
IBLA - Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes

National Network

12 bis rue Jamâa el Haoua
1008 Tunis

(+216) 71 560 133
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Established by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) in Tunis in 1926, IBLA is a cultural and educational institute managed by an intercultural and interreligious team. It has fully integrated into the Tunisian society. IBLA includes a renowned Research Library specialized in humanities and social sciences in the Arab world. It represents an intellectual and cultural source for researchers, academics and teachers, both Tunisian and foreign. IBLA also includes a scientific journal, Revue IBLA, founded in 1937 and the oldest still published in Tunisia, as well as a Junior Library for the youth of the disadvantaged neighbourhood. Its staff includes 4 White Fathers and 4 employees.   The annual operating expenses ( 55 000 TND) are mainly covered by the White Fathers society, whereas concrete projects are covered with the support of partners, including the Ministry of Culture, the National Heritage Institute, the French Institute, Arab World Institute, Prince Claus Fund…
Mission and Objectives

The aim of IBLA shall be to encourage intellectual openness in Tunisia and to develop dialogue between cultures and religions in order to achieve mutual understanding and peace.
IBLA shall have the following objectives:
1.  To promote respect and esteem for the cultures of others;
2. To create opportunities for inter-cultural and inter-religious encounters and dialogue;
3. To promote, conserve and protect the Tunisian cultural heritage and in a general way the Arab world cultural heritage;
4.  To encourage and promote scientific research on humanities and social sciences in the Arab World; 
5. To provide high-quality services;
6.  To provide educational support and to encourage the continuation of studies;
7. To enhance relations with Tunisian society and its institutions;
8.  To do all that is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

 1.The Research Library
IBLA runs a Research Library specialized in humanities and social sciences in the Arab world. Its collection, mainly in Arabic and French, constitutes a unique contribution to the Tunisian cultural and academic scene. In January 2010, a dramatic fire deeply affected the Library as half of the collection was destroyed (At least 15,000 books) or damaged (at least 5,000 books), whereas the building and the furniture have also been severely damaged.
The enormous support received from both individuals and institutions such as the Ministry of Culture have enabled our team to restart partially IBLA’s activities. After several years of great efforts, the Research Library officially reopened in October 2014.
Now, the objective of our Research Library’s project is to recover and develop the Library’s collection and material in order to offer a quality place of study.
It contains three axes:
- Preservation of IBLA’s collection: repairing, scanning, conservation…
- Development of IBLA’s collection: purchase of books and periodicals
- Modernization of the IT system: Database development, renewal of the computers

2. IBLA Revue
IBLA Scientific journal to date has published 114 issues over 78 years. Its issues, containing over a thousand articles and hundreds of book reviews and survey, provide a wealth of information and commentary on the evolution of Modern Tunisia. Blending Orientalism and the social sciences, the review specialized from its inception in the study of Tunisia’s past and present, particularly its Arab and Islamic dimensions. In 2014, IBLA revue published the book “Tunisian Arabic Course, Level 1” and aims now to publish the Level 2.

3. The Junior Library
Opened for the youth of the disadvantaged neighbourhood (Bab Mnara, Melassine…)  for over 50 years, the Junior library provides middle- and secondary-school children a place to study and to read in a calm and serious environment, as well as offering advice and help with their studies. After the fire of 2010, it was closed for few years. We are now preparing a participatory project to develop educational and cultural activities with a group of youth. We will provide these activities for the youth of the neighbourhood from next spring, with the reopening of the Junior Library.  The objective of the project is to develop interest in studies, civil participation and intellectual openness  among young people from disadvantaged neighbourhood.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Serving the intercultural and interreligious dialogue since the 1930s, IBLA has a great experience in improving mutual respect and understanding in Tunisia. This experience can benefit to the network.
Besides, IBLA is composed of an intercultural and interreligious team with Christian White Fathers coming from different countries and Muslim Tunisians. This is rare in Tunisia. Thus, IBLA’s team can provide a new perspective to the debates and exchanges of the network.
Finally, as the ALF is invited to associate partners various areas of the civil society, we have special connections with universities and cultural institutions, academics, youth… Our network can benefit the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we share its values and mission. After the fire that affected IBLA in January 2010, we are now looking to the future and we would like to enhance our relations with the rich Tunisian civil society, expand our local and international networks and develop our activities.  The ALF network can help us achieve these objectives.
We are also very interested in participating to national and regional activities. It can broaden our horizons, nourish our educational and cultural activities and give us opportunities to meet with future collaborators.
Regarding the current context, we think that networking and joining forces are particularly important to weaken obscurantism and build a common future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucie Jacquet
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
F. Bonaventura Benjamin Mwenda
Contact (2) Full Name
F. Bonaventura Benjamin Mwenda
Job Title (2)

