

Anis Boufrikha

Diplômé en économie internationale, en développement, en entrepreneuriat et en entrepreneuriat créatif. Il rejoint la Banque Africaine de Développement en 2007 et assure le suivi et la coordination de la base de données des ONG et des différents programmes en...

Apaht El Fahs

National Network

route Siliana El Fahs 1140 TUnisie
El Fahs

72 670 970
72 670 970
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Gestion d’un Centre Spécialisé qui a pour fonction : l’accueil et l’encadrement de jeunes handicapés ; et pour objectifs de : *favoriser le développement ( au maximum possible)de leurs capacités, et de *faciliter leur intégration sociale .
Mission and Objectives

1-Objet statutaire : L’Association APAHT crée par visa n°5182, JORT du 4 Février 1985, est une association qui s'est constituée à la suite d'une prise de conscience de la nécessité impérieuse d'être à l'écoute des besoins psychologiques, éducatifs, sociaux des enfants handicapés, et faire parvenir leurs voix en vue d'améliorer leur situation. L’Association « APAHT » jouit actuellement d’une crédibilité auprès des instances financières et administrations locales, régionales et nationales. Elle a participé à la promotion des familles des handicapés par des aides financières, et par la création de noyaux de projets touchant cette population la plus défavorisée… C’est ce qui a valu à l’Association , l’obtention du Deuxième Prix Présidentiel de la Promotion de la Famille pour l’Année 2005 .. 2- Nos Objectifs : • Développement des capacités de l'handicapé et de son autonomie. • Favoriser l'intégration familiale, sociale, scolaire et professionnelle… • Favoriser l'information, le soutien et l'accueil aux parents d'enfants handicapés.. • Réalisation de projets visant une meilleure qualité de vie des personnes handicapées , et favorisant leur intégration sociale. • Mettre en valeur les contributions des handicapés pour l’amélioration des revenus. • Réduire les causes d’exclusion sociales et économiques. • Appuyer les efforts de l’Etat en matière de solidarité, tolérance et développement durable. • ainsi que mener toute action pouvant directement ou indirectement contribuer de quelque manière que ce soit à l'amélioration de la condition des personnes handicapés et de leur entourage…

Main Projects / Activities

Activités pédagogiques :Education Spécialisée Activités d’apprentissage professionnel :Mosaïque Couture et Broderie.. Fabrication artisanale de cages. Peinture sur verre / sur soie Informatique Activités d’Intégration: professionnelle scolaire sociale Alphabétisation Activités Sportives:Création d'une Association sportive affiliée à la Fédération des Sports d’handicapés ..

Contact (1) Full Name
Sassi Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Harbegue Mohsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Messaoudi Latifa

APLM(Association de Protection du Littoral à Maâmoura)

National Network

Rue Omar Ibn khattab
8013 Maamoura/Nabeul

+216 20484946
+216 72369834
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Our staff in APLM have been involved and participated in several Youth exchanges in the frame of youth in Action program, and erasmus + projects , we had many projects with AISEC members from many countries and with other Tunisian association and we still have on going projects on the field of sports and environment

Mission and Objectives

Our objectives:
1- To highlight the local natural resources in order to make an excellent touristic region.
2. To make people aware of the importance of coast protection.
3. To highlight the importance of the lagoon and the tremendous benefits it has.
4. To enhance the partnership with civil society and associations active in the Mediterranean in the same field.
5. To protect the local fauna and flora and the ecosystem.
6. To encourage scientific research in this field to activate partnership with Tunisian and foreign colleges and universities in the area in the hope of solving environmental problems

