

National Network


+34 954508201
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E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cajasol Foundation, is an Andalusian foundation,  which has more than 20 years working with a common goal: to help the Andalusian society to progress and restore everything we receive from it. Its activities cover all social and business sectors in Andalusia. The Foundation develops numerous congresses, conferences and seminars that are intended to support business Cajasol Foundation activities are defined in 4 areas: entrepreneurship, culture and sport, social action and training. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Activities in order: impetus to the socioeconomic development of Andalusia Conventions, workshops entrepreneurship. Program "a hundred paths to success". (Program to support the start up) CULTURE AND SPORT activities such as exhibitions, music concerts, theater, dance, film and support for sport as an integration tool, is part of this section. These actividaes are complemented by educational programs. SOCIAL ACTION Cajasol Foundation creates plans aimed at promoting social integration and equal opportunities with the aim of achieving a more balanced and just society. The actions are developed generally directed to four groups: elderly, disabled, people in health risk and social exclusion. TRAINING Cajasol Foundation works establishing agreements with universities, creating scholarships and developing a program of own activities or in partnership. Cajasol Studies Institute offers a wide training activity having an experience of over 25 years training professionals. All information of our entity: well as the latest report of activities of the entity ACTIVITIES MEMO FUNDACION CAJASOL: LINK:    
Mission and Objectives

Cajasol Foundation works a staff of professionals specialized in various areas (social project management and development cooperation, cultural activities, administration, communication, etc.) that combine technical skills with social vocation.
In addition Fundacion Cajasol, it has hundreds of partners including institutions, social organizations, associations, universities and foundations.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

cajasol Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Spain
25 years working consolidate it as a reference in the field of social support, business support and promotion of culture and sport.
For this reason, participate in the European network will expand its range and transfer the results of their projects more beneficiaries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cajasol Foundation is developing a plan of action to develop European projects, allowing to carry out projects with European partners
participate in the network will allow the exchange of best practices and share experiences and results

Contact (1) Full Name
sol Cruz Guzman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Fundación San Patricio

National Network

c/ Sil, 58


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación San Patricio is a private, non-profit Foundation, established in 1999 by San Patricio School, a 50 year old private school in Madrid. It is registered with number 482 at the Spanish Ministry of Education Foundation Registry. With a staff of 6 persons, it relies on freelance professionals and volunteers to develop its different programmes. Our budget for September 2009 to August 2010 is €726.620. Our sources of funding include membership fees, and donations, but the main amount comes from different companies and institutions that sponsor our activities. We execute several programmes: Model European Parliament, Investiga I+D+i, Aula Salud, Aula Social, Aula de Cooperación, Aula de Teatro, and SEOP. As well as organizing lectures on Education, and language study scholarships. Our main partners are San Patricio School, Caja Madrid, La Caixa, Barclays Bank, Sanitas, Banco de Santander, Ministry of Education, Education Departments of different regional governments in Spain.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Objectives are to develop educational, cultural, artistic, scientific, ethic and social programmes, seminars, and lectures, for students, teachers, parents, school principals, and society in general. We try to cover aspects that are not present in the official curriculum. We focus mainly on Values education.
Methodologically we care more about the processes than the results. For instance, in our parliamentary programmes, it is important to us that participants go through the processes of investigating a subject, forming their opinion, articulating it, listen to other opinions, trying to reach an agreement, and make collective proposals; much more important than the content of the proposals.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
Model European Parliament. Fundación San Patricio organizes the Model European Parliament in Spain. It is a European program that simulates a European Parliament Sessions with students from all over the EU. In Spain we have over 50.000 students from over 600 schools participating in regional, national and international sessions. The aim is to foster better understanding of how the EU works, and develop European citizenship, as well as learning how a parliament works.
We are currently trying to set up a similar programme, but at the Euro-Mediterranean level.
Investiga I+D+i is aimed at fostering student’s interest in scientific investigation.
Aula Social organizes volunteer groups to work in hospitals and old people’s homes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonsoles Castellano
Head of the organisation
Sonsoles Castellano
Contact (2) Full Name
Ignacio Sevilla