Ibn Zaydoun Association جمعية ابن زيدون

National Network

حي الزهور الثالث نهج 4005 عدد 24 تونس

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
عدد ا لعاملين خمسة أعضاء متطوعين الموارد المتاحة 10 ألاف دينار في السنة مصادر التمويل وزارة الثقافة و منظمات ّأخرى مشاريع ملموسة أعمال مسرحية و السمعية البصرية للشباب
Mission and Objectives

العمل على تسخير الفن المسرحي في تفعيل الحوار بين الحضارات و الثقافات

Main Projects / Activities

مسرحية للشباب تفعّل الحوار بين الحضارات و الثقافات في بعد إنساني

Contact (1) Full Name
Faisal Ben Mahmoud
Head of the organisation
Faisal Ben Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Soheil Keidara

IIDebate Association

National Network

13 Rue du Senegal 1002 Tunis
1002 Tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

iiDebate is a non-profit, whose mission is to develop next generation of civic leaders, activists and change agents by giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in the political process. By opening up spaces for democratic education and youth participation in schools and government, we strive to prioritize the needs of low-income youth and under-resourced schools and regions.iiDebate has a board of advisors composed by our supporters from different iNGOs, Partners or other. We also have three executive board members and 12 staff members. Finally we also have our chapters in 7 regions managed by executive board in each local chapter and volunteers part of "iiDebate Innovation & Research Center". We manage every year more than 150K$ and we have different projects mainly focusing on:  Education reform program: using debate as a tool to integrate it part of the educational system, also through our IRCs that represent the HUBs inside educational institutions  Rehabilitation program: By working in prison's, areas with very high rate of violence and through our Drabzeen Academy we try to train trainers who can impact their local communities through knowledge sharing  Community resilience: In this program we use all the scientific approaches to reach the youth community resilience in rural and vulnerable areas. Our approach is based on "People Development Model" and "Community Youth Mapping". 

Mission and Objectives

Through iiDebate work we want to create an alternative platform for non-formal education that can be used in all the institutions, centers of training and center of rehabilitation. We see young people as the main power for any change we want to reach however the tools and the current mentality is always limited by the classic approach. Our objectives are:  1/ Integrate debate part the school system  2/ Make all organization experts in debate through a capacity building program and integrate it as part of their activities  3/ Create a platform for exchange of opportunities between young people

