
European Institute of the Mediterranean Releases Digital Publication of 16th Edition of "A Sea of Words"

Sea of Words 2023 publication

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) has unveiled the digital publication of the 16th edition of "A Sea of Words," titled "Artificial Intelligence and Youths: Ethical Commitment and Critical Thinking." This initiative, launched in 2008 in collaboration with the Anna Lindh Foundation, serves as a platform for young voices across the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries and the European Union to engage in dialogue on pressing social, cultural, economic, and political issues.

This year's edition, centered on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its ethical implications, attracted 212 valid submissions from twenty-five Mediterranean countries. The entries explored the multifaceted effects of AI on society, reflecting on its challenges and opportunities.

A panel of international judges selected the ten best texts, seven of which were invited to Barcelona for an awards ceremony, creative workshops, and cultural exchanges. This project aims to foster a culture of peace and understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

By the art of storytelling, "A Sea of Words" continues to provide a platform for youths to articulate their perspectives and contribute to shaping the future of the Mediterranean region.

Read the winning stories HERE.


National Network

Calle San Vicente Mártir, número 87
piso 4º, puerta 8ª
46007 Valencia

+34 608 645 361
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
EUROPIMPULSE NETWORK est une association coordonnant un réseau de profesionnels et d'organisations locales oeuvrant pour une cooperation européenne basée sur les principes de l'approche "Bottom Up". Les 3 principales lignes de travail principales de ce réseau sont: stimuler et faciliter la rencontre, la collaboration et le travail en réseau des membres de l'association; former et accompagner ses membres à la définition, préparation et gestion de projets transnationaux; incuber des projets innovants portés par des membres du réseau; Créer en 2018 pour formaliser un réseau actif depuis 2016, EUROPIMPULSE NETWORK a obtenu le prix VLC Start Up pour son projet ERASMUS CREATIVE HUB, visant à appliquer nos méthodes de travail à la dénommée "Génération ERASMUS". Nous sommes donc depuis installer dans l'espace de coworking du Parc Scientifique de l'Université de Valencia afin de développer nos activités sur le campus de Taronjers (Sciences humaines et sociales).
Mission and Objectives

MISSION: développer le potentiel des individus et des organisations de la société civile afin de promouvoir une intelligence collective et construire une société solidaire, créative et durable.
VISION: promouvoir des individus et des sociétés responsabilisés et conscients de leurs capacités en tant qu'agents de changement.
Innovation et incubation de projets pour le Changement
Collaboration et travail en réseau à tous les niveaux
Éduquer selon les principes des droits de l'homme

Main Projects / Activities

Le Réseau EUROPIMPULSE NETWORK centre actuellement son activité autour de 2 projets:
ERASMUS CREATIVE HUB: formation et accompagnement de la "génération ERASMUS" sur des questions de coopération européenne et internationale;
DINAMIZART: dynamisation du secteur rural à travers des Arts et de la Culture;
Conçu à partir de l'intelligence collective de chercheurs, d'entrepreneurs, d'éducateurs et de militants, ERASMUS CREATIVE HUB souhaite maximiser l'impact présent et futur de la génération ERASMUS et renforcer leur participation économique, sociale et culturelle aux niveaux local et européen. ERASMUS CREATIVE HUB souhaite ouvrir des espaces de réunion (physiques et virtuels) afin de capitaliser sur les capacités et les expériences desjeunes ayant développés une expérience international
Les axes de travail de ce projet sont les suivants:
"Think Tank" ERASMUS: groupe de réflexion sur l'impact de la mobilité et la coopération européenne et internationale;
ERASMUS Learning Lab: ateliers et formations "Learning by doing" pour l'innovation et l'internationalisation;
ERASMUS Incub: programmes de mentoring et d’incubation de projets européens de mobilité et de coopération;
ERASMUS Inclusion: opportunités de stages et d’emploi pour l’innovation et l’internationalisation;
Le projet comprend, dans un premier temps, des activités réalisées depuis le coworking de l'UV et, dans un second temps, la conception d'une application selon la méthodologie "lean innovation".
Le premier séminaire DINAMIZART aura lieu dans le village d'Almedijar (Castellón / Espagne) du 3 au 10 Mars prochain. Le but de cette rencontre est d'échanger des expériences et des idées sur des projets de développement rural qui utilisent ou ont utilisé les Arts et la Culture comme moteur. En particulier nous nous intéressons à la problématique de dépeuplement de la Jeunesse sur ces territoires.
Ce projet vise à la mise en réseau des acteurs locaux et à la mobilisation de financement européen pour la mise en place d'initiatives culturelles. Il est développé en partenariat avec la coopérative CANOPIA (avec qui nous travaillons à la dynamisation du Parc Naturel de la Sierra d'Espadán) en collaboration avec le Festival Itinérant d'Arts Scéniques de la Sierre d'Espadán et la mairie du village d'Almedijar.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le travail en réseau étant une base de l'existence de notre association, nous serions très heureux de pouvoir partager notre expérience dans ce domaine. Nos membres présentent d'ailleurs chacun des capacités spécifiques en lien avec nos actions. Cela pourrait ainsi composer des ressources pour le réseau ou ces membres en fonction des besoins.
Travaillant en plus en contact avec la Jeunesse (universitaire ou en milieu rural), nous pouvons leur expliquer les activités de la Fondation et pourquoi pas les y intégrer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Depuis l'automne 2018 nous travaillons avec des partenaires marocains et égyptiens à la définition d'un projets de collaborations pour la mobilité et la coopération de jeunes artistes méditerranéens. Pouvoir développer ce projet en collaboration avec le réseau Anna Lindh serait à n'en pas douter un formidable opportunité tant en terme de visibilité que pour de futurs ´developpements.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dorothee Fischer
Job Title
Coordinatrice communication
Head of the organisation
Jean-François ALBERGHI
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Boutaib
Job Title (2)