Main Projects / Activities

One of the most intersting projects we had in this field is "the bottle race" a project tackeling sports and recycling at the same time , with participation of more than 6 different nationalities from all over the world To participate in the plastic boat race made of waste.(level1-2017 & level2-2018)
. We are coordinatorsan in Erasmus+ project "Design your waste" for a duration of 2 years(2017-2019) it includes 7 actions exchanges youth workers and youth, realized 4 TC in Tunisia-1 activity in Galicia-spain and 2 activity in naples-Italy.
In September 2019 we participated in "The new path" international training course : The main topics of the training was about the difficulties the refugees are facing and how affective their inclusion in the sociaty is
.A new project with WWF Tunisia between Tunisia and Morocco, including the APLM, is a network of 15 Tunisian and 15 Moroccan associations and more than 3 years to succeed the MS3C "mobilizing civil society to fight against climate change "
-In the framework of the Mediterranean event with Legambiente "Clean Up the Mediterranean" each years, the association organized, with ETE +, an awareness campaign to clean the beach of the globe with competitions for collecting small waste and an incentive share on selective screening with games for children and young people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a motivated and ambitious young Tunisian organisation , trying to evolve and contribute more to the wellbeing of its beloved country, i believe our experience and skills through working with national and international partners can make a great contribution to the ALF network in my country. Our staff in APLM , which have been involved and participated in several projects, Youth exchanges in the frame of youth program and erasmus + projects, is welling to share and support the ALF Network in any way possible, in addition to our creative and fresh ideas to serve and support. I sincerely hope that our mutual vision for a better future will drive us to a mutually beneficial cooperation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are two sayings that I really believe in: the first is: “ what make a difference are not our choices but our commitment to them” and the second is:” “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” ” And Joining the ALF Network will be a step on the right track for my organisation's growth. Not to mention the opportunities this alliance will provide. We are a talented team with a high sense of adventure, a remarkable stamina to adapt to the changing living conditions, a passion for a better word, and a meticulous sense of details when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness in our work and joining the ALF Network can only boost all those qualities to the right direction.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mouine Meddeb
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Benney
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed benney

APNEK-Tunisia (Association for the Protection of Nature & Environment, Kairouan)

National Network

Cité commerciale 2 – 2eme étage
3100 Kairouan

(+216) 98 643 916 (GSM).
Telephone (other)
(+216) 98 768 517
Mobile Phone
(+216) 98 643 916 (GSM).
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Management committee: 16 members elected each 3 years . Budgetary ressources :annual budget approx. 30'000 € ( for projects ) Sources of financing: decentralized cooperation ( since 1993 successively: Micro financing program of the fund of the world environment , Embassy of Canada , EU , DDC Switzerland , Embassy of Finland ,) Modalities of action : concrete projects , exchange , seminars , bourses , ect.. Partners : Ministry of enviromnent and sustainable development, National Agency of trash management, National Agency of Environment protection, Kairouan collectivity , MOI-ECSDE (Athens), RAED (Cairo)…
Mission and Objectives

- Communication and awarness ,
- Ground projects ( protection of the natural ressources , promotion of woman , integration of youth , implication of the citizenships in the daily management of their trash and urbain environment ,
- Participation in the national , regional and international conferences .
- Working in network .

Main Projects / Activities

- Communication and awarness , - Ground projects ( protection of the natural ressources , promotion of woman , integration of youth , implication of the citizenships in the daily management of their trash and urbain environment , - Participation in the national , regional and international conferences . - Working in network .

Contact (1) Full Name
Youssef NOURI
Head of the organisation
Youssef NOURI
Contact (2) Full Name

Appel à candidature : Inscription à la RMD 2021

L'affiche de l'événement

FR - RMD 2021 est un format de marathon numérique de speed meeting non-stop de 24 heures qui met en relation les souteneurs de l'art et de la créativité et les acteurs culturels et créatifs du monde entier.
Il s'agit d'un événement de mise en relation en ligne, 24 heures. Il vise à créer un espace de réflexion sur les mécanismes de financement et de mobilité et d'appuis existants pour les projets créatifs et artistiques et à donner aux participants l'occasion de s'informer.
240 donateurs et souteneurs internationaux seront invités à animer une "table", il/elle présentera le programme de soutien proposé, ses objectifs, et les critères d'éligibilité. Il/elle sera entouré(e) de 7 participants qui, une fois que le donateur aura terminé sa présentation, auront une session de questions-réponses. Le tour par table durera environ 30min, les participants changeront de table tout au long de la journée.

