

Second Intercultural Morning Coffee

The public debates in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean have recently been colored by issues relating to diversity in citi


Second Local Dialogue Platform

The Second Local Dialogue Platform brings together representatives of Local and regional authorities, educators, academics and civil socie

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Shadows: young people dealing with conflict

Communities in Ireland are increasingly divided. Many young migrants have experienced armed conflict, endured long and complicated journeys prior to their arrival and now they face racism, institutional discrimination, identity issues, cultural and intergenerational clashes as they struggle to find...

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Shana Cohen

Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC, an independent think tank based in Dublin, which focuses on issues related to inequality and sustaining democracy in Ireland and the EU. She is also an affiliated Lecturer and Associate Researcher with the...

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Shana Cohen

Shana Cohen est la directrice de TASC, un groupe de réflexion indépendant basé à Dublin, qui se concentre sur les questions liées aux inégalités et au maintien de la démocratie en Irlande et dans l'UE. Elle est également chargée de...


Sixth Intercultural Morning Coffee

The Anna Lindh Foundation is organizing a series of meetings called the Intercultural Morning Coffee, which brings together re

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Sofia Pauwels

Former Senior Research Executive at Ipsos Social Research Institute (Brussels Office). For the third wave of the Anna Lindh opinion poll on Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, Pauwels was involved in all phases of the project...