for orphans and disabled in Shkoder (Theatre Migjeni) titled " steps to footbridge" accompanied by an artistic program of secondary schools, gymnasiums and houses activation pre-school.
child and school in Shkodra eve 7-8March the scene protagonists were performed separately these children to net all the fields of art and fashion.
2 - Tirana on the occasion of 20th May (20-21-22 May 2009) National Day of orphan children held in Albania Fashion Kids QTU (Great Hall) with the presence of children as protagonists Zyber Hallulli whom you donated clothing and traditional folk costumes Albanian.
3 - 15 November 2009 Korce runway fashion and artistic program "Celebrate Together".
4 - Tirana "Hapa ne pasarele"( steps to footbridge) 20-21nentor 2009 in the Great Hall Iliria the Sheraton Hotel with the participation of 80 children from 03 -14 years old protagonists in the case of the month "Stop domestic violence" took place precisely the activity of the International Day Children's Convention and the presence of 45,000 spectators in their night.
5- 12 December, 2009 Gjirokaster artistic program and runway "Celebrate the culture of Rome"
6 - Benefit concert for the street children abandoned from their families . their disposition protection from trafficking, the collection of more clothing for these children in the form of gift grateful.
7 - Exhibition of creative works of children each year.
8-Albania fashion kids' footbridge steps "5 editions of two times a year in Digitalb.
9-fashion Albania teenager with spectacle "Junior Steps" in Digitalb.
10- night haute couture fashion designers with a new project that promote their talent in various topics. realization of some elite-type gala evening with charity is a project from which we can mention, " legend with Queens " Victorian fashion and a charity auction of clothing , "Notre Dame" French fashion baroc and rococo style which was followed by an auction accessories whose revenues went to Shkoder for orphans house, "Blumen Fest" tradcional fest of flowers with traditional costumes Swiss auction of costumes came as a boon for opera and ballet theater in Albanian.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mimoza Memiaj
Head of the organisation
"Moda ne fokus"cultural center for youth and children
Contact (2) Full Name
Brunilda Sukaj

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania (2022)

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania

This annual report depicts the situation of hateful and discriminative discourse in the Albanian media environment. The report is based on the media monitoring conducted from January 2021 – April 2022. The unit of monitoring have been the incidents that contained hateful and discriminatory discourse (HDD) produced by, shared or even allowed to be expressed in media outlets, including traditional, new and social media.

Incidents were identified using key words and daily monitoring of different media channels. The identified incidents were examined and then reported based on the reporting instrument designed by Prof. Snjezana Milivojevic. The focus of the monitoring were incidents that contained hate speech directed at gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual minorities, migrants and refugees. Nevertheless, new categories emerged, i.e., disabled people, deceased persons, journalists, political opponents, etc., which were also reported and included in this report.

The three most prevalent categories that were subject to hate speech and discriminatory discourse were ethnicity (38.5%), gender (20.5%) and sexual minority (12%). For years, the situation has remained the same for these categories, and, despite the efforts done by media organisations and media authorities, the situation continues to be problematic.

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania

Monitoring Report on Hate Speech in Albania (2022)

This annual report depicts the situation of hateful and discriminative discourse in the Albanian media environment. The report is based on the media monitoring conducted from January 2021 – April 2022. The unit of monitoring has been the incidents that...

Moving Culture

National Network

Rruga Qemal Stafa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The organizational structure of Moving Culture is overseen by a board of directors and is run by the executive director, a project coordinator, project assistant and finance assistant. Currently there is a staff of six persons employed by the organization.     The budgetary resources available in a year are 20,000 Euro. Our main funding partners are the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Albania, Open Society Foundation, Municipality of Tirana, EU offices, Embassies and other foundations, educational institutions and businesses.  Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism, SOROS Foundation, EDS Foundation, European Cultural Center, European University of Tirana, Sanberg Institute, Tirana Art Academy etc.  

Mission and Objectives

Moving Culture is an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization. It was established in November 1999 with the purpose to enhance and promote the creativity and alternative ideas in communication, all art disciplines, various forms of contemporary culture and media. It also aims to contribute in the creation and improvement of cultural and artistic policies in Albania. Moving Culture’s implementing strategy has been to organize a large number of artistic events like concerts, workshops, exhibitions, theaters and symposiums, often with an interdisciplinary scope, while giving concrete examples on fundraising processes, bringing together the institutional sphere with the private sector. In addition Moving Culture monitors and evaluates in quantity and quality cultural promotions in all media vehicles.   