Event on "Intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean cities" with the French Network

Representatives of the French and Spanish Networks

On Tuesday 14th May, our director of the Culture, Gender and Civil Society Department, Gemma Aubarell, delivered a keynote speech surrounding the concept of intercultural dialogue, as part of a “tool fair workshop” conducted by ALDA. Through relations with our Mediterranean neighbours, it is imperative to adopt both outward and inward perspectives of our organisations, whereby we confront the prejudices we may have in our own cultures and overcome potential barriers to achieving deeper intercultural relations. As Gemma further noted, creating “open” spaces, founded on mutual understanding, listening, and learning, contributes to the depolarisation of our societies, playing an integral role in fostering international cultural relations in the Mediterranean. Though our cultures may differ, we fundamentally share human principles.

The subsequent workshops sought to practically implement these ideas with an exercise which encouraged active listening through storytelling; the aim was to enhance the integration of cultural backgrounds with one another. In the concluding remarks, ALDA recognised that we could carry out these activities within our daily lives, ensuring that our understanding of another person’s culture does not limit our engagement with them. Overall, this workshop exemplified some of the concrete methodologies which can be practiced as part of a cohesive effort to strengthen intercultural dialogue within the Mediterranean.


National Network

Camino de la Zarzuela 21-23,
28670 Villaviciosa de Odón,

+34 687 831 375
Telephone (other)
+34 697 158 434
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
EXCHANGE Live Art is a very young and small Spanish non profit cultural asociation. We were working in this project since 2011 and we had founded as an asociation last 2014. We are three oficial members: Ana Matey (founder and president), Isabel León (founder and secretary) and Mario Álvarez (vicepresident), but we colaborate with many artists and profesionals often. We don´t have any budgetary resources avalaible in a year, because we work by small projects. Our sources of funding are mainly grants, private sponsorship and our selfless work. Mainly we work organizing and managing meetings between artists from different backgrounds, promoting exchange and reflection on communication. We work together with similar asociations in the countries where we developed these "exchanges". In this moment, we are working with the morrocan cultural asociation Al Handka. Our partners change from one project to other. Normaly we work with public and private cultural institutions and organizations.
Mission and Objectives

EXCHANGE Live Art is a project that investigates the Communication and Interpretation of messages, taking the Action or Performance Art as the basis for this research. We believe that artistic creation is a living act, in which there are no borders or boundaries. We are interested in collective creation, by proposing meetings, residencies, workshops, talks and experiences in which we work with artists from different disciplines, backgrounds and origins. EXCHANGE Live Art proposes to share artistic processes, ideas and performance scores, as well as ways to understand art and life.
About context and curatorial work.
EXCHANGE Live Art arises as a need to create and promote art and culture in a socio-political and economic moment in which this sector is suffering more than ever. This project aims to involve and count with the participation of institutions, artists and public.
EXCHANGE Live Art proposes a curatorial project focus on performance art that involves a bet by the artists rather than concrete works. in this project, the creation process and the communication-interpretation research goes beyond the final “artistic “result.
EXCHANGE Live Art takes the "score" (or script of a performance) as the central axis of a project in which is also involve the writing, photography, video, live action, workshop and debate as part of a whole: different ways that generate reflection and thought.
EXCHANGE Live Art is a project based not only on exchanging artistic scores, but in different ways to do, create and experiment “art”, with proposals from artists of different generations, backgrounds and disciplines, opening the field of the research with different professionals from art, sociology, philosophy, etc.
About Communication-Interpretation
“The communication could be understood as a series of illusions, or fragmented reflections that occasionally intersect and generate the ilusion of communication, real reflection. However, the experience of each body communicating is always different: it is a condition of contingencies that makes at the here and now of a context is generate variations and interpretations, differentiation unpredictable and that these are inevitably different for each body communicating” DONNA HARAWAY 
What is life but a pure and continuous exchange? Ideas, thoughts, emotions or feelings that we share with the other by language and gesture. The communication, which goes hand in hand with uncommunication, is a serious and disconcerting subject, that generate disputes and misunderstandings, but also absurd situations and fun. We learn the words, their meanings, their conjugations, constructions... however this does not necessarily mean that each person understands the same thing, so "communication mean interpretation".