Inscription obligatoire ici: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeoe7boq.../viewform

EN- RMD 2021 is a 24h non-stop speed meeting digital marathon format connecting art and culture supporters and cultural and creative actors world-wide.
The event is a 24-hour online speed meeting between Culture and creative supporters and CC actors that aims at creating a space of reflection on existing funding and mobility mechanisms.
240 international donors and supporters will be invited to host a "table", he/she will present the support program offered, its objectives, and eligibility criteria. He/she will be surrounded by 7 attendees whom once the donor has finished his presentation will have a Q&A session. The round per table will take around 30min, donors and attendees will switch tables throughout the day.

To join inscription is mandatory here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeoe7boq.../viewform

CFW Website: https://culturefundingwatch.com/en/
RMD Website: http://rmdigithon.com/
CFW Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CultureFundingWatch
RMD Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/Resources-Mobilisation-Digithon-RMD-2021-100921021837152

Applied Social Science Forum

National Network

4 rue de Damas
le belvédère
1002 tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Applied Social Science Forum (ASSF) is an independent NGO established in 2011(in the aftermath of the Tunisian political transformation). It has called to contribute, through its direct application as a think-tank and intellectual platform, to resolving concrete social and political problems, aiding reform initiatives, informing public policy, influencing legislation, and changing institutions.  The ASSF works to serve the public interest through emphasizing citizen expertise by providing free available and open access to   theses, reports and survey data to the public. It works on producing and publishing policy briefs to recommend reforms from decision-makers.
Mission and Objectives

The forum  seeks to highlight the processes of social and political transformation taking place in the “Arab Spring” countries. It is characterized by the operational aspect of the knowledge. Unlike pure academic knowledge, applied social sciences try to steer the debate towards scientific priorities of social and political reform , civic engagement and accompanying social transformations.
The «action research" is the framework of the applied social knowledge,
Otherwise  action research can be defined here as a process that involves further intervention by the researcher beyond the return of a single diagnostic assay type, or inventory.
The Forum's activities cover the applied research, scientific information (databases) and training

Main Projects / Activities

We have received a grant from the Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, UNDP, NED-POMED, and MEPI 
We work on Arab Trans project with the European Commission and the University of Aberdeen

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it is a good way to keep in touch with assciations and organizations that share the same objectives.
We believe in networking and  collaboration between different actors especially in the interior regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelwahab Ben Hafaiedh
Job Title
Professor of Sociology, University of Tunis
Head of the organisation
Abdelwahab Ben Hfaiedh

Appui aux Initiatives de développement

National Network

Residence taieb, avenue de l'indépendance Ariana 2080

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
une association de développement apolitique à but non lucratif créée en 1998 L’AID est basée à Tunis et intervient dans les zones démunies des gouvernorats de l’Ariana, de Kasserine, de Sidi Bouzid, de Tozeur et de Kairouan. l'équipe de l'AID est constitué de 7 membres bénévoles et 7 permanents
Mission and Objectives

Les principaux objectifs de l’AID sont :
- Participer à l'effort national pour le développement des sources de revenus des paysannes, des paysans, des artisanes et des artisans, jeunes et adultes.
- Participer au soutien des activités économiques auprès des femmes et des hommes en vu d'améliorer leurs moyens d'exploitation et de production.
- Contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs nationaux dans le domaine du développement économique au profit des populations démunies.
- Participer à l'effort national d'aider les jeunes à l'insertion dans la vie professionnelle

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet " action pilote de renforcement des 20 groupements de Développement agricoles (GDA) et mise en œuvre d'un système de suivi de ses institutions dans le gouvernorat de Tozeur: financé par la commission Européenne.
- L’école citoyenne à Sidi Bouzid.
- Projet de création des activités génératrices de revenus pour les jeunes du douar Ain Oumjdour