Fundación Sevilla Acoge / Sevilla Acoge Foundation

National Network

Avda. Cristo de la Expiración s/n
Bajo del Puente del Cachorro


954 90 29 60
954 90 18 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
635 50 65 71
Mobile Phone (other)
653 77 61 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational structure: Board of directors (12 members: President, Secretary, Treasurer, other board members). The foundation has 14 employees and 70 volunteers. Budgetary recourses available per year – 1 million euros. It consists of public recourses (80%), private recourses (10%) and revenue (10%). As of modalities of action, Sevilla Acoge Foundation (thereafter SAF) provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social insertion, legal consultations, etc.), organizes trainings, participates in various programmes (Andalucia Orienta, Caixa Proinfancia), European and international projects (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci), has cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marroco. SAF is also part of European Voluntary Service as a host and sending organization. Among its many partners are: Junta of Andalusia (government of the autonomous community of Andalusia), CEPAIM Foundation (Consortium of entities working in the field of integration of immigrants), FAMSI (Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for the International Solidarity), and many others.
Mission and Objectives

Sevilla Acoge Foundation regards as its mission the aid and promotion of social and occupational integration of immigrants settled in the province of Seville. One of its objectives is to also work with native population in order to create environment where mutual enrichment, respect for diversities and promotion of cultural identities can flourish. Our organization works for a change of values, for a social transformation that would lead to a new social model where people of different cultures, religions and origins can have a place and live peacefully together, and where their freedoms and rights are respected, protected and promoted. In Sevilla Acoge Foundation we strive for three main goals: right to full citizenship, social integration, and intercultural living together.

Main Projects / Activities

The foundation provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social and legal consultations, social insertion), mediation services between professionals and users, trainings for social workers, public health specialists, etc. Also holds educational workshops on migration issues, organizes trainings on co-development projects as well as practical seminars on how to set up and manage a social project. The organization has its social educators working with immigrants at schools and colleges. It also participates in various national and international programmes, like ¨Andalucia Orienta¨(labour market orientation for unemployed citizens), EVS (European Voluntary Service), Leonardo da Vinci, etc. It also runs cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marocco.
Among organization´s many international projects, the following ones are the most recent: ¨Behind the Threshold¨under the programme ¨European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals¨, 2012-2014, with partners from Italy, Portugal, Belgium; ¨MILE – Managing Migration and Integration at Local Level¨ under the programme URBACTII, 2007-2009, with partners from Italy, France, Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania; COPFIM (Consulente e progettista di formazione individualizzata per immigrati) under the programme Leonardo da Vinci, 2004-2006, with partners from Italy, France and Romania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our network of partners and experience in the field. Our foundation will make a trustworthy and active partner in joint projects and activities of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will provide possibilities to make partnerships with organizations of the national networks. We see it as an opportunity to set up cooperation projects that will help us to complete our mission and to also contribute to the projects of ALF members when they fall into our field of actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Vicente Sánchez E.
Head of the organisation
Omar El Hartiti Hmamou (President)

Fundación Simetrías

National Network

C/ San Juan de la Penitencia,6


(0034) 925 23 95 59
Mobile Phone
(0034) 610 463 473
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives

To work for stimulating the cultural cooperation, the vertebración of the sector cultural industries and favoring the processes of immigrants' social and cultural integration in the society, as well as the modernization of the rural way, bearing his international projection in mind in the regional and local landing, across actions of applied(hardworking) investigation(research), advice, formation(training) and spreading(publication) of public policies

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ainhoa Martín Díaz
Head of the organisation
Mª Angeles Diaz Vieco