Main Projects / Activities

Cafe Talk: Café Talk is about organizing open discussions in Cafes. We aim to bring young people together by giving them the space to discuss and debate about topics they feel concerned about.  We believe that having powerful conversations is the first step to improve our communities and make change. Tounsi W Nghayer:  it’s an incubator project that aims at promoting youth initiatives in Tunisia all within a vivid competition frame set around an exciting gaming theme. Tounsi W Nghayer is launched in 6 different regions across Tunisia; Tunis, Bizerte, Sfax, Gabes, Gafsa and Sidi Bouzid. The competition is an election simulation process for young people to discover the basics of civic education and why elections is important in our daily life. The competition also aims to solve an issue matter or develop the community /governorate they are in. This election simulation was first organised in 2016 reaching more than 200 participants, today it is executed in Tunisia in more than 6 regions and it targetted more than 200 participants.  Drabzeen Academy Tunisia: Since human development is the process of enlarging people’s capacities and potentials, the Drabzeen Tunisian Academy envisages contributing in this endeavor through training learners on several areas of thought, knowledge and skills. Through this intended development, learners will be enabled to be efficiently active in their communities on the one hand, and to embark in their professional career while equipped with the necessary knowledge and modern skills on the other hand. Indeed, capacity building has become a major ambition for learners, mostly youth, considering the ongoing and rapid evolvement of societies and employability requirements. It is a key element for taking an active, leading role in social change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We were part of ALF through Young Arab voices before and through UNESCO, and we saw what ALF is doing in the region with a great impact and large network. Today; we believe that joining the network could very interesting to share our expertise in debate or teaching through creative methods. Also, to reach a new level of applying democracy in a country where everything is possible nowadays. Also, part of our decentralization process, we would like to make our big network of more than 10000 people to hear about the opportunities and share it with them.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF could be very impacful for iIDebate in term of networking, in term of scale up our work, in term of scaling up our programs and finances as many activities from which iID is working are on the same scope of work of ALF. Finally, IIDebate is working also mainly on debate and collaborating with the YMV could be very interesting in inetgrating the debate education part of the educational program. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Elyes Guermazi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elyes Guermazi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Essghir
Job Title (2)

IIDebate lance son nouveau projet "iDebate4equality"

photo de la formation

*Bizerte et Gabès - Dans sa troisième édition, iDebate4equality continue de briller en tant qu'initiative phare visant à sensibiliser la jeunesse tunisienne à son rôle crucial dans la société civile. Cette année, une formation exceptionnelle a été organisée par Aya Tabba et Nourhene Swissi pour les jeunes de Gabès, marquant ainsi une étape importante dans l'autonomisation des jeunes.

Le projet iDebate4equality s'est rapidement imposé comme une plateforme incontournable pour encourager la réflexion, le débat et l'engagement civique parmi les jeunes de Bizerte et Gabès. Les jeunes d'aujourd'hui sont les leaders de demain, et cette initiative vise à les préparer à assumer leur rôle de manière responsable.

Le cœur de l'initiative réside dans les formations interactives qui sont organisées pour les jeunes. Aya Tabba et Nourhene Swissi, deux jeunes activistes engagées, ont dirigé une session de formation particulièrement inspirante pour les jeunes de Gabès. Leur engagement envers la cause de l'égalité, de la justice et des droits de l'homme a servi d'exemple vivant aux participants.

La formation a abordé divers sujets, y compris l'importance de la participation citoyenne, les mécanismes de la démocratie locale et la promotion de l'égalité des sexes. Les jeunes de Gabès ont eu l'occasion d'apprendre, de débattre et de partager leurs points de vue, créant ainsi un espace propice à la réflexion critique.

Il Corriere di Tunisi

National Network

4,rue de Russie Tunis 1000

00216 71320765
Telephone (other)
00216 71 327811
00216 71325247
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00216 20 040 703
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 98 329686
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Le journal comporte 1 directeur et une rédaction composée de 4 rédacteurs à plein temps et de 8 collaborateurs externes. La source de financement est privée et le journal vit de ses abonnements, de publicités et autofinance ses publications par des projets de recherche thématique. Le journal organise des rencontres débats financés à travers la participation à des appels à proposition internationaux et/ou avec le soutien des ambassades. Les ressources annuelles sont de l'ordre de 100.000 dinars tunisiens.
Mission and Objectives

Le Corriere di Tunis est un bi-mensuel de 48 pages couleurs.C'est un journal qui nait de l'émigration/immigration et dont le thème principal est le dialogue interculturel entre la rive sud et nord de la Méditerranée. Le journal est rédigé en langue italienne. Il s'adresse à un public italophone composé d'italiens résidents en Tunisie, d'étudiants et d'émigrés tunisiens et maghrébins italophones.