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre expérience est à la disposition de tous le associés

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AID adopte l'approche participative et communautaire qui s'articule autour d'un partenariat avec tous les co-acteurs de développement, notamment les groupes cible (partenaires de base) en vue de :
- contribuer à un développement autonome de personnes ou de communautés où la dépendance à sens unique est moins ressentie ( la dépendance à double sens est bien entendu l'échange).
- Mobiliser au service de nos groupes cible, le patrimoine des connaissances disponibles et nécessaires à leur développement.
- Cette mobilisation sera faite aussi pour répondre à des besoins différents de ceux pour lesquels ces connaissances ont été produites ; d’où exploration et recherche appliquée
- Explorer de nouvelles voies plus conformes à notre conception nationale de développement et à la survie de la terre, car les modes dominants de production et de consommation risquent d’entraver notre équilibre social et économique
- Associer la tradition et la modernité pour permettre à chacun de nous, de trouver des voies d’adaptation au monde moderne, conformes à son identité, à son histoire et à son environnement

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayoub ben ali
Head of the organisation
Mr Ayoub Ben Ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Sana Hajlaoui

Arab Network for Social Accountability

National Network

62 avenue de la république 2033 megrine coteaux Tunis - Tunisie

71 429 034
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
il s'agit d'un réseau arabe qui regroupent 07 pays ( le Maroc, la Tunisie, le yemen, la Jordanie, le Liban, Palestine, l’Égypte) , c'est une initiative de la banque mondiale avec la collaboration de care Egypte partenaire principal dans le projet, notre source de financement c'est la banque mondiale
Mission and Objectives

ANSA-Monde arabe. Le « Réseau pour la responsabilité sociale dans le monde arabe » rassemble des acteurs qui mettent en avant l’importance de la responsabilité sociale et œuvrent au renforcement des capacités. Premier réseau pour la responsabilité sociale dans la région MENA, l’ANSA-Monde arabe a pour finalité de soutenir un engagement et un partenariat constructifs entre organisations de la société civile, pouvoirs publics, médias et secteur privé.

Main Projects / Activities

les thématiques prioritaires qui faciliteront le changement dans la région : l’accès à l’information, la transparence budgétaire, la liberté d’association et les services publics. En mars dernier, ils étaient donc à Rabat pour lancer officiellement l’ANSA-Monde arabe.
Comme l’a déclaré l’un d’eux avec enthousiasme : « L’appropriation de ce réseau par ses membres est fondamentale. Ce sont les membres qui devront élargir le réseau et diffuser la culture de la responsabilité sociale dans la région. »

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

en améliorant le niveau de connaissance de la notion de redevabilité sociale, permettre au citoyen dans le cadre d'un contrat social ente le secteur privé, le secteur public les médias et la société civile d'avoir un service de qualité et d'accéder facilement à l'information.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour échanger et étendre nos champs d'action et pour contribuer ensemble au rapprochement des populations des deux côtés de la Méditerranée et le moyen orient en vue d’améliorer le respect mutuel entre les cultures,les religions et le droit à une qualité meilleure de la vie.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moufida oueslati

Arab Policy Institute

National Network

1 Place Tahar Haddad
Les berges du lac
1053 Tunis

+216 25813651
Telephone (other)
+216 20562 785
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The Arab Policy Institute (API) is a Tunisia-based think tank. Founded in January 2011 as a circle of thought and action, the API focuses on the development and promotion of political reforms in the Maghreb region, particularly encouraging the free exchange of ideas and social innovation. To date, the API has not received any institutional funding. Rather, we have worked in partnership with other organizations and solicited in-kind contributions for our activities. After successfully implementing several programs, we have developed our activity track record and are now developing relationships with donors and submitting funding applications to diversify our sources of funding and grow our operations.  The Arab Policy Institute is operated by a volunteer staff of a president, program director, project manager, and part-time intern.  Arab Policy Institute partners include the Harvard University Berkman Center, the Global Diplomacy Lab (with the German Foreign Ministry), Stanford University, TEDxCarthage, Afkar "think and action" tank, the Hicham Moulay Foundation, and the Harvard Arab Alumni Association. 
Mission and Objectives

