

Mapping the glass ceiling

In some EU regions, women are able to flourish, while in others they languish behind. This paper presents two regional indices: the female achievement index and the female disadvantage index. They reveal in which regions women are achieving more and...

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Maria Kontochristou

Lecturer at the Greek Open University. Kontochristou has collaborated with leading research institutes and has worked many years as a consultant. Kontochristou has directed the Departments of Promotion and Communication and International Collaborations of the Hellenic Culture Organization at the...

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Maria Kontochristou

Maître de conférences à la Greek Open University, Maria Kontochristou a collaboré avec des instituts de recherche de premier plan et a travaillé de nombreuses années en tant que consultante. Elle a dirigé les départements de promotion et de communication...


Maria-Àngels Roque

Director of the Department of Cultures and Civil Society at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and director of the revue Quaderns de la Mediterrània. Roque is dedicated to strengthening intercultural dialogue between both Mediterranean seashores since 2000. She...


Maria-Àngels Roque

Directrice du Département Cultures et Société Civile de l'Institut Européen de la Méditerranée (IEMed) et directrice de la revue « Quaderns de la Mediterrània ». Roque se consacre au renforcement du dialogue interculturel entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée...


Marjon Goetinck

Coordinatrice du réseau national belge de la société civile de la Fondation Anna Lindh, et chef de projet à l'Institut européen de recherche sur la coopération méditerranéenne et euro-arabe (MEDEA). Marjon Goetinck est titulaire d’une maîtrise en Etudes des langues...


Marjon Goetinck

Coordinator of the Belgian national civil society network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, and Project Manager at The European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA). Goetinck holds of a masters degree in ‘Studies of Languages and Cultures...

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Media and Music for Peaceful and Inclusive Society

With the aim of creating new channels of dialogue for civil society The Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, Head of the Anna Lindh Foundation Jordanian Network held a series of capacity building activities on the topic of Media and Music...