
Svenska Palestinakommittén | The Swedish Palestine Committee

National Network

Törnrosgatan 1 442 54 Ytterby
c/o Eva Strandberg
42100 Göteborg

031-84 55 12
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
076-828 77 34
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
General Information

The Swedish Palestine Committee is a humanitarian aid NGO that is party-politically and religiously independent. The committee was formed in April 2002 and has members throughout Sweden.

The aim is to support people in Palestine. The Swedish Palestine Committee works with development projects in Palestine, with assistance from Sida mediated through Forum Syd. The aid is 90% of the budget. The deductible is 10%. The co-payment is collected from members and sympathizers.

The committee also informs in Sweden about the protracted conflict between Palestine and Israel.


Mission and Objectives

Committee's aim is that as a politically and religiously independent humanitarian organization support the Palestinian people.

Main Projects / Activities

Project Al-Karmel Club
2016 - 2018 was the most recent project period. It was concluded and an application for continuation of the project has been sent to Forum Syd. It is a development project with a focus on Gender and the Environment. Over the years, the project has worked with five target groups - Women - Preschool - Youth - Disabled - Men.

The preschool had a maximum of 105 children enrolled. The children are 4 and 5 years old. At the age of 6, they start school. The preschool children learn the numbers and to read simple words in Arabic and English. The creative games are important. The well-trained staff sees each student and gives them the support they need. The parents regularly attend meetings with the staff and have received training in nutrition. The children's health has improved. Yogurt and fruit are served to the children.

The war in Gaza has claimed many lives and made many children orphans. Children who have lost their breadwinner and role model are particularly vulnerable. The Swedish Palestine Committee started a sponsorship activity in Gaza.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lennart Sundström
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ismail Adra
Contact (2) Full Name
Ismail Adra
Job Title (2)

SVERIGES LÄRARE FÖR FRED (Teachers for peace)

National Network

1. Davids väg 16, SE 263 92 Jonstorp, Sweden.
2. Gråfias väg 10, SE 441 60 Alingsås, Sweden

Gothenburg (the boad)

+46 42 34 82 62
Telephone (other)
+46 32 251 116
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 760 30 86 00
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 730 53 63 37
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. A board, individual members, no staff employed. 2. Budget: 6 000 SEK. 3. Membership. For projects funds searched each time. 4. Seminars, lectures, activities like lessons in schools, exhibitions, selling and displaying books and booklets, networking, information via our webbsite. 5. Professionals against nuclear weapons and for peace as well as other peace organizations. Much work is done with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (The Swedish part, SLMK).
Mission and Objectives

The organization works for peace, international understanding, human rights, conflict resolution, and disarmament with a focus on teaching and education.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization has worked to influence teacher education via different means. During som years it has given courses and conferences in cooperation with other peace organizations, One such cooperation was Peace in Our Hands. Educational materials were produced. Members of the board have produced books on conflict resolution for teacher education. The organization has collected signatures to influence the government to work for an international convention against nuclear weapons.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are active on our website giving information, we inform our members. With more knowledge and inspiration from other activities that we come to know we may improve our work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To keep in touch with work on peace, disarmament and human rights. To learn more and to be able to spread more information and inspiration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Utas Carlsson
Head of the organisation
Ilse Hakvoort, chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilse Hakvoort


Celebrating Our Diversity Helsinki

“When 'I' is replaced by 'we', even illness becomes wellness!” Malcolm X

Vision, Membership and Support

The Swedish network promotes the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership at the national and international level through capacity building programmes and organising exchanges between network members. We contribute to the development of the Foundation's priorities and programmes by participating in consultations and annual meetings of the ALF network coordinators. All our activities are open to ALF members and citizens from the Euro-Med region. 

The Network is open to institutions, organisations and other partners who adhere to the principles and the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation which work on the basis of democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values. Membership is open to NGOs; Public institutions, including local and regional authorities; public and private “not for profit” Foundations; other "for profit" partners promoting "not for profit" activities and corporate social responsibility policies. The Network is not open to political parties or organizations and projects owned by political parties nor to individuals. Membership in the ALF network is free of charge without any time commitment. 

The Swedish network receives an annual support from the Swedish Foreign Department and is also supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation through the Network Engagement Scheme. 

Flagship Programme

Celebrating Our Diversity is a networking platform for civil society and artists from the Euro-Med region. The civil society forum we host aims at promoting inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities. And, the intercultural festival aims at celebrating diversity and minority groups. 


The National Museums of World Culture (Världskulturmuseerna) is the coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Sweden. In April 2024, the Swedish network elected three advisory committee members: 

  1. Bilal Almobarak, Support Groupd Network (Vänersborg)
  2. Nasma Salim, PeaceWorks Sweden (Stockholm) 
  3. Farhia Nur, STPLN (Malmö)

Our network internal rules are available here.