The Arab Policy Institute is guided by three main principles:
• Developing inclusive platforms for dialogue and action
• Providing thoughtful analysis on political and economic developments in Tunisia
• Supporting social enterprises and businesses

Main Projects / Activities

Harvard University Kennedy School Tunisia Visit (March 2017)
The API hosted a highly-attended evening discussion and reception with Alexandra Martinez, Assistant Dean for Student Diversity and Inclusion from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS). Assistant Dean Martinez presented her diversity work at HKS, the school's admissions process and the myriad opportunities offered by the Kennedy School to highly-qualified, mid-career professionals.
Afkar “Think and Action Tank” (April 2015)
Afkar (“ideas” in Arabic) is a “think and action tank” format which engages a critical mass of empowered stakeholders around a defined problem. The Afkar format, created by and launched in 2015, was created to develop effective and workable solutions, proposed by key actors in a defined subject area. The 2015 Afkar edition gathered 50 key stakeholders from government, civic, and international organizations to discuss the state of Tunisian civil society and its role in political processes, such as with decentralization and municipal elections. Attendees included Mondher Bousnina from the Office of the President of Government; Chafik Sarssar, President of the Instance Supérieure Indépendante des Elections; Salsabil Klibi and Chawki Gueddass from the Association Tunisienne de Droit Constitutionnel; Amine Ghali from the Kawakibi Center; and Mokhtar Hammami from the Tunisian Ministry of Interior. 
Transition in Tunisia, Towards a New Citizenship (September 2012)
In September 2012, The Arab Policy Institute organized a conference titled “Transition in Tunisia: Towards a New Citizenship” in collaboration with the Moulay Hichem Foundation for Social Science Research on North Africa and Middle East. The conference, hosted on September 4-5, 2012 in Tunis focused on themes such as democratic transitions, the relationship between religion and politics, and the prospects for ensuring for basic human rights in post-revolution Tunisia. This conference was hosted at a particularly tense moment in Tunisia’s democratic transition following the election of the National Constituent Assembly and after several tense debates between secular and Islamist trends. Despite this, the conference included a frank, successful discussion between participants and  Rached Ghannouchi, head of the Tunisian Islamist party, Ennahda.
The Arab World, From Revolution to Transformation (March 2013)
In March 2013, The API supported the Harvard Arab Alumni Association’s 8th Annual World Conference, “The Arab World: From Revolution to Transformation” hosted in Tunis, Tunisia. Co-organized with the the American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia, this conference strove to initiate a debate and advance new visions for the development of the Arab world following the momentous events of the Arab Spring. The keynote was delivered by Mustapha Ben Jaafar, the President of the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly, which was charged with writing Tunisia’s 2014 Constitution.
This conference gathered a diverse range of speakers and participants from higher education, government, business, civil society, and journalism including Amel Bouchamaoui Hammami, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia; Jorge Domínguez, Harvard University Vice Provost for International Affairs; Nathalie Brown, Deputy Chief of Mission of the American Embassy in Tunis; Mo Ibrahim, Sudanese-British mobile communications entrepreneur and renowned philanthropist; Dirk Schmautzer, Partner, McKinsey & Company, Education and Government Transformation Practice; Cyril Grislain, Strategy Advisor in Tunis and former Managing Director of McKinsey’s Paris office; Raghida Dergham, Columnist and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Al Hayat; Dr. Hazem El Beblawi, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Egypt; Adel Goucha, Principal, The Abraaj Group; Aziz Mebarek, Founding Partner, TunInvest; Nakhle El Hage, Director, News and Current Affairs, Al Arabiya; Khaled Hroub, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Media Studies, Northwestern University; Amira Yahyaoui, President, Al Bawsala; Taufiq Rahim, Executive Director, Globesight; Mohamed El Dahshan, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University,Center for International Development; Said Ferjani, Senior Member, Political Bureau of Ennahda; Kamel Lazaar, Founder and Chairman, Swicorp; Dr. Tarik Yousef el-Magariaf, Chief Executive Officer of Silatech.
Harvard University Berkman Center:  Mobilization for Change Series (March 2016)
“Mobilization for Change” is a series of reports examining the role of the networked public sphere in advancing civic participation and collective action in the Arab region.  Published by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, the Arab Policy Institute contributed a paper titled “An Accelerated Story of the Emergence and Transformation of the Networked Public Sphere: The Case of Tunisia,” authored by Escander Nagazi, Jazem Halioui, and Fares Mabrouk. This paper maps the networked public sphere in Tunisia to better understand its impact in facilitating and promoting civic engagement and collective action in Tunisia.