Main Projects / Activities

Le journal depuis sa création oeuvre pour le dialogue culturel, économique, éducationnel et social pour le respect de la différence par le biais de la connaissance de l'autre. Dans ce sens et ce depuis 1991 des projets ont vu le jour ayant pour but la connaissance des mémoires plurielles composant les deux rives de la Méditerranée.Ex. en 1998 nous avons organisé une grande manifestation dont le thème était: La Tunisie et l'Italie, histoire d'un dialogue(avec colloque, expos, rencontres et débats) ou en 2008 dans le cadre du Programme 1001 actions de la Fondation Anna Lindh nous avons organisé une Semaine du Dialogue avec rencontres, expos, presentations de livres, spectacles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuelita Scigliano
Head of the organisation
Elia Finzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvia Finzi

Impact Foundation for Research and Development

National Network

Touil Center, Rue Nile, Gafsa 2100
Cité Ennour
2100 Gafsa

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
23 210 486
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Description ​Founded in February 2015, IMPACT Foundation for Research and Development is a youth-led NGO that aims to promote research in various areas, and to use research as a vehicle for cultural, economic, social and environmental development. Staff employed ​President Vice President Secretary General Treasurer Communications Manager Graphic Designer Fieldwork Coordinator Community Manager Budgetary resources available in a year: 100 000 $ Sources of funding: Donors (NED, OSI, POMED, NAWAT INSTITUTE) Modalities of actions: Seminaes, Workshops, Surveys, Research Fellowship, Roundtables, Project On civic Education. Main partner: National Endowment for Democracy (NED)  

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission Despite the active involvement of civil society in various projects side by side with the public sector in recent years, development still remains below the expectations of Tunisians, particularly in the sectors of employment, education and health. Our mission stems from our deep belief in the far-reaching potential of the human capital when harnessed in the benefit of research and innovation. In Impact Foundation, we believe in the huge and untapped potential of the energy of youth, and in their capacity to make a deep impact on their environment at the local, regional and global levels. We are building on the academic acquisitions and dynamic capacities with the Tunisian young generation demonstrated throughout several trials. We seek to provide mentoring, support and motivation for these young energies, and to mobilize young people in the direction of addressing local and global challenges.   Our Objectives To initiate and support projects of economic, social and cultural development in Tunisia, especially in underprivileged regions. Organize, coordinate and boost the efforts of various research centers, universities and Think Tanks in Tunisia. Develop, reinforce and improve the skills and capacities of research centers and young researchers in Tunisia. Draw attention to the importance of linking research to development on the economic, social, cultural and environmental levels. Draft and develop proposals for laws and policies that promote research. Rationalize public policies through the involvement of research in state reform. Network with different research centers and academic institutions, reach out to young people and be open to their expectations.