Main Projects / Activities

EXCHANGE LIVE ART work in two main lines:
1. Organization and management:
Includes: live actions, talks, workshops and exhibitions.
In September 2012 the project began with 13 artists chosen by an open call online, in which they exchanged performances scores that were "interpreted" in photo and video actions. You can see the online exhibition here.
A year later, from 20 to 29 September, we organize EXCHANGE MADRID, an international meeting with the artists participating in the open call, with exhibition of their works, live actions, performatic debate, workshop and artistic residence. More information about at here.
On May 4th 2013, we organize another international meeting of action art EXCHANGE at Vostell Malpartida´s Museum, with Bartolomé Ferrando, Willem Wilhemus, Belén Cueto and Koke Vega. More information here.
October 2013, EXCHANGE at Enclave (Granada, Spain) host the french artist Pascale Ciapp who gave a workshop and perform herself the day of the event. The artist Ana Matey (EXCHANGE Live Art) was invited to had a residence together with Igor Sousa (MATSU), both of them made different urban actions during the residence week. Also Ana Matey and Patricia Cabrero of ENCLAVE CREACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA had a exchange of scores that they shown in a simultaneous performance for the final event. More information here.
October 2014, for second year consecutive Vostell Malpartida Museum hosted EXCHANGE & MVM 2014, inside the Iberoamericans Contemporary Art Fair ForoSur. In this occasion the artist invited were Nieves Correa and Abel Loureda, both from Spain. More information here.
2. Research and artistic creation:
Although the events make a research and artistic creation itself, in this section we refer mainly to residencies and laboratories, in which the EXCHANGE Live Art managers as artist, Ana Matey and Isabel Leon, participate.
- July 2013 from 14th to 25th we were invited to Sierra Art Center (Spain) to have a two weeks residency. More information here.
- April 2014, we got the EEA  grant together with the spanish artist Sergio Muro and Domix Garrido from the Norwegian Embassy at Spain. Under the name EXCHANGE España-Norge, we spent ten days in Oslo working by partners with four norwegian artist. At the end of the residency this process was shown in a public live actiion event. More information here.
- Autumn 2014, we spent two months at Saari Residency of the Kone Foundation, Finland. In this period, we work exchanging between us and with other artists currently there, as well as visitors. Although we were invited to participate at Mother´s Tongue International Festival in Helsinki. More information here.
- In May 2015, we are invite to work together with canadian artist at Toronto & Montreal host by FADO and DARE DARE. More information soon.
- In the fall of 2015 we will be working on the project ESTRECHO EXCHANGE between Spain and Morocco, in which three Spanish artists and three Moroccans participate, and different institutions and organizations from both countries are involved and suporting it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EXCHANGE Live Art can contribute to networking in our country and with others because our main activity is to organize meetings between different artists and organizations interested in art, the richness of cultural diversity and communication as the main way for understanding and approchement between peoples and cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we are interested in knowing other European and Mediterranean organizations interested in working for dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.
We believe that art (and more specifically performance art) is a good and essential tool to help in this dialogue and this respect. 
We believe that we can offer our experience and knowledge while learning from other network members, making nice projects together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabel León Guzmán
Job Title
Founder - Secretary
Head of the organisation
Ana Matey Marañón
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Matey Marañón
Job Title (2)
Founder - President
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Expressions in Dialogue

In the midst of increasing radicalisation and a surge of populist and xenophobic movements along with securitarian policies and the restriction of fundamental freedoms, intercultural dialogue has become one of the most pressing challenges of today's Euro-Mediterranean area. Based on...