National Network

Gran Via, 6
4ª. 28013 Madrid


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The “Fundación Temas de Arte” was created in 1998. The governing body is its Board, comprised of leading representatives of the professional fields of cultural and creative industries. Other members outside the Board are the Secretariat of the Foundation, Directorate of Communication and General Coordination of Projects. The organization has 3 staff employed in total, and several freelance contributors based on each of the projects undertaken. Since its inception, the “Fundación Temas de Arte” has launched several international meetings, conferences, workshops, prizes and scholarships as well as numerous international exhibitions and fairs to promote cultural diversity through the excellence of its creators. Although specializing in Plastic and Visual Arts, the Foundation has also promoted different artists in the fields of dance, performance, music and even gastronomy. Plastic and Visual Arts have always been the main fields where the Foundation has developed its activities, with the aim of making contemporary art accessible to all, and to strengthen cultural ties among creators between the two shores of the Mediterranean, especially understanding Spain and Morocco as two gateways in Europe and Africa respectively. The defense of the interpellation of cultures between the north and south as well as supporting and promoting women as drivers and supporting culture in Maghreb and the Sub-Saharan regions are key issues in the calendar of activities of the “Fundación Temas de Arte” for the coming years. Since 1998 “Fundación Temas de Arte” has worked together directly with leading public and private institutions such as Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, AECI, French National Library, Albertina - Museum Vienna, Museum Wilfredo Lam in Havana (Cuba), Secretary of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, Ministry of Culture of Morocco, National Institute of Fine Arts in Tetouan, (Morocco), among others.
Mission and Objectives

The “Fundación Temas de Arte” aims at:
- The promotion, development, communication, protection and dissemination of all kinds of studies and activities related to the visual arts, plastic arts, performing arts, musical arts and audiovisual arts
- The promotion of those activities related to culture, cultural tourism, literature, applied new technologies, design and gastronomy
- The international promotion of contemporary art and culture and art of Maghreb and the Sub-Saharan Africa. Promoted the mobility of artists, creators and their works between north and south
- Collaborate in Increasing the visibility of women and defend their incorporation equally in all cultural and development projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- CASABLANCA Artweek, International Fair of Contemporary Art of Africa and the Mediterranean. Casablanca, 21-24 Nov. 2012
- PROYECTO: LETRA, International Meeting of Creators of Barrio de las Letras in Madrid, 5th Edition.
- PROYECTO: CREA, Fair of Business and Industry of Contemporary Art and Architecture. Madrid, May 2013.
- PROJECT: VIDEO ARTWEEK TETOUAN, Festival of Video Art in North Africa. Tetouan, Morocco, October 2013.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The “Fundación Temas de Arte” will foster relationships of artists and businesses in the field of culture between Spain and Latin America in one side, and the south Mediterranean countries on the other side, collaborating with members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the development of their projects and fostering their visibility through our platforms and activities, especially in Madrid and Barcelona.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation Network represents for our professional field to be in touch with the leading institutions and professionals in the field of Culture and the Creative and Cultural Industries operating in the Mediterranean region. We would like to participate in the network of contacts and information provided by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Victor Del Campo
Head of the organisation
Manuel Victor Del Campo Yllera De La Mora
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Casado

Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo

National Network

C/Charles Darwin, s/n. Pavillon Hassan II. Isla de la Cartuja.41.092
isla de la cartuja

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
2. Budgetary resources available in a year : - 3.000.000 € 3.Sources of funding: Junta de Andalucía (Andalous Governement) 4. Modality of actions : (concrete projects , exchanges , seminars , scholarships.) 5. Principal partners associated to the projects /activities of the organization : Sometimes there are other institutions which collaborate with us or we collaborates with them: - Carta Mediterránea - Ayuntamiento de Sevilla - Hommes de Parole - Universidades Españolas - Universidades Extranjeras - Copeam - Aeci - Ierem - Asociación Atlántica - Festival de Sevilla Entreculturas - Festival de cine de Tarifa - Centro Peres - Panorama Center - Netanya Academia Collage - Osce - Instituto Cervantes - Fride
Mission and Objectives

The promotion of the dialogue, peace and tolerance between people and Mediterranean cultures is the principle which guides the activities of the Foundation "Trois Cultures". Since the Foundation "Trois Cultures". We think that the culture is the best vehicle to promote the dialogue in a sociopolitical context of the Euro-Mediterranean region .
At the time when the confrontation and the particularism cause conflicts and situations of exclusion and marginalization , the foundation "Trois Cultures" of the Mediterranean had assumed the commitment of promoting the coexistence between the cultures and the religions by the means of mutual knowledge and the exchange of ideas and experiences able to encourage a connection between the Mediterranean people.