The Association of Sejnane Potters (September 2012) is a project that aims to brings together these women potters to collaborate and professionally commercialize their pottery and other regional distinct handicrafts. The project was launched through the organization of a collective exhibition in Tunis, followed by a day of team building and professional development training.
TEDxCarthage (2010 and 2011)
In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TEDx events feature inspiring doers from Tunisia and abroad to spark younger generations of Tunisians to challenge themselves and think differently. Since TEDxCarthage first brought this concept to Tunisia in 2010, there has been over 50 TEDx events held across Tunisia. TEDxCarthage is now an annual, highly anticipated event with an in-person audience of 2500 persons, free tickets selling out in under 30 seconds, and a team of dedicated volunteers that returns year after year. Past themes include Imagine History (March 2011); InTolerance (September 201); Trust as the New Currency (September 2013); TEDxCarthageWomen Spark (December 2013); The Differences We Make (April 2014); and Big Time (April 2015). The TEDxCarthage team has personally mentored several youth TEDx events, including TEDxESPRIT (university), TEDxENAU (university), TEDxSadikiCollege (high school), TEDxLPM8 (high school) and TEDxIHECCarthage (university).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Arab Policy Institute has successful implemented several programs which facilitate crucial dialogue related to Tunisia's ongoing democratic transition. Our programs have helped to elevate and diffuse public discourse about pressing issues, such as the relationships between government and civil society, political pluralism, and civic engagement, to name a few. We also have a strong history of bringing together diverse stakeholders for honest exchange and of engaging and inspiring Tunisia's young people. 
We also have a strong network within Tunisia and internationally that we draw on to enrich the quality and impact of our programs. Additionally, we have worked to adapt internationally successful programs, such as TEDxCarthage to a Tunisian context. If admitted to the Anna Lindh network, we would be able to connect the network to influential actors in academia, politics, diplomacy, entrepreneurship, and civil society from around the world. We are also skilled at convincing high value actors, such as the Global Diplomacy Lab, a program of the German Foreign Ministry, to come to Tunisia and implement their programs here. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Key to the API's mission and operations is working with partners to achieve our programs and to build a better Tunisia. By joining AFL, we hope to expand our networks to allow us to increase the quality and scope of our activities. On a regional level, we are hoping to expand our activities, such as Afkar, to have a more regional focus to address issues such as migration, diaspora, multiculturalism, and political pluralism. On a local level, we also hope to learn from, as well as contribute, to the growing and evolving civil society community in Tunisia. 
Moreover, we'd like to work with like-minded actors that, like the API, are dedicated to facilitating constuctive dialogue, breaking down barriers between different types of people and actors, and support Tunisia's ongoing democratic transition. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Katie Bentivoglio
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Houssem Aoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Kevin Coyne
Job Title (2)
Program Director