FAPE - Federación de Asociaciones de la Prensa de España

National Network

c/Juan Bravo nº 6

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
. 1- General assembly ; President; Federal council ; Secretariats ; Commissions . 3- Contributions of the members 4 - Concrete projects; Seminars; Cooperation agreements 5- Association of Spanish journalists, of Europe, and the countries of the south of the Mediterranean .
Mission and Objectives

In respect to Mediterranean , to develop the co-operation and knowledge between professional journalists organizations of the two rivers of the Mediterranean; elaboration of common norms in deontology; self-regulation; access to information; freedom of expression and press, etc

Main Projects / Activities

Elaboration of a book on the statute of the freedom of expression and press,
conditions of professionals works , in the Mediterranean .
Creation of an observatory of the freedom of expression and the Mediterranean press.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luís Menéndez Villalva
Head of the organisation
M. Fernando Gonzalez-Urbaneja
Contact (2) Full Name
Fernando Gonzalez Urbaneja

Festival EtnoSur

National Network

Paseo de la Estación nº 49, 7ºA

+34 655676725
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
EtnoSur is a festival organized by the City Council of Alcala la Real and produced by Sokolo, equipo de gestión cultura. The number of employees during the festival is more than 150 people. It's sponsored by different gubernamental organizations and by the own festival profits.
Mission and Objectives

Show the word during the three days for all kind of public, doesn't matter ages, culture or taste.

Main Projects / Activities

The festival includes music, circus, workshops, literature mater classes, cinema, documentary video, slowfood, handcraft, theatre, dance, storytellers, conferences, expositions, NGO, exhibitions...

Contact (1) Full Name
Herminia Martínez García
Head of the organisation
Pedro Melguizo Jiménez

Festival Puerta al Mediterráneo

National Network

Pl. de la Villa, 1
44400 Mora de Rubielos (Teruel)

0034-976 299 887
Telephone (other)
0034-976 392 933
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0034- 618124064
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Maker of projects your organization has in the presence of a director / coordinator, a project manager, counseling and studies; an administrative support person and two junior consultants. This is because, initially, the bulk of the activity other than consulting and project management require the outsourcing of services. The responsibility of both partners and will lie in the management and quality assurance. The annual budget for cultural management is around 1,800,000.00. Most of it is funded through contracts with governmental cultural management. Also through sponsorship, patronage and grants. The lines of action of our organization include project feasibility studies, cultural development projects, cultural events, cultural facilities management, trend studies and research projects.
Mission and Objectives

1. Our strength as a cultural industry, combining design, production and marketing of creative content of a cultural nature, is one of our organizational goals. 2. Analyze and interpret the reality of society itself, by responding to their problems, demands or cultural needs, thereby increasing their welfare. 3. Channel participation and inclusion of groups and individuals to jobs and cultural activities of their community, causing a transition from individual to social. 4. To assist with anticipatory function, to discover and highlight new needs or problems of society and raise a concern in the official ranks of those issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of cultural events. Management of cultural spaces. Studies, trends, and advice on cultural matters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to contribute ideas once we know more in detail the activities of the Network Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because considedramos helping to meet our objectives, and because we want to be complicit in the very objectives of the Network ALF. In particular some of our most historic "Festival of the Mediterranean Gate" starts this year a cultural action held in the other Afro-Asiatic shore.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Antonio Monzón
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

FIMAM - Foro de Investigadores Sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán

National Network

Àrea de Dret Internacional Públic i RRII - Departament de Dret Públic - Edifici B, Despatx B3-115/2, - UAB - 08193 Bellaterra – Barcelona - Spain

+34 935812424
+34 935812065
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ángeles Ramírez (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Jordi Moreras (Researcher)

Fira Mediterrània de Manresa

National Network

L’Arquitecte Oms, 5 (Casa Lluvià)
08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

00 34 938 753 588
00 34 938 722 685
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Fira Mediterrània of Manresa -55 Km far away from Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain)- is part of the platform of artistic fairs set up by the Catalan government (Department of Culture). It is organised by a foundation, with a staff of 7 professionals who works throughout the year. It generates an induced economic impact -studie by University of Deusto- of 9 million € at arts and culture sector. Each euro invested by public institutions gives seve € in return. In 2009 it made 1.650 artistic contracts possible.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the foundation is to organize Fira Mediterrània de Manres, an interdisciplinary trade fair for new artistic creations inspired by Mediterranean cultural traditions and roots.

Main Projects / Activities

14th edition of Fira Mediterrània will be held from 3rd to 6th November 2011. Its main aim is to help the selected artists to be contracted by attending delegates: 1.116 from 24 countries in 2010. There are about 145 groups and companies (music, theatre, circus and dance) and 250 shows and other activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tere Almar - Director Artistic
Head of the organisation
Lídia Hinojo
Contact (2) Full Name
Lídia Hinojo - Professionals Registrations