Historical Background of your Network

In 2009, we hosted the annual ALF networks coordinators meeting in Gothenburg during the Swedish Presidency of the European Council.

In 2010, we hosted the Euro-Med Dialogue Award Ceremony in Stockholm.

We used to organise the annual peace day celebration with our network members.

In 2015, we co-organised a Baltic civil society forum in Tallin in collaboration with the Finnish and Estonian networks.

In 2016, we hosted the Nordic-Baltic Dialogue Forum in Stockholm. The Forum gathered nearly 80 civil society practitioners in a unique opportunity to network, exchange good practices and lessons learned and share project ideas. The Stockholm Forum addressed the regional challenges in youth, gender and migration, nurturing a culture of dialogue and promoting regional collaboration and knowledge mobility among the members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the Nordic-Baltic region.

In 2017, we hosted a training on Countering Hate Space in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the German, Finnish, and Danish networks.

In 2017, we organised a regional seminar on Migration and Working with Newcomers in collaboration with the Finnish and Danish networks.

We organise an annual forum called Celebrating Our Diversity for our civil society network members to showcase their good practices. 

In February 2022, we hosted an online workshop on Evaluation of Cultural projects delivered by Tialt (Porto). The workshop explored how power structures related to evaluation, as well as the methods used to conduct evaluation, enable new forms of knowledge to come forward or be held back. 

In March 2022, we hosted an online training on Conflict Management and Non-violent Communication delivered by MitOst Horizontal School (Berlin). The training was an introduction into conflict management, helping individuals to understand and prevent conflicts.

In 2022-2023, we hosted a series of online webinars called Intercultural Morning Coffees in collaboration with our network member River of Light. We bring together researchers, civil society members and Euro-Med citizens to discuss up-to-date issues over a cup of coffee in the morning. We bring forward discussions about interesting topics around inclusion, youth engagement, migration, gender equality, climate action, etc. How can we enhance EuroMed cultural cooperation within the current social and regional context?

In 2022-2023, we hosted Intercultural Book Circles in collaboration with our network member LärOlika. The meetings are highly interactive and all participants are involved in conversations across countries and across literature genres. Each book circle becomes an opportunity for intercultural learning and networking. 

In January 2023, we hosted an online training on Deconstructing Gender Norms in collaboration with our network member PeaceWorks Sweden. The workshop included two sessions and its main goal was to enable participants to increase their abilities to question, reflect on and critically examine matters of gender related power structures. 

In March 2023, the Swedish network hosted a regional network meeting on 9-10 March at the World Culture Museum (Världskulturmuseet) in Gothenburg. The meeting brought together more than 40 members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network and network coordinators from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This is the first time the network members met in real life since the pandemic (2020).  

More information about our activities can be found here.

Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa

National Network

Abdul Jabbar Al-Rawi Street 6
11183 Amman

+962 (0)79 1000 959
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa is a governmental agency that serves as a platform for contacts and dialogue between on the one hand Sweden and the countries of Europe and, on the other hand, the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

It was established by the Swedish government in 1998 and is an integral part of the Swedish Foreign Service. Since 2021 the Institute is located in Amman, Jordan.

The Institute is funded through the Swedish development cooperation budget.

Mission and Objectives

- Promoting increased contacts between Sweden, and other countries in Europe, on the one hand, and countries in the MENA region, on the other.

- Address issues that are important for the political, economic and social development of the region or for the relationships between the countries of the region and the outside world, or that contribute to increased mutual understanding in the fields of culture and religion.

- Promoting the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership within the European Union

- Promoting the goals for international development cooperation set by the Swedish parliament

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute’s key areas for activities are:

- Peace and security

- Sustainable development

- Inclusive participation

The Institute operates through conferences, seminars, meetings and other activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Charlotta Sparre
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amb Charlotta Sparre

Swedish Egyptian Institute

National Network

Höllvikstrandsvägen 67B
236 38 Höllviken


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We don't have any resources available. We fund the activity by members fees. See below for projects. Our partners are Swedish Culture Center in Cairo, The Olof Palme International Center, Swedish Institute in Sweden and Egypt, The Swedish Writers' Union, Swedish embassy in Cairo.
Mission and Objectives

The Swedish-Egyptian Institute is a Swedish non-profit organization and its purpose is working for promoting intellectual, scientific, cultural and interreligious exchanges for social development and a more humane and democratic society in Egypt.
The purpose of the organization is to support and give allowance to;
Swedish and Egyptian students and researchers for travelling to and studying in Egypt, respectively Sweden
prize for best translated book from Swedish to Arabic and from Arabic to Swedish
conference activities for Egyptian and Swedish organisations
Arabic media production for human rights television