Main Projects / Activities

-National and international congress
- Concerts
-Book's presentation
-Árabic and Hebraic lessons
- Lessons done in collaboration with diferents universities either national or international

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrique Ojeda Vila
Head of the organisation
Enrique Ojeda Vila
Contact (2) Full Name
Catalina Bejarano Escobar

Fundación Tres Culturas Leads ALF Mobility Project Hands-on"


In a groundbreaking collaboration, Fundación Tres Culturas, an organization within the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF), joins forces with Fundación Fadila El Gadi to launch "Hands-on," a co-creation project. Selected by the Anna Lindh Foundation's fourth mobility call, "Hands-on" stands out among proposals from Mediterranean basin countries.

One of the brightest students from l’École de Broderie de Salé in Morocco, Nouhaila Mezrhab, embarks on her first international journey to Spain, sponsored by ALF, Fundación Tres Culturas, and Fundación Fadila El Gadi. Under the guidance of Entre Mantones y Seda, a women's association in Espartinas, Nouhaila immerses herself in traditional embroidery classes while collaborating with #Tejedoras del Muelle de la Sal in Sevilla.

This dynamic cross-network initiative blends contemporary embroidery and crochet, culminating in an exhibition to showcase their innovative creations. Fundación Tres Culturas' pivotal role underscores the significance of ALF's mobility program and the power of collaboration across diverse networks.

For more information:

  • Anna Lindh Foundation: Link
  • École de Broderie de Salé: Link
  • Entre Mantones y Seda Association: Link
  • Tejedoras del Muelle de la Sal: Link

Nouhaila's journey spans from January 18th to March 18th, 2024, marking a significant example of cross-cultural collaboration and intercultural dialogue through artistic means, facilitated by ALF's mobility initiatives.

Fundación Valparaíso (Valparaiso Foundation)

National Network

Miguel Angel 1 dupl
Camino Eras del Lugar 23 04638 Mojácar Almería Spain
28010 Madrid