Main Projects / Activities

Employment of youth: Youth employment remains a severe issue for Albania. Although the country has experienced yearly economic growth, its youth unemployment rate has been constant. Youth has the highest unemployment and long-term unemployment rates in all population groups and national average. There is a gap of connectivity between labor supply force and labor demand force. Young women are especially prone to lower labor force participation and inactivity due to their assigned roles as primary care-providers within the household and the absence of policies in support of reconciling work and family responsibilities. The vast majority of youth are in unpaid family labor or have informal jobs. Moving Culture organizes and promotes events and informational career fairs in order to bring together employers and youth. Gender Equality: In recent years Albania has improved upon the status of women and gender equality issues, however women continue to be under-represented at all levels of society in a strongly male dominated culture. Moving Culture aims to improve the participation of women in decision-making, increase women empowerment and eradicate violence particularly in the family realm. It is imperative to promote gender equality as a necessary instrument for the achievement of social cohesion, and economic growth. To this regard, Moving Culture has organized, promoted, supported and monitored gender equality events to realize the full potential of women in the workplace, family, and community. Environmental issues: Moving Culture has successfully integrated environmental issues, with ecotourism, culture and nature based events. Moving Culture has increased public awareness and participation in protecting the environment, developing sustainable-tourism, while preserving high quality standards, creativity and independent thinking, as crucial ingredients for the establishment of an environment friendly civil society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Moving Culture's experience and activities cover a wide range of disciplines. Our multidisciplnary expertise and our willingnes to promote arts, culture, education and gender equality makes us an important voice in the civil society of Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in expanding our networking partners in an effort to advance our mission and continue to contribute and advance cultural and artistic policies, spread knowledge on media and information, train and build capacities, find new ways to advancing marginalized groups economic position in the society and explore alternative ways to better use and manage resources such as eco-tourism, crafting and education. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ardian Mullahi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ardian Mehilli


National Network

Rr. Skënderbej/3 Hyrja 1, Godina 1017, apartamenti 7

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Center "Perspektiva" highest decision maker is the Board of the organization, which appoints the Executive Director, whom is in charge of leading the organization. Perspektiva is an organization who works project based, due to lack of sustainable funding in order to support a full time staff. Although currently there are 6 people who are engaged on a project based approach throughout the year. Main sources of funding are Council of Europe, European Commission or sub-granting schemes in Albania from bigger organizations. For more formation please check our organization CV where you may find all our projects.

Mission and Objectives

Youth Center Perspektiva is an NGO based in Durres, Albania and focusing on the youth empowerment & human rights via artistic and educational activities.

We organize activities with and for young people in Albania and in the Western Balkans to raise awareness about human rights, promote intercultural dialogue, peer-to-peer education and empower youth to be active and responsible members of the community.
Target group: Children and young people until the age of 30 with the specific focus on those coming from vulnerable groups (young people with disabilities, youth from impoverished and rural areas, Roma youth, etc.).


To raise awareness about human rights and ways how to utilize them among young people and other members of the community
To develop youth participation and citizenship online and offline
To assist and support youth and children in challenging life conditions and those coming from vulnerable groups (young people with disabilities, youth from impoverished and rural areas, Roma youth, etc.)
To mobilize, train and network youth activists for human rights in Albania
To organize and conduct research on various aspects of human rights with the specific focus of their connection to young people in Albania

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are:

Formal and non-formal educational activities on various aspects of human rights of human rights and youth policies
Artistic activities promoting the values of human rights and youth culture via street art, music, visual arts, etc.
Cooperation with governmental bodies, international organizations and civil society actors in order to promote and improve the effectiveness of activities tackling youth in Albania
Research activities in the field of human rights and youth policies in Albania
Activities, promoting peer-to-peer initiatives among young people in Albania and in the region.

Current ongoing projects are: We make Democracy, Be My Voice: Say NO to Discrimination, Be My Voice: Equal Rights, Youth Media Literacy LAB 2020

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can help share the work Anna Lindh Foundation does in Albania, and not only, amongst our partners and networks and can promote the joining to the Foundation for other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF Network offers a unique opportunity to expand our network of organization and partners on international level as well as learn and share best practices amongst each other

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Bekteshi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Luis Bekteshi