Main Projects / Activities

International Writers conference in Egypt 2012: Arab spring and the role of the writer and artist in an area of conflict
Conference activity in Swedish Culture Center in Cairo about The Swedish Model for Democracy
Arabic Human Rights Radio and Television (project under construction)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can build a bridge between Swedish and Egyptian NGO who work for human rights and democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To find resources and contacts with other organisations who share the same values and goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh Egyptson
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Pia Persson Egyptson

Swedish Mekteb

National Network

Lindholmsbacken 146, 12749 Skärholmen
12749 Skärholmen

+46 702-22 10 69
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 702-22 10 69
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Swedish Mekteb began as a Sunday school with a Muslim focus and Montessori pedagogy. Nowadays we have started a scout association with our own scout cabin outside Stockholm.
Mission and Objectives

Swedish Mekteb focuses on teaching Arabic to children with non-Arab backgrounds and young people who want to study Arabic at an University level. '

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nihad Subasic, Arabic teacher

Swedish Network hosts an ALF regional network meeting in Gothenburg

ALF_Sweden meeting

(photo by Omer Hingora)

The Anna Lindh Foundation network in Sweden hosted a regional network meeting on 9-10 March at the World Culture Museum (Världskulturmuseet) in Gothenburg

The meeting brought together members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network and network coordinators from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This is the first time the network members met in real life since the pandemic (2020).  

The meeting's agenda was shaped around these goals:  

  • networking and creating new partnerships between members
  • exchange of knowledge and expertise 
  • sharing projects and initiatives by network members 
  • discussing ALF network programme during 2023

The meeting was organised with the support of the Swedish network advisory committee: Karin Bruce, Bilal Almubarak and Denise L. Mellion. 

The Anna Lindh Foundation Executive Director attended the first day of the meeting as part of his work trip in Sweden and presented the ALF Programme 2022-2025. Also, the former director of the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, Jan Henningsson took part in the meeting and talked about the background history of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Finally, the Deputy-Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute in Amman took part in the meeting and shared the work done by the Institute in promoting intergenerational dialogue. 

Members had a brainstorming about the network activities in Sweden and beyond. This includes suggestions for the flagship programme Celebrating Our Diversity.

This meeting is organised with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, European Commission and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

For queries, please contact the Swedish network coordinator Rasha ShaabanRead more.

Swedish Network Newsletter - April 2024

ALF Sweden newsletter april 2024

The April edition of the ALF Swedish network newsletter is now out! 


In the newsletter, you will find:

  • New advisory committee elected for 2024 - 2026
  • Funding opportunity: Swedish Institute Ukraine Cooperation programme
  • Open call: STPLN interdisciplinary programme in Malmö 
  • New exhibition "Nakba - Palestinian Stories from 1948" open at the Mediterranean Museum in Stockholm on 16 May
  • Blå Stället hosts its annual Angered Book Fair on 3 - 4 May in Gothenburg 
  • Invitation: new round of LärOlika courses in Gothenburg during May 2024
  • New network member: Creative Insights Studio (Helsingborg)

ENJOY and don't forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter! 

Swedish-Arabic Culture Association (Arabiska Kulturföreningen i Göteborg)

National Network

Karl Gustafsgatan 52

+46 704954733
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Swedish-Arabic Cultural Association in Gothenburg is a religiously and politically independent based in Gothenburg. We who are involved in the association are a number of people with an interest in Arab culture, Swedes and others with roots in the Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

Organisation statutes:

Main Projects / Activities

We have been around since 2001 and arrange meetings and seminars on topics that concern Arabic Culture in one way or another. Among other things, we participate in the annual science festival in Gothenburg.

Contact (1) Full Name
Houda Zoubi
Job Title
Founder and director
Head of the organisation
Houda Zoubi

Swedish-Iraqi Solidarity Committee (SISK)

National Network

c/o Nilsson
Hagagatan 8A, 11348 Stockholm


Telephone (other)
0+46 8 56820606
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 0704934695
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 0730251029
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
NGO with 25 members, steering committee five embers, all work on a voluntary basis. Budgetary resources for organisation: membership fees, budget resources for projects: Forum Syd and Radiohjälpen
Mission and Objectives

To support the civilian society and democratic institutions in Iraq, with special emphasis on
children's and women's rights and support the access to good children's literature and promote literacy among children

Main Projects / Activities

Our objective is to support financially and practically two children's libraries in Baghdad. The first library opened in 2005, the other in 2008.The libraries have grown to include theatre, art and music activities and computer coaching for the children and lecture activities for parents

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Altafi
Head of the organisation
Anita Lilburn
Contact (2) Full Name
Anita Lilburn