Main Projects / Activities

Young City-Zen This project is part of civil society efforts to promote civic Education. Since Tunisia is going through a phase of political, social and cultural changes, this project responds to a critical need for active and promising citizenship. By relying on an inclusive participatory approach, the project will try to involve several stakeholders in a societal dialogue to teach young students the principles of the civic education adapted to the post-revolution Tunisian context where democracy, freedom and citizenship are being established as values of the Tunisian society. Through the various efforts of civil society, local authorities, education staff, and national and international experts, this YOUNG CITY-ZEN  project will consolidate the learning of civic education at primary schools for children between 8 and 12 years, and empower civil society institutions committed to the promotion of democracy and citizenship through civic education. Moorings Journal ​MOORINGS JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES is a quarterly online journal published by IMPACT FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. The journal aims to provide readers around the globe, particularly researchers and students, with a wide range of views about current issues pertinent to the region of the Maghreb. Since early history, the Maghreb has been the heart of a vibrant crossroads that witnessed a dynamic demographical movement and a rich interchange of ideas and commodities. In view of the recent regional and global changes, MOORINGS seeks to bring together fresh perspectives to the dynamics that underline the various socio-cultural, economic and political spheres in the countries of the Maghreb, as well as provide a wide range of outlooks which examine the interaction of this region with the rest world. We are looking for original, innovative and previously unpublished material, with the aim to promote excellence and encourage outstanding research approaches among researchers, academics and professionals. We particularly encourage submissions from young researchers and researchers at the beginning of their career. Working women’s rights under scrutiny ​The projects consists in an evaluation of the rights of threatened workers in Tunisia, through a report that will be written jointly by Impact Foundation for Research and Development, and academics from the High Institute of Human Sciences of Jendouba. The project aims to stress the precarious and deplorable conditions of work, endured by women working in the agricultural sector, in the absence of the fundamental rights of workers. With the intention to set in motion an advocacy program that seeks to influence public policies and improve their conditions, the project will focus precisely women working in the agricultural sector in the governorate of Jendouba., This governorate suffers the insufficiency of development compared to the rest of the regions, and where Agriculture constitutes a principal pillar in economic activity and wealth. In addition, the project which will seek to reinforce Research capacities at universities, by orienting research endeavors towards local socio-economic rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building partnerships with local and international think tanks and research centers and work with them toward achieving our shared goals. Organizing workshops, round tables and seminars to develop research projects. Participating in national and international events in relationship with our goals. Organizing trainings for those interested in research.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

​To meet other organizations representatives and learn from their exepriences and succes stories To make our work more visible and to draw attention to the importance of networking To realise joint project with differents parteners from different cultures and countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Dhahri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adel Dhahri
Contact (2) Full Name
Imen Yaakoubi
Job Title (2)
Secretary General


National Network

Bloc 49, app. 369 Omrane Supérieur

+216 21648745
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Personne individuelle, non-inscrite à aucune organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Mon objectif est d'enseigner les jeunes et de leurs aider à mieux vivre..

Main Projects / Activities

Education/Enseignement/Activités Loisirs..

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je voudrais rejoindre votre réseau car j'aime aider les autres, leur donner de mon experience et je veux voyager et faire des connaissances et amitiés..

Contact (1) Full Name

Individual member: Ezzaier Nadhem

National Network

14 Rue Théodor Bulharez cite Ibn Sina 2066 Wardia

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Je me présente individuellement pour commencer un projet qui prend "les symboles dans les villes méditerranéennes"comme sujet principal.
Mission and Objectives

étudier les symboles que contiennes les bijoux,les costumes traditionnels,les tatouages,les monuments afin de prouver une convergence entre les cultures méditerranéennes.

Main Projects / Activities

rassembler le plus grands nombre de symboles et d'interprétations dans une exposition photo qui prouve que la culture méditerranéenne a toujours été un élément d'unité et de richesse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ezzaier Nadhem

Individual member: Jelmam Yassine

National Network

08 Rue Khaoula ben Mandhour - Cité de la Santé - 2087 El Agba - Tunisie

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Je suis enseignant universitaire Tunsien travaillant dans le domaine de l'éducation
Mission and Objectives

Mettre en place des projets conjoints et comparatifs entre les différents pays de la mediterranée dans le domaine de l'education

Main Projects / Activities

Travialler sur la comparaison des différentes pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants du supérieur des pays de la mediterranée

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelmam Yassine

Individual member: Moncef SLITI

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
C'est une inscription personnelle
Mission and Objectives

c'est une inscription personnelle

Main Projects / Activities

Je suis journaliste et je suis intéresse par les problématiques de culture et de développement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

je suis entre journaliste couvrir les actions de ce groupe et j'ai un doctorat dans le developpent

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

rejoindre un réseau sérieux et participer à un espace d'échange qui une structure internationale , ce sont entre autre parmi les raisons qui me m'incitent à m'inscrire.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moncef SLITI