+34 913082490
Mobile Phone
+34 629 325 009
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 607 696 365
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are a private, non-for-profit institution since March 1990, registered in the Register of Foundations of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Board of trustees: President Beatrice BeckettVice-president Lukasz GornickiTrustees Felipe Gutiérrez Jesús Mateos Ole VilladsenSecretary of the Board Javier Almagro The Director Marie Laure González and Project Manager Teresa Santiago are working for Fundación Valparaíso. We have an approximate annual budget of 150,000 €. We have always worked with our own private funds (equity, property rents…). Grants for board and residency to international artists in our residence in Mojácar; Poetry Prize; Theatre Prize; Plastic Arts Prize and Prize for Painting for students; sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras Musical Composition Award; individual exhibitions and concerts… We have collaborated with Caixaforum, Mapfre, the International Institute, Complutense University, Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras… in our Prizes. Today, we are firmly convinced of, and working on, the need to share forces with many other institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our aims, according to the statutes of Fundación Valparaíso, are to promote the creation of artistic works and research in the field of fine arts, literature and music.
These aims are principally carried out by funding artists, writers and researchers, from all over the world, for periods of residence in the Foundation's facilities in Mojácar (Almeria, Andalusia, Spain), providing financial assistance to any cultural activity, or individual, involved in teaching and research in these fields and holding seminars, conferences, exhibitions and prizes across the various artistic disciplines.
Our objective for the near future is, using our resources and strategic geographical location in Almería, to promote cultural interaction between North and South of the Mediterranean, through our residency’s grants, improving multidisciplinary cultural access and knowledge of, and between, both sides of the sea.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now, our patronage activities have been:
Grants for board and residency
Since 1990, Valparaiso Foundation has been providing grants to enable artists to live for four weeks at its Residence in Mojacar (Almeria). These artists have all produced professionally recognised works and submitted proposals for projects to be undertaken at the Foundation itself. 
The annual Paul Beckett Poetry Prize (awarded with 4,000€ and the book is published in the Beatrice collection).
The biennial Beckett Theatre Prize (awarded with 6,000€, the play published in the Beckett collection and presented to the public in a dramatic reading of the work).
Also, the Valparaíso Foundation Prize for Painting; sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras Musical Composition Award; concerts and exhibitions, in our facilities in Mojácar.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Valparaíso Foundation can contribute to the Spanish ALF Network with:
- providing our facilities in Mojácar (Almería), for free, to ALF projects, as we are strategically located less than 400 km from Morocco and Algeria: the residence is situated amongst olive, orange and almond groves two kilometres from the beach at 150 metres above sea level; it has magnificent views to the Mediterranean coast and the Sierra Cabrera, home to the town of Mojacar.
This rural retreat, an old olive mill, has eight private rooms with en suite bathroom, a dining room, a library containing more than 10,000 titles and various other common areas. Each unit consists of a studio, a bedroom and a bathroom. Several of the rooms also have outdoor terraces or access to the courtyard. It also has its own vegetable garden and four individual workshops for painters, sculptors and multi media artists, as well as a study and auditorium for the musicians.
- offering specifically our residency grants to artists and creators of the Mediterranean in order to increase cultural relationships and understandings between North and South: one of the Valparaiso Foundation's main aims is to offer artists from all over the world and from all branches of the arts (writers, composers, painters, sculptors, visual artists, etc.), a quiet and peaceful retreat where they can concentrate on their art, free from distraction and the duties of daily life. Each month eight artists on grants have come together at the Mojacar Residence. Almost twenty years of experience has shown this number to be ideal for facilitating an interchange of ideas in a friendly and enriching atmosphere.
- our international cultural multidisciplinary projects;
- our own financial resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been working until now, very autonomously. And due to the actual world context it is time, for us:
- to work together with, and join forces to similar and complementary institutions;
- to reach wider and different audiences, public not used to the artistic world, so as they can be beneficiary of our efforts;
- to be part of multidisciplinary projects, out from our usual work but where we can contribute with our international artistic experience of 25 years;
- to help improving the knowledge and understanding of our different cultures in the Mediterranean. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Santiago
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms. Beatrice Beckett (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Javier Almagro
Job Title (2)
Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Fundación Voces para la Conciencia y el Desarrollo

National Network

Calle Torpedero Tucumán, 33
28016 Madrid

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Voces is an organisation that is committed to fighting poverty and exclusion by raising public awareness about poverty issues among Spanish and Latin-American people. Voces comprises a community of well known recognised Spanish and Latin-American artists (actors and actresses, musicians, plastic artists, photographers, etc.), who become the image and the voice of the campaigns we implement. We also work in advocacy and promote the potential of young people for activism in favour of fighting poverty. At the moment, we have an staff of seven people, but we also have lots of partners.  Some of our main partners are Google, AECID, Vaughan, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruiperez, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, El diario El Mundo, Festival Mulafest, Zinc Shower, Fundación Proyecto Solidario por la Infancia, Tuenti,... We have both sources of funding, public and private of both companies and people . We organise concerts, exhibitions, produce documentaries and films, make songs, etc. Through our activities and thanks to our artists' work we attract media attention to poverty issues. We also work in advocacy and promote the potential of young people for activism in favour of fighting poverty.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to achieve sustainable development of individuals and peoples, against poverty, taking culture as a source of inspiration and basis for social change. We are a network of people committed to social change through advocacy, mobilization and implementation of initiatives to promote culture as a way to extend the opportunities of children and youth at social risk, both in Spain and in other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Voces believes that culture is a key tool for achieving a better world, and thus, as well as implementing awareness campaigns where artists take an active part, we also execute projects whose main goal is the promotion of culture as a means to fighting poverty and exclusion. In this respect, we work in Mali, Marruecos and Haiti, where we have organised workshops with artists and are putting in place arts schools for children, and in Spain we work with children and youths at social risk in the fields of music and theatre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Considering people as shaft of the initiatives and promoting values ​​such as respect, tolerance and creativity, innovation, transparency and honesty. Also creating partnerships and networking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enrich with the meeting with other organizations that share our mission to help us carry it out

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Merín
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fundation Voces para la Conciencia y el Desarrollo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana González
Job Title (2)
Directora de programas

Fundación Yehudi Menuhin España

National Network

Avenida Ciudad de Barcelona, 53 1º Ext.Dcha
28007 Madrid


+34 91 534 01 43
+ 34 91 456 06 94
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 34 678 771 132
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 34 677 305 465
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
FYME Board is chaired by her Majesty Queen Sofia, and compsed by 11 members. President: Mr. Enrique Barón Crespo. FYME Structure: Permanent staff (10), hired artists (141), volunteers (249). Main funders are: European Union, Ministries of Education, Culture, Social Affairs and Health, International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, Regional Governments, Local Governments, Spanish banks and saving banks, Universities and Private entities. FYME Activities: MUS-E Program, Art for coexistence-living together, Volunteering&Social participation, Show me Africa, Arts on stage, Form-arte (traing through arts) FYME is currently operating in 240 schools with over 40,000 students, within a network of more than 1,600 teachers and 200 artists.
Mission and Objectives

FYME’s objective is to promote Arts as essential elements for people’s intellectual, esthetic and social development, and favor the fully expression of our personality, the interaction of corporal, emotional and esthetic interaction. The artistic expression is a way to create new signs of ourselves and our relationship with the outside world. FYME’s objective is to enable people with different cultural backgrounds to strengthen their links, create a common culture, reinforcing their sense of belonging, contribute to the social integration of handicapped children and disadvantaged social strata, and develop social dynamics based on interdependence and cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

MUS-E: its aim is to teach arts at school hours in order to promote social, educational and cultural integration between children, prevent violence and racism, and favor tolerant attitudes as well as intercultural encounters, always bearing in mind the respect for diversity during the implementation of artistic sessions.
ARTS FOR COEXISTENCE: its purpose is the development of values of coexistence and respect that serve to promote social and cultural integration, as well as to prevent violence, xenophobia and exclusion, out of school hours.
SHOW ME AFRICA (construction and refurbishment of schools in Senegal)
SOCIAL PARTICIPATION & VOLUNTEERING: its aim is to educate, raise awareness and promote initiatives with special incidence in groups at risk of exclusion.
ARTS ON STAGE is a space to approach art to people not accustomed to attend performances and artistic events.
FORM-ARTE (ARTISTIC TRAINING PROGRAM) is aimed to create a training space using arts and the development of emotional intelligence.
Training and Evaluation are implemented throughout all programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by raising awareness of the Anna Lindh Foundation through our Spanish network of contacts. More than 20,000 children; 125 schools; almost 2,000 teachers involved: tutors, teachers of music and physical education, coordinators and members of management teams; 141 artists; and around 250 volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Spanish Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (FYME) follows the path marked by Yehudi Menuhin, the great violinist, humanist and pro-European. Throughout his life he was a strong advocate of education, human rights, rights of minorities, tolerance and cooperation between different people and cultures, as well as a tireless worker for peace. FYME shares its objectives and purposes with the Anna Lindh Foundation ones.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anabel Domínguez Contreras, Directora
Head of the organisation
Enrique Barón Crespo
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Merino Collantes